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 on: January 13, 2024, 12:08:44 AM 
Started by Treefox - Last post by Treefox
Another note: does this make Leetah a Disney princess?  ;D

 on: January 13, 2024, 12:06:45 AM 
Started by Treefox - Last post by Treefox
So do I! But as I last talked personally to Wendy and Richard about this topic they really wanted any Elfquest series to stay true to their vision. Which doesn't mean there won't be changes, but the core themes should stay intact. They told us stories of what studies were proposing to them... They changes they wanted to do to the stories and characters to make it appeal to a broader audience and the Pinis refused these kinds of deals. So what I'm trying to say is, they didn't take the first deal that cane along but as they say themselves negotiated for four years to get the right deal.

 on: January 12, 2024, 11:50:26 AM 
Started by Treefox - Last post by jaRf
Fun fact: The newsletter arrived 13:37. One would wonder if that was coincidence.
I just hope the script will be... non-Disney. And do all the colourful characters justice. And I hope no financial interest will mess with it.

 on: January 11, 2024, 01:13:58 PM 
Started by Treefox - Last post by Treefox
Wendy mentioned the negotiations took four years. Let's see what will come of this. I'll keep posting updates if I hear anything.

 on: January 11, 2024, 12:41:20 PM 
Started by Treefox - Last post by Maggie
It would be great if it were true. I assume we'll get updates from the Pini's as things progress if they progress. Thanks for sharing.

 on: January 11, 2024, 12:38:51 PM 
Started by Treefox - Last post by Treefox

Oh my gosh guys!! Will this really come to be?? A series? I'm just flabbergasted at this moment. Wanted to share immediately!

 on: January 11, 2024, 12:31:23 PM 
Started by Maggie - Last post by Maggie
I'm going to get the details up for the next calendar asap. Hopefully, by Monday at the latest so hold on to those ideas. ;D

 on: January 09, 2024, 11:10:56 AM 
Started by Maggie - Last post by Saree
Thanks for sharing ideas. I am also eager for the prompt!

Does doing everyday, mundane stuff count as creating, too? Like building traps, making arrows and similar?

 on: January 09, 2024, 09:26:16 AM 
Started by Maggie - Last post by kandrinchae
It looks like it is Creators and Crafters! Oh boy!! I have several ideas right away, but no concept image to pair yet.

Egg/Aurek when he first started the Great Egg.
Door/Ekolin brooding by making stone statues.
Willowgreen and her forest garden.
Trolls forging/Two-Edge
Flesh/Self-shapers (Leetah, Winnowill, various Wavedancers)
Leatherworkers (Human AND Elf)
Sunfolk crafting jewelry/clothing

Okay…stopping before my brain fries. LOL

 on: December 25, 2023, 07:18:34 AM 
Started by spearcarrier - Last post by spearcarrier
Going Back, also by Julia Ecklar. This is on the Horsetamer album.

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