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Author Topic: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines  (Read 39312 times)


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2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: June 23, 2010, 06:24:10 PM »

2011 Fan Art Calendar Guidelines

The theme for the 2011 Elfquest Fan Art Calendar is:
Hidden Moments

Submissions for the 2011 Calendar Contest are being accepted:
July 1st through November 30th, 2010

  • Submitted artwork should represent the theme "Hidden Moments."
  • There are many moments in the Elfquest story that we know happened, yet were never shown - sometimes a character says something about their history, other times it is only implied - but in any case there is a great deal of "untold story" to explore.  (Note: this is not a "what if," it has to be canon-compatible).
  • Please see the post below this one for a further explanation of the theme.

  • Entries must be original artwork created specifically for the calendar. The use of photos or "borrowed" art for backgrounds is not allowed.
  • Entries must not be available for the general public to view online until the okay is given for general sharing. Before then, any entries found online in any form (thumbnails, crops, etc.) will be disqualified and removed.
  • Canon Elfquest characters (of any race) only. No what-if characters (i.e., Worldpool).
  • PG-13 or under.

  • All entries should be in full color.
  • Size: 11"x8.5" (pictures must be landscape oriented - wider than they are tall)
  • Resolution: 3300 x 2550 pixels (11" x 8.5" at 300dpi)
  • File format: JPEG format only
  • Note: you don't have to leave room for poetry this year.

  • Calendar entries will be viewed by the judging panel at Elfquest Fan Art http://www.elfquestfanart.net and displayed there once the calendar is published. However, due to size constraints at the site, you will still have to email your full-sized entry to Windrider. Please PM Windrider when you have an entry ready to be submitted.
  • Artists may submit up to three entries.
  • Entries must be received by midnight PST, November 30th, 2010.
  • Include the following:
    • Title (Required):  Title of your submission.  Titles will be included on the calendar.
    • Description (Optional):  Any text/story/quote you feel enhances your artwork.
    • Keywords (Optional):  Keywords are used for the gallery "search" feature only.  After final selections have been made, all submissions will be made available to visitors.
    • Artist Credits (Required):  Will be included on the calendar.  Your real name or preferred artist's credit name.
    • Preferred Month (Optional):  What month you would like your entry to be featured on (no guarantees, though).
    • Email (Required)
  • The artist credit and the email listed with your entry will used for credits.
  • The Warp Graphics, Inc. copyright will be included for you.

  • The twelve winners will be chosen by a panel of judges including Richard Pini and Carol Lyon (others to be chosen at a later date).
  • The finished calendar will be available for download at elfquest.com and at elfquestfanart.net. In addition, the Calendar will also be published at Elfquest's Cafe Press shop. Proceeds from the sale of the Fan Calendar will go to Wolf Park. http://www.wolfpark.org
  • Any questions about the calendar may be asked and answered on this thread or PM Windrider.
  • If you don't know what this is all about, check out the current and past Fan Art Calendars here:  http://www.elfquestfanart.com/calendar/


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2010, 06:25:16 PM »

The theme Hidden Moments, or something along that lines, has been suggested for the calendar many times over the years but I've never put it on the ballot before.  That is because there are a few problems that must be overcome when dealing with this theme.  I'm going to cover some of them here.

  • 1.  Anything a fan artist draws is technically a Hidden Moment.  That is because if Wendy herself didn't draw it, it isn't "on camera" so to speak.  In an extreme case, you might draw something that is only seconds in time removed from what Wendy has shown, you might show something from another angle, etc, but it is still not exactly the moment that was shown in the comics.  At least one would hope you aren't copying directly from the comics!  So how do we know which of the many Hidden Moments we fans have drawn qualifies under this Hidden Moments theme?

