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Author Topic: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines  (Read 613123 times)


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2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: July 11, 2011, 11:27:43 PM »

2012 will be the 10th anniversary of the EQ Fan Art Calendar!  In honor of this landmark achievement, we who organize the calendar decided to shake things up and do something a bit fun and different.  So even if you are a calendar "regular," read through these Guidelines, because things are not the same this year!

2012 Fan Art Calendar Guidelines

The theme for the 2012 Elfquest Fan Art Calendar is:  Pin-ups

Submissions for the 2012 Calendar Contest are being accepted:
July 15th through November 30th, 2011

This turned into a three year project.  We are coming into the finish line, though, and the last entries for 2014 must be in by the weekend of Feb 4/5, 2012.


This will be a continuation of the Pin-up Calendar that Wendy did in 1998, only drawing from the vast cast of characters that Wendy didn't use.  But we are not going to stop there…oh, no.  This is going to be a weekly planner calendar.  You heard right, 53 images are needed from you artists!

Entries should reflect the Pin-ups idea from Wendy's original calendar.  Each image should consist of one character shown three times.  Approximately 1/2 the image should be a sexy, scantily clad, full-length view of the character.  Approximately 1/4 should be a large portrait (also often sexy), and the last 1/4 or so should be an "action" pose of the character in their usual costume.

Unlike Wendy's Pin-ups, your entries don't all have to have exactly the same composition.  The full-length sexy pose may be either vertical (as Wendy did) or horizontal (reclining) or even diagonal (if you can get that to work).  The portrait and action pose may be either top or bottom or on the right or left side.

In order to give the calendar a unified feel, we ask that you have white margins on the art, as Wendy did.  Some background and/or graphics elements are allowed, but keep them in the spirit of the original

If you haven't seen the original, Richard has posted it here:


Because we are asking artists to contribute so much art this year, we are easing up on the usual rule that your art must be created specifically for the calendar and not ever posted before.  If you have a previously-seen sketch that would work as an element in your Pin-up, please feel free to re-use it.  However, it must be your previously-seen sketch.

Entries must not be available for the general public to view online until the okay is given for general sharing.

Canon Elfquest characters (of any race) only. No what-if characters (i.e., Worldpool).  Because this is a Pin-up calendar, only adult characters, please.  PG-13 or under.

You must be assigned your characters! See the post under this one for information on submitting your list of character choices and being assigned characters from it.


All entries should be in full color.
Size: 8.5" x 8.5" (pictures must be a square)
Resolution: 2550 x 2550 pixels (8.5" x 8.5" at 300dpi)
File format: JPEG format only


Because of the sheer amount of art needed for this calendar, it is unlikely that it will actually be a contest that will need judging (so, it is likely that everyone is in!)  However, the calendar entries will be viewed by the formatting team at Elfquest Fan Art http://www.elfquestfanart.net and displayed there once the calendar is published. However, due to size constraints at the site, you will still have to email your full-sized entry to Windrider. Please PM Windrider at either the EQ Social Network or at EQ Fan Art when you have an entry ready to be submitted.  Note: My email where you will send your entries also appears on my profile here.

Artists may submit an unlimited number of entries!  However, you only get three characters to start with.  Once you have submitted those, you may choose more from the "unclaimed" list below.

Entries must be received by midnight PST, November 30th, 2011.

Include the following:
  • Title (Required):  Title of your submission (character's name)
  • Artist Credits (Required):  Will be included on the calendar.  Your real name or preferred artist's credit name.
  • Preferred Week (Optional):  What week you would like your entry to be featured on (no guarantees, though).
  • Email (Required)
The artist credit and the email listed with your entry will used for credits.
The Warp Graphics, Inc. copyright will be included for you.

The finished calendar will be available for download at elfquest.com and at elfquestfanart.net. In addition, we will try to figure out some way to have this published as a real weekly planner - won't be at CafePress, though, since they don't have that option.

