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Author Topic: 2026 Fan Art Calendar Guidelines  (Read 622 times)


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2026 Fan Art Calendar Guidelines
« on: February 10, 2025, 12:42:09 PM »

The theme for the 2025 EQ Fan Art Calendar is: Long Friendships

**You may use characters from the original quest to the final quest but, you must do your best not to spoil things for those who have not yet read the most recent installment of the series**

Submissions for the 2026 Calendar are being accepted:
March 1, 2025, through September 1, 2025


Submitted artwork should represent the theme "Long Friendships", please show characters and their long-lasting friendships in the Elfquest series. While lovemates/lifemates may fall under long-lasting relationships please ensure all submissions have an element of friendship to properly reflect the theme. 

IMPORTANT: I will accept some representation of 'friendship' with places or objects. For example Pike and dreamberries. This won't be the case with most characters but there are a few who have a close friend-type relationship with items or places. 


Read carefully...

If you would like to participate please email me (at the new Fan Calendar Gmail: elfquestfanartcalendar@gmail.com) to let me know you plan on submitting something for the 2026 calendar. Along with the following information:

Your Name:
EQFA User Name:
Email Address:

No need to give details about your submission at this time, just let me know that you want to get involved. Once your email is received I will change your primary member group so you can access the secret fan calendar thread (if you are a member of EQFA). If you are not a member of EQFA you will receive email updates from me to keep you informed. 

Feel free to use the hidden thread to discuss ideas, themes etc. As always I would like to keep the calendar varied, so chatting a bit about characters and themes is a good way to help make that happen.

This year an email letting me know you want to participate is how you will get into the calendar hideout but not how you will get into the participant list. For this, I would like a sketch. Once your sketch is received you will be added to the participant list, your character choice will be locked in and I will plan for you to finish your submission and have it in by the deadline of September 1, 2025.

The number of submissions required: 11

Please use the Fan Calendar Hideout or Fan Calendar Gmail to give updates on your progress. This will help determine if we have enough entries for the calendar. If at any time you feel you cannot continue with your submission send a message, there won't be any hard feelings.

You will have approx. 6 months to finish your piece. There will be no extensions, September 1, 2025, is the final day for submissions. Now that I have permanent permission to post the printed version I would like to get that up on Zazzle by December 1, 2025.

You may submit up to three entries for the calendar but before you contemplate that second or third entry you must first finish and submit one entry to Maggie.


You may work in groups of two if that makes things easier for you. Please let me know who you will work with when you sign up.

How you work in your group is totally up to you. One of you may supply a sketch for the other to ink and colour or you may work together to complete the scene. It doesn't matter so long as you both agree.


Entries must be original artwork created specifically for the calendar. The use of photos or "borrowed" art for backgrounds is not allowed.

Entries must not be available for the general public to view online until the okay is given for general sharing. Before then, any entries found online in any form (thumbnails, crops, etc.) will be disqualified and removed.

Canon Elfquest characters (of any race) only. No what-if characters (i.e., Worldpool).

PG-13 or under. 


**Please make sure your submissions are the correct size. Any submissions that are not 3300x2550 pixels or 11 x 8.5 inches at 300dpi will not be accepted**

All entries should be in full colour with a full background. No font please (this does not include your signature or mark used to sign your work).

Size: 11"x 8.5" (pictures must be landscape oriented - wider than they are tall)

Resolution: 3300 x 2550 pixels (11" x 8.5" at 300dpi)

File format: JPEG/PNG format only

IMPORTANT: I am no longer adding a white border to the printed version of the calendar so please leave about a half-inch around the edge of your work, that doesn't contain any important elements. I don't want arms cut off or a hole in a character's head. I cannot be responsible if bits get cut off on the printed version. To be safe leave room around the edges of your work, with all important elements safely in the center. 

I will no longer put credits and titles on the individual submissions for the printed version of the calendar. These details will now go on the back of the calendar, so consider this when you decide on a title, there isn't a lot of space, so try and keep it short where possible.


Please email your full-sized entry to Maggie (the new email for submissions is: elfquestfanartcalendar@gmail.com). Email directly (using the new address) when you have an entry ready to be submitted. Submissions should now be named, using the title of your submission and the artist credit you want to use (for example: Vintage by Maggie Atkinson). Do not embed your image, attach it to the email. Entries should be received by midnight CST, September 1, 2025.


The artist's credit will be used for credits on the calendar/website.


The eleven winners will be chosen by a panel of judges (if more than 11 entries are submitted).

The finished calendar will be available for download at elfquestfanart.com. In addition, the calendar may be published and available for purchase on Zazzle.


Any questions about the calendar may be asked and answered on this thread or PM/email Maggie.

Don't know what this is all about, check out the current and past Fan Art Calendars here: http://www.elfquestfanart.com/index.php?action=fanartc


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Re: 2026 Fan Art Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2025, 12:55:29 PM »

Please submit any queries or artwork (Fan Calendar specific) to the newly designated email address: elfquestfanartcalendar@gmail.com ;D
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