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Author Topic: Tell us about yourself  (Read 19073 times)


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #25 on: December 21, 2019, 08:30:21 AM »

I see I never posted in this thread, but I think I introduced myself somewhere else, probably in the early days. I wouldn't even know where to begin, I feel most might know a lot already..? Perhaps we could answer each others questions for a change?

How about the one that answers the question then asks another, and someone else can reply to that?
My question to the first person to answer: Who do you consider closest to you? Friend, relative, partner... And what is it that made you bond that way?


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2019, 01:50:11 AM »

Heya! I'll hop aboard!

I'm closest to a friend, (talking about you, Czarine!) I think we hit it off pretty well as we both had similar interests and we are both a bit reserved in certain ways... plus RPGs have deepened our bond!... and to the people who don't know, No, we are not dating!... (people tend to ask this a lot)...

Hmmh, then I'll ask to the next person... what is the worst smell you know?...


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #27 on: December 27, 2019, 09:59:40 AM »

I'll take this one Berit!

The worst smell I know is my husband's feet. He's an executive sous-chef and works very long hours so his feet tend to get a little sweaty. When he comes home from work (and takes his shoes off) it smells like vomit and some kind of rotten cheese mixed together with sweat (ew...sorry to be so graphic...haha). It is very pungent. It is the kind of thing you've never smelled before and hope to never smell again.  ;D

My question is: Are you inspired by other artists (you may consider better than yourself), or is looking at others work more likely to make you uninspired?


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #28 on: January 04, 2020, 04:22:26 PM »

Hell-o and Happy New beginnings to y'all.

AFKE - I bond to my friendships with common interests; My closest friend is bound by time (known her since 5th grade) and of all our group we have become the most the same in view and temperament over the last (ahem) decades.  Catwin is my favorite and closest art friend.  She is fearless when it comes to any art schemes or plans. So . . .I would say that I am fortunate to have a double handful of closest friends each to their own (category?) And I am grateful they put up with me because I talk a lot-and listen a lot.

BERIT - Overwhelming cat urine smell is a "trigger" smell for me. Nuff said *shivers*

MAGGIE - I believe I have a wheel house of people who inspired me as an artist, and yes all of them are better artist then I. But I see that every artist is better at something than me in some truly admirable way.   Not to sound like a corndoggie person (however true) Everybody on this site amazes me and inspires me.  There is a dab of every great artist I have ever studied in Art History - Here, in everyone.

Question:   What is your most memorial EQ moment that you Truly realized "zinged" through out your Life?  My example would be- Venka, When she says she was not taught to hate.  I had that luxury from my Grandparents when they continued my upbringing.  I value it.

OC / PC    ChangeStone  _    SweetWater Holt


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #29 on: January 05, 2020, 07:55:45 AM »

I think I have many such moments, because there's so much I learned from this very very long story.
What comes to mind now though, is young Dart standing up for himself and what he wants in life, even if that's something nobody else would do or expect. He can't help but be himself.

New question!
Now that there's a new year there's always talk of resolutions... I believe in making these whenever I feel the need to change, not necessarily now. But is there something you'd like to change in your life this year, something new you might like to try or learn? Do you also have an idea how to achieve this?


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #30 on: January 05, 2020, 02:01:26 PM »

I'll take this! I personally would like to cure from depression, it's a thing I've suffered my life from and I'm taking steps to recovery, it is slow but possible... I am currently in therapy for it, I'd also like to learn how to trust people, but I think that is something that will take even longer to heal...

the question: What was the moment when you felt that you loved something, not a person but something else, like wind or a season or something like that, what happened?...


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #31 on: January 19, 2020, 04:20:56 AM »

I fell in love with fall/autumn when I was 12 years old. I had moved back home from living two years abroad. Many good things happened that fall, many bad things too, but all in all, good. I got closer to my older sister, met my old friends again. But most of all, I remember how blue the sky was. In Greece the air pollution is very high, it was so strange to look up and see how deeply blue the sky could be. It was mesmerizing.

Question: What kind of nature do you guys enjoy the most? The coast, the forest or somewhere else?
"I know some think me a fool, or that I am too quick with my tongue, or too ready with the blade -- but I live by my own honor, my Way. I would give my life for any of you."