Any questions about the calendar may be asked and answered on this thread or PM Windrider.
If you don't know what this is all about, check out the current and past Fan Art Calendars here: http://www.elfquestfanart.com/index.php?action=fanartcalendar;month=0;year=2011
« Last Edit: January 21, 2012, 04:32:56 PM by Windrider »


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2011, 11:29:03 PM »

How to get assigned characters for the Pin-up Calendar:

1.  Check the list below for which characters are not yet claimed or are only claimed once.   Currently, each character may be claimed two times.  Check reply #3 below for an easier way to find unclaimed characters!
2.  PM Windrider with a list of those characters you would like to draw for the Pin-ups.  You can pick up to three.
3.  Windrider will confirm by PM that you are assigned those characters.
4.  Once you have submitted your entries for those characters, you can check the list again for another you may like to draw (and so on).
5.  If a character isn't working out for you and you'd like to choose a different one, please PM Windrider so that character can be made available again.

Note that this list is not a complete list of every EQ character.  Lesser known characters are welcome as long as they are canon and not some anonymous Villager or Tribesman, and will be added to the list if you pick them.  Unnamed characters are also fine, as long as they are distinct and appear as more than background characters (example: the Jackwolfriders).

Note that many characters have been a part of the story for so long that they have different looks for different ages.  So the list includes the same character from "different eras."  Artists can include more versions if it can be made clear that they are younger/older.

Character List for the Fan Calendar:


  • young - Eregyrn 2013
  • chief - Celticgriffin 2014
Brownberry - Czarine 2014
Chitter (Final Quest young adult) - Treefox 2012
  • long braid, Original Quest - Midnight 2013 
  • short hair, SaBM - Kiwi 2014
  • Searcher - Tavie 2013 bonus art
  • Shards - Firestorm 2012
Crescent - Foxeye 2014
  • Original Quest - Treefox 2014
  • punk SaBM Carmaleetah bonus art 2014
  • KotBW - Kiwi 2012
  • Searcher/Discovery - Silentleaf 2013
  • Sun Village Jackwolfrider
  • Searcher/Discovery - Windrider, colored by Foxeye 2014
  • Original Quest - Anna Phoenix 2013
  • SaBM - Kvitulven 2012 bonus art
  • Wild Hunt - Bukittyan 2012
  • Hidden Years "fringe" costume - CeruleanBlue 2014
  • Hidden Years - Foxeye 2012
  • Early Wild Hunt - Firestorm 2013
  • Wild Hunt, leggings/fur trim top - Saree 2012 bonus art
Eyes High - Valkyrie 2013
Freefoot - Jankit 2013
Foxfur - Anna Phoenix 2014
Goodtree - Aurianfae 2013
Greywolf - Tevokkia 2012
Icetooth - Silentleaf 2014 bonus art
Joyleaf - Kitt 2012
Longbranch - stratosmacca 2014
Mantricker - Eregyrn 2012
  • Sun Village - Windbourne 2013 bonus art
  • Wild Hunt - Kiwi 2012
  • Recognition - Mirror 2013
  • Original Quest - Anna Phoenix 2012
  • SaBM - Mist-eyes 2013
  • Hidden Years "Redwing Blackbird" - Windbourne 2014
  • Searcher - Carmaleetah bonus art 2014
  • Sun Village dress, w/braids - Bonita 2012
  • Searcher - Wolfrider 2012 bonus art
  • young adult/Wolfrider! - Treefox 2014
  • Original Quest Firestorm 2014
  • Dreamtime/Hidden Years - Wolfrider 2012
  • Searcher/Discovery - Matsurin 2013
One-Eye - Eregyrn 2013
  • Original Quest - Afke 2013
  • KotBW hoodie - Jankit 2012
  • Wild Hunt - Jankit 2014
Pool - Mournsong 2013
Prey-Pacer - CeruleanBlue 2013
Rahnee - RVardys 2012
  • Treefox 2013
  • Finnguala 2014
  • Fire and Flight - Larialoyla 2012
  • Sun Village - Goldelf DONE
  • Original Quest - Elea 2013
  • SaBM - Goldelf DONE
  • Dreamtime/Hidden Years, Searcher - Eregyrn DONE
  • Silentleaf 2013
  • Mirror 2014
  • SaBM - Wildfire 2013
  • Recognition - LaMara 2012
Shale - Valkyrie 2013
  • Matsurin 2012
  • Tamarien 2014
  • Young, Starrise/Starfall - Windbourne 2013
  • SaBM - Yavia 2014
  • Master of the Palace era - Windrider 2012
  • Original Quest - Midnight 2012
  • Dreamtime/Hidden Years - Mist-eyes 2014
  • Searcher/Discovery - EkaGo 2013
Sunstream - Windborne 2012
Tanner - Mirror 2013
Timmorn - Celticgriffin 2014
  • Dreamtime - Silentleaf 2012
  • Searcher - Czarine 2013
Trueflight - Silentleaf 2014
Two-Spear - Firestorm 2013
  • poncho  - Emberra bonus art 2014
  • Wild Hunt - Mirror 2012
  • Recognition - Branchscamper 2014
  • BoTC, off one shoulder outfit - Mirror 2014
  • Two-Spear #1, 2, sash outfit - Tevokkia 2013
Wing - Treefox 2014
Woodlock - Eregyrn 2014


