On some previous questions:
cooking more than baking, because I can correct things more easily. Baking gone wrong is... well, gone wrong.
There are some dishes, though I am not entirely certain how far they count as truly regional and traditional. And if one does not eat e.g. fish, this will already bring up a few dishes. But there should be Saumagen dishes or Saure Flecke. Both are about innards. Also "Mett" (raw minced meat) is not my thing, onions, salt and pepper or not. (Fried is something different.)
Mashed potatoes (in different degrees of mashedness) is a popular starch base here, too; nutmeg is not entirely uncommon with it.
The Dutch cuisine would be interesting to explore. The few times I was there... well, Lekker smullen in Febo. De lekkerste. ;-)
So that was mostly just fast food / junk(?) food.
But then, yes, there should be more spices. At least there is sometimes Sambal Oelek or peanut sauce (satay sauce).
Umm... for the remainder of this year? I assume Christmas (German: Weihnachten, lit. holy night(s) / consecrated night(s); 24th (Heiligabend lit.: holy evening), 25th and 26nd of Dec.).
There are few other public holidays til then, besides the Advent sundays and the non-spare-time Nikolaus (Sinterklaas, St. Nicholas, which is the 6th of Dec.) (As far as I know the Dutch people are more into Sinterklaas; and Kerstfest is a little less popular. Here Christmas is about the biggest thing, followed by Easter, Pentecost and New Year.)
Well, re-unification day, 3rd of October. When divided Germany became one country again. I'd wish that for the Korean people, too, however, without repeating the mistakes we made during this process.
(Halloween is not that much here, though commerce is trying to push it. For us, there is Reformation Day, when Martin Luther's 95 theses were put to the doors of the church (and he sent letters with them in all directions). Catholics rather have Allerseelen. There are also Totensonntag (Sunday of the Deceased) and regional Buß- und Bettag (day for prayers and repentance).)
Well. A question is needed.
What atmosphere do you prefer for drawing your EQ art? Are there any prerequisites?