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #32 on: January 19, 2020, 10:26:23 AM »

I think my favourite kind of nature has something to do with the sea. I've always loved how the sea smells, and enjoyed long, barefoot walks on a sandy beach in the evening or early morning. There's something very powerful in watching waves crash on a stony shore, or watching a distant thunderstorm out at sea. At the same time, I'm also frightened of it and its depths. Many a time a wave has swept me underwater when I was swimming at the sea, and I've learned not to go too deep.

I love fish and aquariums, so it kinda goes with the sea element. :) I've lived most of my life inland, so I haven't been able to access the sea so often, so I guess it has stayed mysterious and unique to me.

Question: What are you addicted to? This can be also in a positive way. ;)


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #33 on: January 21, 2020, 11:55:46 AM »

Well, this is a negative one for sure. Coca-cola is my addiction. I'm trying to quit but so far I've had little luck.

Question: If you could have any control in how you were to die, be it in your sleep of old age or something else, how would you? If this is too triggering, who is your favorite musician?
"I know some think me a fool, or that I am too quick with my tongue, or too ready with the blade -- but I live by my own honor, my Way. I would give my life for any of you."


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #34 on: January 25, 2020, 04:53:41 AM »

If I had control of I where to die? I would either die saving someone else or among one of my walks to nature, Imagine knowing you will die and just finding a peaceful place among nature. sitting down and looking at all the lush life around you... no humans to disturb you, as you lay down on the moss you take comfort in the thought that you shall feed the animals in the forest helping them live at least a day longer and by doing so basically become part of them, parts of you shall live in them as structures of your flesh becomes structures of their flesh. with this you slip away peacefully...

I'd prefer my body was never found by human hands, I do not want them to disturb me in my resting place the way they have disturbed me countless times in life, I'd finally be free of humankind...

and my question, if you could suddenly eat something inedible, metal, plastic, you name it! what would you like to taste first?...


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #35 on: January 26, 2020, 08:47:59 AM »

Glass! I wonder if the different colours would have different flavours. And would the shapes/usage influence the taste as well? Would a soft pink wine-glass taste different than the windshield of a car or the green glass of a beerbottle?

My question, if you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be and why?


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #36 on: January 27, 2020, 01:05:29 PM »

So let's see what's in...

> Afke
> Q: Who do you consider closest to you? Friend, relative, partner... And what is it that made you bond that way?

Phew. Hard to say. I might be a bit careful when it comes to bondings. I do have a lot of friends, and a family (at least the part that is still alive). But who is closest? Not entirely sure. But I guess it might still be my mom.

> Berit
> Q: What is the worst smell you know?

Well, I have witnessed a lot of smells. Soft scent of things but also unbearable stench.

some solvents, plain hydrocarbons: not overly strong usually, but not really pleasant either
Amines: fairly strong sometimes, quite biting (ammonia as base compound, old toilets, urea decomposition, you know) (some compounds can be a lot nastier, e.g. putrescine / cadaverine)
Bromine: bromos (greek, "the stench"), well, it's a pure halogen, so it's stinging your nose, obviously
Stannyles: subtle smell, but invoking nausea (can't find something equivalent, but believe me you wouldn't like it. It's subtle, but still nasty.)
CS2 / H2S / Me2S / Me2SH: straight-forward offensive stench ("fart" and rotten eggs or pea soup left to stand 14 days in sunshine in a closed vessel, then opened)
R2PH: often with a sharp stench, rarely pleasant (people say it reminds them of garlic, but while garlic is kind of pleasant, this isn't, and the compounds are chemically different from anything garlic)
rotting (aerobic) sewage sludge: whoa, that stuff isn't artificial at all, thus it reminds you of things that you definitely should keep away from
R2Se / RSeH: nearly always unbearable stench, instantly hitting you
H2N-para-Ph-COOEt (Benzocaine): a fist right into the nerves of your nose, I think my nose hurt and I couldn't smell for an hour
I heard that TeH2 might be very nasty, too, but I haven't witnessed it. Yet. ;)
Also some things like smoking HCl, Cl2 and the likes will just sting and corrode your mucosas.

But I don't really have "psychological bonds" towards these smells so it is usually just plain displeasant.

> Maggie
> Q: Are you inspired by other artists (you may consider better than yourself), or is looking at others work more likely to make you uninspired?

Again, hard to answer. If you compare yourself to the bests you might demotivate yourself a lot. (Or strive to get like them. Probably depends.)
But I do like to look at arts, thus I am definitely looking at other people's work. And of course I also do relate this now to other areas, music, science and so on.
Of course everyone is somehow inspired, influenced by others. You grow up by imitating your parents, idols, whatever.
So yes, I am most likely inspired by other people's art.
At calendard picture time I sometimes just look at random art and try to figure out how they technically did things. E.g. that sometimes light reflexes are actually just plain white spots.