  • Sun Village - Kittensoft 2014
  • Searcher, "wolfrider-ish" - Mirror 2012
Behtia - Joselle 2012
Bowki - Amberfox bonus art 2014
Dodia - Branchscamper 2013
Kimo - Maggie 2012
  • Sun Village - Kitt 2014
  • SaBM/KotBW - Mist-eyes 2012
  • Dreamtime - Mirror 2013
  • Full Circle/Searcher/Discovery - Maggie 2014
  • Final Quest - Goldelf 2012 bonus art
Maleen - Valkyrie 2014
Minyah - Maggie 2013 bonus art, Startear bonus art
  • Original Quest
  • SaBM - Silentleaf 2012
  • KotBW/Shards - Jarf 2014
  • Rogue's Curse - Yavia DONE
Ruffel - Spaceship 2013
Savah - Windrider 2014
Shenshen - Afke 2012
Shushen - Treefox 2013 bonus art
Sun Toucher - Treefox 2013
Toorah - Treefox 2013 bonus art
Vurdah - Spaceship 2012
Windstone - Foxeye 2013
Yurek - Valkyrie bonus art 2014
Zhantee - Bukittyan 2014


  • Chosen Eight - Treefox 2012
  • Shards - Carmaleetah 2012 bonus art
Aurek (Egg) - Windrider 2013
Door (male) - Berit DONE
Tyldak - Joyrider 2012
Voll - Yavia 2013
  • Elea 2012
  • Joselle 2013
  • Catwalk 2014
Windkin - Dreamweaver 2013


  • Go-back furs - Icebird 2014
  • Forevergreen loincloth - Bukittyan 2013
  • grey, fur-trimmed - Elea 2013
  • Quest's End battle armor - Kittensoft 2012
  • Dreamtime/Shards outfit - Finnguala 2013
  • Wild Hunt - Icebird 2012
Mardu - Amberfox 2012
Roff - Berit 2014
  • SaBM - Maggie 2013
  • Dreamtime/Shards long ponytail - Jankit 2014
Sust - Mournsong 2012
Urda - Snowburn 2013 bonus art
Vaya - Treefox 2013
  • KotBW teen - Icebird 2013
  • regular, end of KotBW/Shards costume - Mirror 2012
Vok - Berit 2012
Yif - Berit 2013
Yun - CeruleanBlue 2012
Zey - Berit 2012 bonus art


Brill - Bukittyan 2012
Darshek - Valkyrie 2014
Foam - Snowburn 2013
Haze and Farbright - Amberfox bonus art 2014
Krill - Maggie 2014
Kroosh - Amberfox 2014
Longfin - Branchscamper 2012
Moonmirror - Amberfox 2013
No-Ripple - Larialoyla 2013
Puffer - Silentleaf 2013 bonus art
Redcrest - Silentleaf 2013 bonus art
Reef - Emberra 2012 bonus art
Salt - Silentleaf bonus art 2014
Sandsparkle - Valkyrie 2012
Skimback - Jarf 2013
Snakeskin - Valkyrie 2014
  • Snowburn 2012
  • Maggie 2013
Spray - Silentleaf 2014
Strand - Amberfox 2014
Surge - Paper Ghost 2013 bonus art
Tumble - Silentleaf 2013 bonus art


