I personally would like to continue with the calendar. I enjoy it and it's one of the main reasons I took over running the site all those years back. I didn't want to see it go by the wayside.
I feel if there's no calendar then there isn't as much point to keeping the site going as there is when we all try to collectively share our love of EQ, even if it just once a year.
I feel like that makes up for the fact that we aren't always able to post artwork here on a regular basis.
That being said, I want peoples honest view on this. I am paying to keep the site running, which is fine if there's something to look forward to, like the calendar but not as much if there's little to no interest.
I'm all for going back to themes, I wanted to try assigning months etc. as it seemed to make a bit more sense if only because not as many people participate and I wanted to get a well rounded selection of characters but if themes are preferred we can go back to that.
So, let's discuss a few themes (providing there are at least 12 of you who want in on this).
It would be great to get a few theme ideas that we all like, that way once we've decided on a theme we can all have quite a bit of time to work on entries this year. Which should help those of you with very little time on your hands.
Also, the cover. I know it has almost always been the case that the person organizing the calendar does the cover but I would be just as happy to take a month and let someone else have the honor. But I don't want to put someone on the spot at all, I know doing the cover can be a bit of a task, given that you have to find a way to represent the theme in the best way possible.
Still I think it would be nice to rotate that job but I wanted to see how you feel about it.