> Tah-Marien
> Q: What is your most memorial EQ moment...

There are a lot of moments that were interesting, impressive. Nothing life-changing maybe, or something that would work as a kind of verdict to apply to my own life.
But then, when I started reading it I might have seen it with different eyes that today.

> afke
> New Year's resolutions
> Q: ... is there something you'd like to change in your life this year, something new you might like to try or learn? Do you also have an idea how to achieve this?

Probably a lot. :)
But there's wanting it, then taking the right steps and actually achieving it. Three different things.

It's a bit hard for me since I often feel like I am a little nutshell in the ocean of life. You know. Not the hammer. Not even the anvil. Rather the thing in-between that gets hammered.
I'd like to be in charge of my own life, but this is something you can hardly achieve in a western society.

For the simpler things: Maybe get into a relation, more spare time (means cutting out more things, dropping time-wasters) and energy to be creative and have time for my own self, do (even) more sports (already succeeded so far). But there is the burden of my specification, my qualification in science that usually leads to mediocrely paid jobs with high demand in time and nerves.
Oh, and get better in using several programs (darktable, inkscape, blender, /bin/bash, ... ). Also tinkering and coding. And traveling would be nice.

> Berit
> Q:What was the moment when you felt that you loved something, not a person but something else, like wind or a season or something like that, what happened?...

There was no "moment" where "it hit me".
I love being outsides in my favourite places in nature - in the absence of human life (or at least loud, extroverted people that get on my nerves). I usually feel great. Simple as that.
Sometimes I feel the pain, though, cause I see that this is being destroyed by all those blind folks. Regardless if it is trees that get sick due to the climate catastrophy, or if it simply is platic litter in the middle of a forest.

The other thing is certain kind of music. I just feel like I lift off the ground.

> Startear
> Q: What kind of nature do you guys enjoy the most? The coast, the forest or somewhere else?

Easy and uneasy to answer at the same time.
Forest. Ponds. Lakes. Coast. Rocks and mountains. Trees, plants, mushroom. Animals. Weatherscapes. Snow. Mild spring weather. All of it.
Plus: I like sciences. This also is nature. When you look at the very chemistry happening, something under a microscope and you have a faint grasp of the greatness you are witnessing...

> Czarine
> Q: What are you addicted to? This can be also in a positive way.

Addiction might be a hard term, but anyway. I like things related to chocolate. I also like cheese and most yoghurts or some other milk derivatives. Well, generally a lot of foods.
I have a thing for a certain music. And nature, obviously. I used to like computer gaming but hardly find the time. P&P role playing and LARP. Not a strict addiction, but I'd not feel well without it.
Elves. Did I mention elves?

> Startear
> Q: If you could have any control in how you were to die, be it in your sleep of old age or something else, how would you? If this is too triggering, who is your favorite musician?

1. Hard to say. But what Berit wrote sounds fairly pleasant.
2. Too many to mention. ;)

> Berit
> Q: If you could suddenly eat something inedible, metal, plastic, you name it! what would you like to taste first?.

A bit weird to imagine. But yes, maybe there was something. It's a group of chemical compounds.

> Wildfire
> Q: If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be and why?

I'm doing well with kittens. Though dogs can be fun, too. Or birds. Some mice a really cute. I probably won't utter any super-exotic wishes here like ice bears, armadillos or dragons. ;) Kitteh is fine.

In lack of something else at this late hour here...
What do you think is the purpose of life?


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #37 on: February 07, 2020, 06:09:22 PM »

What a truly complex question. I'm sure there are many answers to what do you think is the purpose of life? I like the idea that being happy and helping others to be happy in their daily lives might be the purpose of life. It seems simple but in my experience it isn't an easy thing to do.

Question: If you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be?


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #38 on: February 08, 2020, 09:49:24 PM »

Three wishes? well I've actually though about this sometimes... My wishes would be...

1. For humans to have more empathy, if every one had more empathy there wouldn't be that much crime nor assholes around
2. For humans to have frigging brains! there is too many stupid parents killing their children and pets
3. a portal to my own fantasy world, I could leave this dung behind and live there!

And my question, if you suddenly had the power that your next drawing would become real, what would you draw? (can be a character or item, anything, really!)