    What we are looking for here are moments that were not shown at all "on camera" in any form.  They are either only implied by the story line, are something characters said happened but it wasn't shown, or the artist may extrapolate logically from the part of the plot we do know.  This is probably best illustrated by some fine examples from the gallery here:

    I can almost be sure that Foxeye will contribute a Hidden Moment, no matter what the theme  ;)

    One by Bonita:

    One by Joselle (she has many more, but not posted here)

  • 2.  How is this different than a "what if"?  While you can "make things up" for this theme, as said before, the moments for the calendar should be something that is implied by the known plot, it should not be something pulled out of thin air.  Characters need to be in character.  It should be consistent with what we know of the story and of each character's own temperament.

  • 3.  Everyday Elfin Life.  Then there is the question of whether an image of so-and-so being pregnant qualifies for this theme, when we know she has offspring but never saw her pregnant.  And how about the elves fur-sharing with just about everyone, even though we don't see it?  How about elves doing everyday things (such as pooping) that we never see "on camera."  Yes, these technically qualify and won't be turned away, but I would argue that these are not "Moments" with a capital M, but just everyday life.  A birth is a "Moment," but just going around one's business while pregnant is just being, unless there is something special plot-wise happening with that pregnancy.  Same with fur-sharing, hunting, and other regular elfin (trollish, etc) activities - it would have to be a special occurrence for some reason to be a MOMENT.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2010, 06:29:22 PM by Windrider »


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2010, 12:04:21 PM »

Hey everyone, just a reminder that we are getting down to only two months left to get your entries done!  I am back from travels, so let's hear some chatter about this theme.  Who's got an image in the works?  Any artists needing ideas?

We've had a couple entries come in, but let's hear what is going on with the rest (without giving away the surprise)!


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2010, 10:52:02 PM »

Hey everyone, just a reminder that we are getting down to only two months left to get your entries done!  I am back from travels, so let's hear some chatter about this theme.  Who's got an image in the works?  Any artists needing ideas?

We've had a couple entries come in, but let's hear what is going on with the rest (without giving away the surprise)!

I've got a couple of ideas but I wouldn't mind more if anyone has suggestions on what they might like to see :)
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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2010, 08:04:42 AM »

Yeah, I am in my usual stage of "got nothing in my head for this", although to be fair, I also haven't really buckled down to try to figure anything out, either.  I foresee some rereading of comics in my future...


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2010, 11:37:25 AM »

One way to approach this theme is to simply look for when the biggest gaps are in the story (such as the gap between Fire and Flight and the Forbidden Grove, or the long wait in KotBW).  There can also be big gaps for certain characters.  But, yeah, it might require some re-reading!  Here are some ideas off the top of my head:

Since the Quest mostly focuses on Wolfriders, there are many more gaps for the other tribes than there are for them.

We don't see anything at all about the founding of Sun Village, we only hear about it.  There are lots of changes in the village during the long wait during KotBW.  How and why did some villagers decide to become Jackwolf riders?  How did the villagers react when Rayek brought those first zwoots to be domesticated?  How did they react to seeing "old age" in elves for the first time when Woodlock and his family grew old and died?

Likewise, we know very little about Blue Mountain.  Those early years (centuries) of idealism must have been glorious.  How did they first bond with the giant hawks?  Did they steal eggs from already huge wild birds to domesticate the chicks or did they actually breed these birds to be unnaturally huge, maybe using flesh-shaping magic?  At first did most gliders have hawks (like Wolfriders have wolves) or was it always a select few?  (I can picture an early Blue Mountain that was secure yet free, with many more elves collecting resources by hawk back, as obviously Voll did at one time, much more like our myths of the under the hills realms of the Fay, which were light-filled and wondrous, not gloomy).

Go-backs and Trolls have a history, too, that we don't really see.

If you have a character who is a particular favorite, just run through their history and see if there are gaps not "on camera."


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2010, 08:33:34 AM »

I'm also in the "got nothing" stage. RL has been very busy; I've just moved and don't have my drawing table ready (meaning, there's stuff in front of it and on top of it).
I guarantee I'll participate though, simply because I want to. But I'm sure it'll take another month to get my idea and to get my room for such creativity ready to actually use it. That should work too!