Drub - Afke 2014
Flam - Celticgriffin 2013
Oddbit - Dreamweaver 2014
Picknose - Afke 2012
Trinket - Afke 2013


Adar - Maggie 2014
Ikopek (Bee) - Valkyrie bonus art 2014
Khorbasi - Mist-eyes 2014
Lehrigen - Celticgriffin 2012
Little Patch - Finnguala 2012
Nonna - Maggie 2014
Olbar - Afke 2013
Selah - - Maggie 2013 bonus art
Shuna - Joyrider 2013

High Ones

Adya - Rosalie bonus art 2014
Aerth - Kiwi 2013
Deir - Rosalie 2013 bonus art
  • Amberfox 2013 bonus art
  • Rosalie 2013
Haken - Wildfire DONE, Yavia 2014
Kalil - Amberfox 2014
Kaslen - Joselle 2012
Sefra - Treefox 2014
Timmain - EkaGo  2014


Ekuar - Maggie 2012
  • blue & black early outfit - Wildfire  2014
  • human form, "Neverending" costume - Jeedai/Nilla 2012
Murrel - Aurianfae 2012
Petalwing - Windrider bonus art 2014
Rellah - Silentleaf 2013 bonus art
Teir - Foxeye 2012
Two-Edge - EkaGo 2012
Zarhan Fastfire
  • Tevokkia 2014
  • CeruleanBlue 2012
« Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 05:40:25 PM by Windrider »


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2011, 11:43:33 PM »

Wooooo! Now I am really excited! I have so many ideas storming my brain! I love, love, love this idea!
Just one question: should we submit our character here openly or sould be PM it to you?


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2011, 12:08:50 AM »

Treefox, I just posted the How To and character list.  We'd like to keep it a secret which artists have which characters.  That will be the only surprise this year since we have to run a character list like this.

Bonus Art 2014: ALL DONE!
« Last Edit: February 27, 2012, 10:53:56 AM by Windrider »


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2011, 02:11:03 AM »

ooops... Talking about overeagerness...
Still, too bad that Vaya is already gone.


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2011, 07:41:22 AM »

Quote from: Treefox
Still, too bad that Vaya is already gone.

You could post here that you really want to draw her and maybe the artist who picked her would be willing to pick a different character so you could claim her.

This list is going to be in constant flux.  Artists are likely to give up characters if they find they don't have time to do their whole list, or if the sketches aren't working out.


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2011, 07:44:04 AM »

That is definitely a very realistic assessment. I mean I'm talking big about wanting to draw now, but let's see how life will interfere with that.


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2011, 10:23:31 AM »

This is going to be fun. :)  Did lots of preliminary sketches in my journal while on vacation and will have fun getting some of them on the tablet!


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2011, 11:16:26 AM »

Another question: what does PG 13 allow? Showing breasts or part of breasts, or no breasts at all? I notice that Wendy has skilfully hidden any nipples. Should be keep it the same way?


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2011, 12:06:23 PM »

Okay, lots of excitement over this theme, so it looks like this was a good idea rather than crazy-thought as we first were inclined to think!  However, one issue is already coming up.  All you gal artists - don't you want to see any beefcake?!  The vast majority are choosing all the soft, pretty female characters - I may have to ration those if this trend continues!  What about the hot guys!?

Another question: what does PG 13 allow? Showing breasts or part of breasts, or no breasts at all? I notice that Wendy has skilfully hidden any nipples. Should be keep it the same way?

What Wendy has done in the comics and calendars is always a good guide for what is acceptable (I should say her EQ comics, because Masque is definitely not PG-13!  LOL).  Wendy usually shows breasts but hides nipples on female characters, unless the character is an elf version of A-cup like Aroree (i.e. the KotBW bathing scene).  Note that on the cover of Wendy's calendar it has the subtitle of "a twelvemonth of tasteful pin-ups."
« Last Edit: July 12, 2011, 12:09:49 PM by Windrider »


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2011, 07:38:21 PM »

Soooooooooooo excited! *bounces along and works on sketches*


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2011, 11:54:24 PM »

Go Kitt! I have also actually started sketching and man, am I out of practice. Is still tons of fun, though!