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #39 on: March 10, 2020, 09:33:29 AM »

That's a hard question. You could choose a dead relative or one of the characters from Twilight (haha). I'd probably end up drawing a favorite character from a book or comic and then have to explain where the heck they came from.

My question is: Would you rather be stranded on a deserted island alone or with a person you don’t like?


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #40 on: March 11, 2020, 11:15:34 AM »

With a person I don't like. Who knows, maybe we have something in common? One of my best friends in high school was a girl that I definitely didn't like at first and vice versa. Regardless, having no company, no help, no nothing sounds awful.

My question: If you couldn't do (job/school) what you do now (for whatever reason), what would you do instead?

(re: Berits question about drawings coming to life, would they look like your drawing? This feels like a djinn's trap)


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #41 on: March 11, 2020, 12:54:29 PM »

That question feels in reverse for me, haha. I kinda feel like I'm doing the "instead" right now. That's just what happens when you don't have much control over your health/energy for years and years, and just try to do whatever you can, whatever comes your way. I don't think in terms of career, rather just "balance between work and my life" (I might have thought about career 20 years ago, because that's what's expected -- but I don't really care that much about what I do for work, as long as I can do what I want in my spare time). I've stumbled into my line of work (library) because of my situation as well, I hadn't really considered it before, but I could get in doing volunteer work, which eventually turned into paid part-time hours. 14 years next month. :)
So to answer your question in reverse: I originally saw myself as an illustrator.

Next question:
What do you feel people should be more aware of? (Speaking personally or globally, or anything in between)


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #42 on: March 16, 2020, 05:20:52 AM »

History. Sounds strange, eh? But what I am talking about is that a lot of people have a deep misunderstanding of the subject. It is unfortunate that many think of history as "back then." Very few realize how vast history is, and that what happened in history still have ramifications today, both politically and for our identities. From bigger things like the concentration camps in Europe to smaller things like what colors the Greeks used on their statues. And that our opinions of history is history too.

What is your favorite book, and why? Also, how are you guys doing in these Corona times?

« Last Edit: March 16, 2020, 05:24:26 AM by Startear »
"I know some think me a fool, or that I am too quick with my tongue, or too ready with the blade -- but I live by my own honor, my Way. I would give my life for any of you."


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #43 on: May 11, 2020, 03:27:35 PM »

My favorite book would have to be DragonSong by Anne McCaffery. I was handed it when I was 11 and thought I hated big books with no pictures. But the story pulled me in. A girl who loved singing and dragons, what's not to love? I'm doing okay in these stressful times. Mostly on lockdown as I have a compromised immune system and a 6-month-old baby. But it's given me a chance to be home with her a lot and I've been able to move out of my artist block to start creating work again.

  What cartoon do you still like to watch?


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #44 on: May 12, 2020, 03:19:13 PM »

I still love watching Mark Brown's Arthur (which started off as a series of books but then also became an animated series). I know it's meant for children but I've always loved the characters and the little bit of added content made to satisfy the adult in the room.

I happened to catch an episode the other day (one I haven't seen - The Friend Who Wasn't There) that was about imaginary friends, and when Buster (my favorite character) told his classmates about his imaginary friends (Billy Snailgoat, Frumpus, Junior, Pudding Pal, Top-Eye and Xenon) I have to admit I had a bit of a laughing fit.

I also watch Arthur's Perfect Christmas every year in December.  ;D

Question: Have you ever met a celebrity, if so was the experience positive or negative?



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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #45 on: May 13, 2020, 11:41:27 PM »

I never heard of Mark Brown's Arthur, it does looks super likable! :love

Hmmm... I don't know if I can count my encounters as celebrities or not... all of them are art related, I guess. I met Hayao Miyazaki in '98 at the Berlinale. He was very, very kind and my Japanese still very bad. :lol
He gave my his signature, which I still hold dear.
Also, I met Glen Keane in '95, one of the most famous Disney animators and one of my absolute role models when it comes to art. This was a really intense meeting, as we talked to him and his family for almost one hour. He drew me a picture, gave me tips on art and just was the kindest person! And all that in the middle of the night!
I got the chance to meet Wendy and Richard Pini twice! Also super positive experience. At our first meeting, I received a drawing of Nightfall, how awesome is that!
Besides that, I met some famous German actors. So far, everybody has been pretty relaxed and kind. So yeah, definitely positive.

Question: Do you like or hate to cook? And why do you like or hate to cook?


