Though many of you may not know it, this site has always had a "Rants" section that was only visible to members above a certain post count. Recently there was an argument that took place there that resulted in a member deleting their account, so we're at a crossroads trying to decide whether any changes are called for. We think there are, but we'd like feedback from others
A little background......While initially Kael and I described the Rants! section as a place to "use your teeth", we quickly learned that this community was a bit gentler than many of the folks on the internet. They were still...well...polite.
So the forum really turned more into a place where people could bare a little more of their hearts and get support from other members. Which was AWESOME, but...well, a very different sort of place than what I thought of as a rants forum. When this started to happen, Kael and I probably should have recognized this trend and separated the two areas; ranting about your personal life is very different from Ranting(TM).
So what
is a Rants Forum(TM)?
A (not-so-)little history......once upon a time a young and innocent couple of geeks became part of an online community that was very vibrant. One of the most fascinating yet terrifying areas of this otherwise-cilivized forum was the Rants Board. We saw normally civil and compassionate people saying the most horrific and un-PC things! It was abhorrent at first. But then we began to realize that much of what they said,
they didn't mean. And even those who replied with equally angry language and disagreement
still liked each other. It gave new meaning to the phrase "verbal sparring match". A place to just let off steam where no one would think less of you for arguing with the logic of a 10 year old and using the language of a 50-year-old-sailor.
It was a pressure valve. And when they were done, they went back to being chums on the rest of the site. It was a bizarre implementation of the Way. You challenge, you tussle, then you forget. Sort of like day-to-day life; everyone has different views, and sometimes they clash, but in the end you get along.
And to wax was a chance to see what happens when opposing views come in contact without societal pressures to keep your personal deviations in check. The insights to be gained by lurking were great. And the insights to be gained about yourself by participating were even more profound. Normally that sort of growth only comes at the expense of lost friends and/or family.
And, oh yes, they rated each other. It was a sport. Who could be the most crazy seeming? Who could craft the most creative insults? Or who could wield an argument so brilliantly that they just shut down the opposition! The sort of argument that left you feeling like you had been steamrolled, but you weren't quite sure. If you felt like playing the raving lunatic, you could. If you felt like having a "real" debate and honing your argument skills (especially against a raving lunatic...they are the toughest to best), you could do that to. What you didn't do was take anything there personally. If that started to happen, you took a break.
Over the years that young couple found other sites with similar sections, and grew to love them.
So that no-longer-so-young couple wanted such a place here. We forgot that to those who had never before been to one of these bizarre places could find it quite abhorrent. Foul and offensive.
And that is what happened here. Someone who finally accepted our "invitation" to post a rant was read by someone who took them very VERY seriously and felt personally attacked. They attacked back in kind, and our attempts to diffuse the situation with our sense of humor failed.
What do we do now?I'm fairly certain we are going to keep a private part of the forum where members above a certain post count (currently 15) can talk about personal things. That area will no longer be unmoderated, but will be held to the same code of standards as the rest of the site.
What we don't know is if we'd have an unmoderated* rants area anymore. Perhaps this group of people just isn't all that enthusiastic about such an activity.
That's where I'd like to hear from the community. Do you think an unmoderated "dark side" can coexist with a supportive, compassionate, and friendly site?*Unmoderated except for these two rules: 1) No personal attacks and 2) What happens in Rants, stays in Rants. In other words, don't get personal, and don't bother the members who have no interest in Rants.
The Conclusion (quoted from a post further down in this thread):After giving the subject more introspection, I do feel strongly that if we can find a way to allow members of the EQ fandom to rough-house without troubling those who just want to come here and relax from the Storm of Ugly that can be the internet...I still want to try that.
When the Wolfrider's came to live in the Sun Village, they didn't stop hunting or howling. The two cultures found a balance and came to value each other. (With the exception of Strongbow, maybe. ) Their differences gave both sides a chance to be more than they were. Nightfall saw it was possible to dance safely without a human catching you off guard. Redlance found the peace and safety to let his magic emerge. Villagers saw that you could turn a herd of rampaging zwoots rather than retreat to the hills and let them destroy everything.
That is the model of what I envision in an EQ community - people from many "tribes" coexisting and enriching each other.
And if nothing else, a "rumpus room" provides me a place to move threads/posts to that grow too hot for the general tone of this site. That way the peaceful atmosphere can be preserved without censorship. If folks want to argue, I won't suppress them, but I will make them "take it outside the village". No trampling people's gardens!
It will be inaccessible to everyone except those who have expressly chosen to have access. For the time being this means you PM me if you want access. Eventually I'll add a toggle to the Account Profile so you can come and go as feels right to you.
As such, the thread that started this all and led to some members leaving will remain there, but all posts relating to it (except this thread) will be removed from the rest of the forums. Cross-contamination is not allowed!