How do we get listed as a Holt on your list? We are fairly new and not well known yet. We have three Holts who communicate with each other and a caravan that travels between them.
Stone Tower Holt is in a desert setting. The take advantage of the natural structures the wind has shaped as well as using some stone shaping for the building of their Holt. These elves have many Warriors to fight the humans of the Northern desert as well as a smaller group to the south of them. This Holt is lead by their eldest living member, Grandfather Itzamna.
Lilac Valley Holt is a group who in recent years moved from Longdrop Twin Peaks Holt when it was destroyed by a volcano. They settled in a beautiful spot at the edge of the great plains, just inside the forrest. These are the only mixed-blood Holt we have and you can find both cat and wolf blooded elves here as well as purebloods. All of these survivors are younger than 1000 years of age, including their young Chieftess Sorrell. She inherited her leadership from her mother's side of the family.
Greenwater Holt is in an inland sea. The Holt is small and close-knit. They have led a fairly sheltered life until contacted by the Caravan a few years ago. Although they have played tricks on the humans at the southern end of the sea, there was no real war with those humans. The humans let the elves live however they wanted to, and the elves avoided the humans for the most part. Tailsplash was elected the leader of this group abour four hundresd years ago, but since his Holt was peaceful, there was little in the was of leading that needed to be done. Although these elves are pure-bloods some of them do bond with manatee who live in the waters as well.
My name is Robin McCulley. I am the organizer of the Holts. my email is We have a yahoo site with many beautiful pieces of art and our newsletters posted. My snail mail addy is P.O. Box 83, Freedom, OK 73842.