How did they react to seeing "old age" in elves for the first time when Woodlock and his family grew old and died?
I must say I'd especially like to see that.


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2010, 11:40:13 AM »

I'd really like to submit something, even got a few ideas, but alas! I bought a mac and found out afterwards that my tablet wasn't compatible! Can't really afford to buy a new one, life at college is hard. But I might find a way ^_^


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2010, 12:13:04 PM »

Wildfire, digital isn't the only way to color art!  There are these real life things called colored pencils and markers that make pretty colors on real paper.   ;D

Seriously, unless you are holding your stylus in your teeth because you have no hands, I don't see why your talent for digital sketching couldn't translate to drawing on paper.  Maybe this is an opportunity to try out traditional media!  Scanning might be a problem, but someone you know must have a scanner.

Don't give up!

You can also check to see if there is a patch you can download that will let your tablet work with your Mac.  Now days it is very unlikely that peripherals will be completely incompatible unless your tablet is much much older than the Mac.


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2010, 02:50:55 AM »

I think I have an idea--but then again I've said that for every calendar for the past few years. Studying is taking up a lot of time but I really need to get back in the game with my digital painting. Maybe this'll be able to kick me back to work. I'd like to be able to contribute to the calendar at least once in any case ;D


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2010, 10:45:56 AM »

We don't see anything at all about the founding of Sun Village, we only hear about it.  There are lots of changes in the village during the long wait during KotBW.  How and why did some villagers decide to become Jackwolf riders?  How did the villagers react when Rayek brought those first zwoots to be domesticated?  How did they react to seeing "old age" in elves for the first time when Woodlock and his family grew old and died?

Likewise, we know very little about Blue Mountain.  Those early years (centuries) of idealism must have been glorious.  How did they first bond with the giant hawks?  Did they steal eggs from already huge wild birds to domesticate the chicks or did they actually breed these birds to be unnaturally huge, maybe using flesh-shaping magic?  At first did most gliders have hawks (like Wolfriders have wolves) or was it always a select few?  (I can picture an early Blue Mountain that was secure yet free, with many more elves collecting resources by hawk back, as obviously Voll did at one time, much more like our myths of the under the hills realms of the Fay, which were light-filled and wondrous, not gloomy).

Oh, I did not realize we have so much freedom in this topic. I actually thought we could only use scenes that were at least hinted, e.g. young Tyleet telling Strongbow and Moonshade that she watched them last night at the waterfalls.


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2010, 04:24:59 PM »

Saree, you absolutely have that much freedom in interpreting this theme.  See this quote:

Quote from: Windrider
What we are looking for here are moments that were not shown at all "on camera" in any form.  They are either only implied by the story line, are something characters said happened but it wasn't shown, or the artist may extrapolate logically from the part of the plot we do know.

So you can "fill in the gaps" in the story, as long as what you choose to depict flows logically from what we already know of the story.  Check out the examples I gave above, Foxeye's image of Savah and Yurek is a particularly nice example of this theme, though it was done for a different theme.

I think I may be doing the cover once again this year.  I've got something in the works that seems to be coming together rather nicely and is right up my alley.   ;D


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2010, 03:39:45 AM »

Wildfire, digital isn't the only way to color art!  There are these real life things called colored pencils and markers that make pretty colors on real paper.   ;D

Seriously, unless you are holding your stylus in your teeth because you have no hands, I don't see why your talent for digital sketching couldn't translate to drawing on paper.  Maybe this is an opportunity to try out traditional media!  Scanning might be a problem, but someone you know must have a scanner.

Don't give up!

You can also check to see if there is a patch you can download that will let your tablet work with your Mac.  Now days it is very unlikely that peripherals will be completely incompatible unless your tablet is much much older than the Mac.

