Hi, I'm Softasvulvet, real name Rheanna! I've been a freelance graphic designer and artist for about 15 years now! I found this forum through the Reddit post about the calendar. I cannot say how much I love that this exists. I really miss oldschool forums like this! ♥
I found Elfquest about 32 years ago when I was maybe 9 or 10 years old. A friend's parents had the RPG, which they never played, but my friend and I would make up characters using the character sheets. My mom took me to our local comic shop to get the comics, and after that I basically became seriously interested in art by trying to learn how to draw like Wendy! I will tell anybody who asks (and even if they don't, but I can find a way to bring it up, I will haha) that the foundation of my art style development was my childhood Elfquest obsession!
Even though EQ isn't as popular as it deserves to be, I love that all the fans are FANS. I sometimes table at comic shows, and while I obviously won't sell EQ fanart, I always bring a piece that I put out on my tables that says 'Not For Sale - Just here so we can talk about Elfquest if you're also a fan.' Usually one or two people will see it and get so excited! It was also one of the highlights of my life because I emailed EQ to ask if it was okay to display fanart as long as it wasn't for sale/not taking commissions, and got an email back from Richard with the go ahead!