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2011, 05:06:42 AM »

Go Kitt! I have also actually started sketching and man, am I out of practice. Is still tons of fun, though!

*highfives* You can do it, Tree! You are an incredible artist! I know it'll all come back to you in no time at all! :)


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2011, 09:15:05 AM »

Awesome Calendar idea!
But I cannot decide!!! So many to choose from....  :-\


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2011, 10:23:53 AM »

Since there are many artists who have started sketching already, I'd like to draw attention to the fact that the format is a square.  Hopefully, you didn't skip over that in the Guidelines because that is one of the ways our calendar's format will be different from Wendy's.  This will give us more layout options.

Another comment I'd like to make:  Just because Pin-ups are really nothing more than figure studies, don't just whip them out.  Give it some thought and make them as rich and detailed as you would a usual ambitious calendar entry, even though they are simpler.  Remember that a character's pose in a figure study can speak volumes about that character's personality.  Even though Pin-ups are supposed to be "sexy" - there are all kinds of sexy.  Shy, sweet, hot, devious, brooding... etc.  Expressions should be in keeping with that character's personality, not just generically sexy.


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2011, 10:55:55 AM »

That's right. For me making it sexy and trying to catch the character is definitely part of the fun. Keeping it square is difficult though...


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2011, 01:56:35 PM »

Hurray for BEEFCAKE! LOL. I've already picked out who I wanna draw! ;)


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2011, 05:44:26 PM »

Hi! A quick question from a to-date-invisible person! :)

When you say 'lesser-known characters' are allowed, does the character have to have a name in canon? Is a specific character who is known but whose name WARP never gave, allowed for this calendar?

I can't wait, this seems awesome!



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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2011, 10:29:19 AM »

Vaya, Moonshade, Clearbrook, they're all taken :( I hope whoever chose them will actually draw them, I'd love to see those three in a pin-up calendar ^___^


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2011, 01:20:45 PM »

Hi! A quick question from a to-date-invisible person! :)

When you say 'lesser-known characters' are allowed, does the character have to have a name in canon? Is a specific character who is known but whose name WARP never gave, allowed for this calendar?

I can't wait, this seems awesome!


Welcome Lurker-no-more. :)

Windrider may come back and disagree with me on this, but my understanding is that if the character is recognizable, then the lack of a name is somewhat trivial. Several go-backs and jackwolf riders fall under this category. If you are still in doubt, Windrider can of course confirm when you PM her who you have in mind. :)


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2011, 10:39:54 PM »

Um, I was wondering about Sust and Pool... aren`t they too young? I only know them as 12-13 years old (or younger?) in the Wild Hunt.
Do any comics exist whith them older than that?

Or do we get the possibility here to draw them how they might look like as adults?
« Last Edit: July 15, 2011, 04:20:37 AM by Saree »


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #21 on: July 15, 2011, 03:00:04 AM »

I have a tip for those who are struggling to get the composition right and fitting all those figures in one picture:

Try drawing all elements seperately. So you draw the portrait, and the pin-up, and the clothed figure apart from each other -- then scan them and put them together in Photoshop or some other image editor. You can keep shuffling the elements and resize them until they fit right.
Then depending on your coloring method you can keep working digitally or print it out and use traditional materials.

It'll still be very useful to make composition sketches up front to make some sort of plan before you start the actual drawings, but for those not used to it I hope this tip will help you.


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #22 on: July 15, 2011, 04:17:50 AM »

Good tip! I won't be following it because I do most everything the hard way. ;P For those stubborn people like me, what I'm doing is starting with the longer piece (the vertical/horizontal "sexy") then adding the portrait, then using remaining space for the smaller action picture. ^_^


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #23 on: July 15, 2011, 08:58:47 AM »

Um, I was wondering about Sust and Pool... aren`t they too young? I only know them as 12-13 years old (or younger?) in the Wild Hunt.
Do any comics exist whith them older than that?

Or do we get the possibility here to draw them how they might look like as adults?

We saw them as adults in Mender's Tale and Recognition. :)  Both of those should be in the Digital Comics at elfquest.com


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Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #24 on: July 15, 2011, 10:24:23 AM »

I just noticed that someone picked Petalwing O.o I'm not sure I want to see a sexy Petalwing! xD
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