That's true, but I've always sucked at traditional art xD It was a wonder when I discovered tablets and such, because then I could correct the mistakes easily.
Oh well, if I can get an idea I just might submit something. It's been a few years since I actually participated in this thing!


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2010, 06:21:32 PM »

I really wasn't even thinking about trying to do anything for the calendar, but I suddenly got an idea a couple of days ago. November is usually a hectic month, so we'll see if anything comes of it.


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2010, 11:26:54 AM »

I actually got an idea! That's so unlike me! And my rough sketch looks manageable for once O.o

Also, it's kinda weird, because I don't really care for any of the characters in the picture.. Ah well, anything goes xD


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2010, 02:50:12 PM »

I too have an idea, one that I am actually quite fond of!  The problem is now realizing it by the end of the month. :P  What with the 60 hour work weeks, building a White Queen costume from scratch, and attempting to open an Etsy shop, EQ has been sadly neglected.  But I'm-a give it the old college try!  ;D


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2010, 05:23:40 PM »

I know what you mean about too much on the plate, but I really hope you can get it done.  It is always a treat seeing what you enter!  That goes for our "regulars" such as Afke and Eregyrn as well.

I also hope we get some "new blood" involved.  Jeb, Wildfire, Icebird, Saree.... I am looking forward to seeing what you contribute.  Please keep working - you have one month to go!


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #17 on: November 02, 2010, 04:44:28 AM »

Oh, High Ones, I just had an idea! I don't think I'll find the time to draw it, though. So, if anyone still needs an idea, maybe we can share.


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #18 on: November 02, 2010, 07:18:07 AM »

Well, I think I finally have an idea *AND* a backup idea... since the idea just came to me this morning while I was lying there waiting for my alarm to go off, I haven't yet had a chance to double-check whether the first idea has already been shown.  (I'm willing to bet that Wendy hasn't drawn it, but I'm not sure if it appeared in a book by someone else.  I confess that I reread less often those stories drawn by artists whose work I don't like.)  But I'm *really* fairly certain that my backup idea hasn't been done and that I could make something out of it, too.


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #19 on: November 04, 2010, 01:38:09 AM »

Hmm, I don't know if my idea is a "Moment" or just everyday life.. If anyone has an idea I can have, I'd send cookies and hugs :D


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2010, 11:48:48 AM »

Pffff, I'm finally in the sketch phase...


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #21 on: November 13, 2010, 02:51:45 AM »

I doubt very much that I'll have anything...

My accident prone hubby is having 2 surgeries before the years end. (First one this Monday...)

We'll see. Maybe something simple. Gah! I always talk myself into and out of the calendar every year!!!
"Every year I dress less and less my age. Someday I'll be naked." ~ Dallas Good.


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #22 on: November 16, 2010, 10:09:46 AM »

Ooh... ouch for you husband, Joselle!  Sending good thoughts for his surgeries.  We always love to see new EQ work from you, but it is understandable when real life interferes.  I am having quite a bit of that myself, what with taking care of my elderly family members.

Okay, everyone... two weeks left to work on your entries!  If anyone has something in the works but needs more time, please let me know you have something coming, so I can delay judging for a bit. Once we have finished judging, it is too late! Because we are not including poetry this year, there is a little more flexibility on the deadline, but LET ME KNOW!

<slinks off to work on her woefully still-in-sketch-stage cover>


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #23 on: November 16, 2010, 12:24:52 PM »

Hope your husband will be okay Joselle. Good luck and warm thoughts from me

I'm working! Thankfully I'm getting help from Treefox and I have a tablet, now with a drawing program I can actually figure out. But I'm still in the sketch stage. *panics*

No worries though, this year I'll have an entry.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2010, 12:53:34 PM by Wildfire »


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Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« Reply #24 on: November 19, 2010, 10:27:50 AM »

I hope you do have something for the calendar, Joselle. I miss seeing your art!
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