Edit: Thanks for pointing out, Berit! Somehow the scandinavian letters ä & ö had been corrupted, maybe that's why it won't show anything!
Hey Berit, here comes the cavalry!
I paid a visit to the local library, where I found some of the volumes in finnish. I left out the ones you translated already, unless I found something new about them. I also left out the ones that weren't descriptive, because they weren't translated in the issues. I don't think I found all the characters' names (I couldn't find the first 1-3 volumes of the 1990-series, nor the volumes 1, 2, 5 and 11-21 of the 2005-series), but maybe they can be found later?
Timmorn Yelloweyes - Timmorn Keltasilmä (Yellow-Eye)
Rahnee the She-Wolf - Rahnee naarassusi
Prey-Pacer - Riistanmieli/Riistannoutaja (Prey-Mind/Prey-Retriever)
Twospear - Kaksikeihäs (Swiftspear - Nopsakeihäs)
Huntress Skyfire - Metsästäjätär Taivaantuli
Freefoot - Kevytjalka/Vapaajalka (Lightfoot/Freefoot)
Tanner - Nahkuri (Skinner) (Oakroot - Tammenjuuri)
Goodtree - Hyväpuu
Mantricker - Ihmisennnarraaja
WOLFRIDERS - Sudenratsastajat
Woodlock - Puutöyhtö/Puunkutri (Woodhackle/Woodlock)
Moonshade - Kuunvarjo (Moonshadow...well, basically the same)
Rainsong - Sateenlaulu
Nightfall - Illanhämy (Dusk)
Scouter - Tähyäjä (Out-Looker (like "lookout"))
Dart - Nuoli (Arrow)
Suntop - Sädetukka (Rayhair)
Foxfur - Ketunturkki/Ketunkarva (Foxpelt/Foxfur)
Shale - Savikivi (Claystone)
Crescent - Puolikuu
Rillfisher - Puropyytäjä (Rillcatcher)
Nightrunner - Yökulkija (Nightwanderer or Nightwalker)
Blackfell - Mustaturkki/Mustakaato (Blackpelt/Blackfell)
Choplicker - Nuolihuuli (Arrowlip)
Smoketreader - Savunkävijä
Firecoat - Tuliturkki (Firepelt)
Woodshaver - Metsänkiitäjä (Woodracer)
Briersting - Tappurapisto
Lionskin - Puumanturkki (Cougarpelt)
Trollhammer - Peikkovasara
Whitebrow - Valkokulma
Bristlebrush - Harjashäntä (Bristletail)
Snapper - Lousku
GLIDERS - Liitäjät
Winnowill - Tuulenpesä (Windsnest)
Door - Ovi
Egg - Muna
Brace - Tuki (Support)
SUN FOLK - Aurinkoväki
Savah Mother of Memory - Savah Muistojen äiti
TROLLS - Peikot
Greymung - Harmaahurtta (Greyhound)
Old Maggoty - Vanha Matolainen (maybe Old Wormy?)
Guttlekraw - Ahmikupu (Guzzlebelly)
Scurff - Hilsimys (Scurfy)
Wadsack - Kuonapussi (Slagbag)
Pusgums - Ienvisva (Gumpus)
Itchback - Kutkaselkä
PRESERVERS - Pysyttäjät (Keepers)
Petalwing - Kukkasiipi (Flowerwing)
High Ones - Korkeat
Go-Backs - Palaajat (Returners)
Madcoil - Hullukäämi/Hullukerä (both names mean the same, but the first one reminds me of an inductor (which sounds weird), while the latter has a broader meaning (and sounds better, imo.)
Here are the published volumes. Only the five first coloured volumes of the Original Quest were published in 1990. After that, it was in 2005 when they started to publish the series again in black and white (manga-format?). That's why some character's and volume's names have two different translations. I think they didn't bother to check the old ones.
Interestingly, they did decide to name the SaBM issues individually (at least I didn't find any english versions).
There are also some parts of the other books translated, because the 2005- comics started somewhat chronologically from the Blood of Ten Chiefs, instead of the Original Quest. They stitched together some pieces of the stories.
1. Fire and Flight - Pako tulen alta (Escape from the Fire)
2. Raid at Sorrow's End - Ryöstöretki/Hyökkäys surujen päähän (Raid/Attack at the Sorrow's End)
3. The Challenge - Haaste
4. Wolfsong - Sudenlaulu/Susien laulu (the latter is "Wolves' Song")
5. Voice of the Sun - Auringon ääni
6. The Heart's Way - Sydämen tie
7. The Quest Begins - Vaellus alkaa
8. The Dreamberry Tales - Peikkojen vallassa (Under the Trolls' Power)
9. Hands of the Symbolmaker - Kuvaintekijän kädet (Hands of the Picturemaker)
10. The Lodestone - Taikakivi (Magicstone)
11. The Forbidden Grove - Kielletty viita
12. Lair of the Bird-Spirits - Lintuhenkien luola (Cave of the Bird-Spirits)
13. What is the Way? - Neuvonpitoa (Councel)
14. The Secret of the Wolfriders - Sudenratsastajien salaisuus
15. The Fall - Kuilun partaalla (At the Edge of the Gorge)
16. The Quest Usurped - Petolinnun kynnet (The Predator's Talons)
17. The Go-Backs - Palaajat
18. The First War - Ensimmäinen sota
19. The Treasure - Aarre
20. The Quest's End - Matkan pää
1. Sinivuoren vangit (Captives of Blue Mountain)
2. Tuulenpesän kosto (Winnowill's Revenge)
3. Sotarummut (Wardrums)
4. Pysyttäjät (The Preservers)
5. Aurinkoväki tulee (The Sunfolk Arrive)
6. Sinivuoren portti (The Gate of Blue Mountain)
7. Voitto (Victory)
2. The Phantom Berry Patch - Marjapaikan haamu (The Ghost of the Berry Patch)
5. The Broken Circle - Hajonnut piiri
19. Scavengers - Aarteen kaivuu (Treasuredigging)
Trollgames and Soulnames - Peikonpelejä ja sielunimiä
5. Starfall, Starrise - Tähdennousu, Tähdenlasku
- Lehdon karkurit (The Holt's Runaways)
Eclipse of the Heart(?) - Pimennyksen tarina (The Tale of the Eclipse)
Furflower's Gift - Puhalluskukan lahja (Blowflower's Gift)
Courage, By Any Other Name - Hiljaista rohkeutta (Quiet Courage)