Berit's Solo RPG!
Solo RPG means it's just my playing against the dice! so I am going to use my characters and some characters from Elfquest, and before anyone gets upset, this version of the EQ world will have many differences to canon EQ as the setting will be the same as in the previous RPG, the mystery mist thing!...
if I roll 1, no matter what circumstances, that means fail!.
at times there will be moment where I might be able to find new areas if I get the number asked or over.
and difference for this is that characters will be able to get more skills (in their character sheets) those numbers will help them succeed in fights, hunting, searching and whatever.
Character Sheets!
Your HP always starts at 3 points and you get to use 26 points as a starter to add as you want. also write down three skills your character has, all those skills will start at level one but you can skill up as you play. after that choose three items the character has in his/her posession, you don't need to write clothes or decorative items if they serve no hidden purposes.
Empty example sheets
Name: (characters name)
HP: (starts with 3, character is knocked out if it reaches 0)
Magic: (write down what magig and the numeb means how many times a day character may use said skills)
Fighting: (how good at fighting character is)
Strenght: (how strong character is)
Speed: (how fast character is, fastest characters get to hit first in a fight)
Craft: (how good character is crafting stuff and using his hands on delicate things)
Acrobatics: (how good character is stying on tree branches and similar things)
Illness resistance: (how likely character is to avoid getting ill)
Magic resistance: (makes harmfull spells less likely to cause damage but healing this character is also harder)
Endurance: (how long character can keep up doing physical stuff and shake off damage)
Berit's characters
Name: Marut
HP: 3
Magic: 0
Fighting: 0
Strenght: 5
Speed: 10
Craft: 4
Acrobatics: 0
Illness resistance: 5
Magic resistance: 0
Endurance: 2
Skills: Hunting, skinning, leatherworking,
Items/Weapons: Bow, Knife, Large bag,
Name: Tomi
HP: 3
Magic: 0
Fighting: 5
Strenght: 1
Speed: 3
Craft: 5
Acrobatics: 5
Illness resistance: 1
Magic resistance: 0
Endurance: 5
Skills: Stealth, Wood working, Fighting,
Items/Weapons: Curved dagger, Straight dagger, Small axe,