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Messages - kandrinchae

Pages: [1]
Art and Elfquest / Re: Member Characters
« on: January 17, 2024, 12:33:20 PM »
Name: Suncatcher
Birth-tribe: The Pride
Parents: Erakoll - Father (Pride), Farstrider (Loner/Two-Spear Splinter Tribe)
Age: 1000 years

Appearance: She is taller than most of her tribemates with a runner’s physique. Skin tanned golden brown by life lived between savanna and jungle. She has long blond hair, usually kept in a long braid that reaches past her hips, with a few stray wisps about her forehead. All across her body are dark red-brown designs, often highlighted with other colors and changing often (Henna+magic)
Attire: (Pre-call) Due to the extreme heat of both savanna and jungle, simple and lightweight are key, while still protecting against thorns and worse. A vest that laces across the front, with a braided belt holding several pouches. The pouches hold various dye ingredients and some tools. She uses a spear and bow to hunt with.

Role: Scout and Seeker. Suncatcher has a talent to find fresh water and was often out scouting ahead for her nomadic tribe. She also is aStoryteller.
Skills: Scouting, Botanical Knowledge, Foraging, Herbology, Hunting, Water Keening, Storytelling, Body Art, Survival
Magic:/ Minor healing that manifests as being hardier and self-shaping that acts like photophores, camouflaging her even more than her body art does when in danger.

Personality: Joyful and hopeful, sunny as her name implies. The optimist until the last. Friendly and curious.

Links to Fanfics:

It looks like it is Creators and Crafters! Oh boy!! I have several ideas right away, but no concept image to pair yet.

Egg/Aurek when he first started the Great Egg.
Door/Ekolin brooding by making stone statues.
Willowgreen and her forest garden.
Trolls forging/Two-Edge
Flesh/Self-shapers (Leetah, Winnowill, various Wavedancers)
Leatherworkers (Human AND Elf)
Sunfolk crafting jewelry/clothing

Okay…stopping before my brain fries. LOL

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2024 Fan Art Calendar Guidelines
« on: June 16, 2023, 04:57:48 PM »
It may be too late, but I have an image I would like to finish for the calendar. PM sent.


Art and Elfquest / Re: 2020 EQ Fan Art Calendar Guidelines
« on: March 04, 2019, 05:43:13 PM »
I want to give this a go this year. I want in!

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