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #46 on: May 14, 2020, 03:08:07 AM »

Treefox, that is so cool!

I love cooking. I consider it to be very similar to art, in that you have ingridients amd make stuff. It is very satisfying to take different ingridients and make some make a meal out of it. Also, when you've cooked for a while, then you can control what you personally like and change it to suit your needs that day.

Question: what is your biggest regret? 
"I know some think me a fool, or that I am too quick with my tongue, or too ready with the blade -- but I live by my own honor, my Way. I would give my life for any of you."


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #47 on: May 17, 2020, 02:35:31 PM »

That made me think a lot.
Not being assertive enough so often in my past?
I guess that might be something. I do have a bunch of regrets for here and there, but I know that I (sadly) can't turn the wheel of time back - so I try to live with the situation and proceed forwards. I still do have my regrets.

And sometimes I wonder if I should have taken more action, been more active. Often one is more clever afterwards and in hindsight, but usually you'll never really know if option B or C would have been better or worse.

> celebrities
Would probably need to define what is a celebrity.
Stars from film and pop-music: Never really met.
From the ones you might know: Yes, Brandon McKinney. He was nice. Met him at a local book fair, by now quite long ago, 2002 maybe.
Look at my avatar and you know whom he drew for me. :)
From the ones probably nobody knows around here: Yes, partially. Once a professor who is a luminary on his area. Was a good meeting. Then a short visit of a NP winner, but most people were too much in awe to talk to him. I think he was nice, but we just exchanged a few words.
And been close to some bands in concerts which I liked.

> Hayao Miyazaki
The one? The Ghibli one?

> cooking
I like cooking. I just wish I had more time for it.
Well, somehow I do this... kind-of as a profession.

> What is your favorite book, and why? Also, how are you guys doing in these Corona times?
Feels like I am working way too much. Spare time is canceled, but you still gotta work.
On the other hand, better have a job these times than none.
Corona sucks, I hate the virus, not the measures.
I like many books, fantasy novels as well as scientific text books. Need more time to read them. I don't have one that I could pick and say it's my absolute favourite. Though there might be some which stand out more.
This might even change with aging, some don't. ;)

> What do you feel people should be more aware of?
Environmental aspects. Surveillance. Corruption throughout politics, no matter in which part of the world.

> If you couldn't do (job/school) what you do now (for whatever reason), what would you do instead?
Rambling around aimlessly?
I don't know. Probably I'd have to try to discover other abilities and qualifications?
Well, teaching, maybe.

>  Would you rather be stranded on a deserted island alone or with a person you don’t like?
Alone, please.

> And my question, if you suddenly had the power that your next drawing would become real, what would you draw? (can be a character or item, anything, really!)
Uh, oh.
Meta-wish: I'd draw that I can draw more of these things. ;)
Maybe myself in a position where I could actually improve the world?

> Question: If you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be?
First: Meta-wish that I had more wishes. :P
And partially the same what Berit wrote.

Well, the questions are often fairly easy to answer, but putting up a new question seems hard for me.
Uh, well, I hope we didn't have something like that already.

Imagine you had the chance to talk to the Pinis and ask one or two questions, or utter a plea. What would it be?


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #48 on: July 07, 2024, 03:59:33 AM »

Hmm, perhaps breathe some new air into this thread... I think we all were too intimidated by the last question, haha.

I would probably say something along the lines of what I wrote in the big thank you book that was made by fans a while back. Yes, I would mostly thank them. I don't think I really have any questions lingering on my mind..? The final quest felt like a nice big wrap up to me. Although with some things in it, it may feel like there was no room to pause and elaborate. So I guess my question would be if they felt rushed to get it done, get the whole rest of the story out, because you never know how long you have left.

New question: What do you do when you feel like you are too much in your head, how do you calm down, or get into a state of relaxation?


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Re: Tell us about yourself
« Reply #49 on: July 10, 2024, 06:25:22 AM »

Oooh, that's a great idea, Afke! I completely forgot about this thread.

And a good question as well. I think a lot of us sometimes or often fee like they are too much in their heads, or there is simply going to much in their heads or they tend to ponder endlessly at night. Well for me it's like that very often.
And I have struggled long to find something that works. So, I tried to learn how to meditate. As I am a person that struggles severly with concentration it was very hard work and took a really, really long time to feel any results. But I must say that finally I am able to stay more relaxed and am able to sleep so much better!

New question: how do you motivate yourself to learn something new? Something that isn't coming to you naturally?
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