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Messages - Joyrider1978

Pages: [1] 2
Art and Elfquest / Re: 2017 EQ Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: October 14, 2016, 02:36:29 PM »
I'm here! I'm working on mine and should have it done on time! Sorry for having gone back into lurking mode, but I've not forgotten.

Plus I'm having so much fun! It's been ages since I've "elfed."

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2017 EQ Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: April 05, 2016, 02:58:54 PM »
Ooh I might have to delurk for this one. Time to brush off my pointy ears and do another calendar entry.

Maggie, should we not use any new characters from Final Quest either, out of courtesy's sake?

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: January 04, 2012, 12:33:37 PM »
Ohmigosh I am so late to the party but HUZZAH!  What a spectacular calendar, so many stunning pieces and I *love* the layout!  The additions to the grid are fantastic and give a fun element to the whole thing.  Wowzers.  I am completely blown away!

THANK YOU a bagillion times over to Windrider & Foxeye for their constant and unfailing work and support and all-around awesomeness.  Y'all rock somethin' fierce!

...Good lord I have got to buckle down on my other pieces now.  This is exactly the motivation I need!  Who needs real life when you've got such fantastic fan art goodness? :D

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2011 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: November 01, 2010, 02:50:12 PM »
I too have an idea, one that I am actually quite fond of!  The problem is now realizing it by the end of the month. :P  What with the 60 hour work weeks, building a White Queen costume from scratch, and attempting to open an Etsy shop, EQ has been sadly neglected.  But I'm-a give it the old college try!  ;D

The Other Art Gallery / Re: Carol's Non-EQ Gallery
« on: October 07, 2010, 04:55:44 PM »
Completely stunned as always!  Your work simply glows.  I am crazy jealous of your mastery of light, and your ridiculous flawless washes.  The wave is amazing!  I can almost hear it.  I wish you had more we could drool over!  Stupid publishers.

Can I be you when I grow up?  (shh! I am not already grown up! shh!!)

Art and Elfquest / Re: Problems with pencil drawing
« on: October 01, 2010, 06:10:08 PM »
OH!  Also (stupid me, how did I forget this?) doing your base sketch and linework with a hard-lead pencil will drastically reduce smudging.  In the range of pencil softness/hardness, the higher the number H, the harder, lighter and less smudgy it is; the higher the number B, the softer, darker, and smudgier it is.  Ie: a 6H pencil will give you a light grey, sharp line that you'd have to rub with your thumb to smudge it, while an 8B pencil would be nearly black and will smudge if you look at it sideways.  (HB is the center of the range and is essentially your standard Number Two test-taking pencil.  F is a random pencil, I think for draftsmen.)  Me, I grew up drawing under my architect father's drafting table and have always felt more comfortable drawing with a mechanical pencil, and I find that helps as well (but shading is usually done with a "real" pencil or a nice dark Ebony Splendor :) )

Interesting art history note: Cretacolor / Koh-i-Noor of Austria pretty much invented the modern day pencil combination of graphite and ceramic that allows for different lead softnesses.  Both these companies should be widely available in Germany; Cretacolor's pencils are especially lovely.  (see what happens when I only work 12 hours? I come home and talk about work!! ;) )

Art and Elfquest / Re: Problems with pencil drawing
« on: September 30, 2010, 04:18:47 AM »

Couple of things can help with pencil smudges!  #1) Invest a dollar in a while vinyl eraser, Staedtler makes the best; they are gentle, do not smear the graphite, or damage your paper.  #2) The better your paper, the cleaner it erases.  And #3) If you're right handed, shade your drawing from the left side of the paper to the right; if you're left-handed, do it in reverse.  The smudges comes from the side of your hand swiping back and forth over shaded areas, so no swiping = no smudges!  Hope this makes sense as I am crazy sleepy and it's the week of 13-hour workdays :P

Oh yeah, there are also these things you can buy called "leaning bridges," which are essentially a little movable shelf you place over your drawing that holds your hand an inch or two over the surface.  I've never used one though so I can't vouch for it :)

Chit-Chat / Re: Pose Maniacs
« on: July 30, 2010, 03:44:15 AM »
...Beats trying to blind search Google Images for poses and the stuff that pops up then (yikes!)

I know right?  Be afraid, be very afraid...

...That's where I got the pose for my "Brierlea" piece from...

It's 6am here so... where is Brierlea?  Is she your sweet Aion character?

Art and Elfquest / Re: EQFA 2.0 - what has changed?
« on: July 29, 2010, 06:16:31 PM »
A super-belated WOWZERS and SUPERCOOL for the sweet new site!  Thanks, Fearless Leaders!  ;D

The Other Art Gallery / Re: Treefox's non-EQ stuff
« on: July 29, 2010, 06:14:36 PM »
Squeeeeee!!  So much love for this!  It absolutely glows!!  And sure, this movie was uber popular in America, at least when I was little.  (When I was four I was head over heels for the butterfly, who in English sings part of "Has anybody here seen Kelly, K-E-double L-Y..." ...which is my name, so I felt special).

Also I heard a rumor they were gonna making a live-action version of Last Unicorn, and I think using some of the (English) voice actors as live actors... only in older parts.  Like, Mia Farrow as Molly Grue, etc (but still Christopher Lee as Haggard!).  I even saw an official webpage for it once, but that was something like 4 years ago.  Maybe they abandoned the idea.  Cry.

But your picture is absolutely stunnning, and I can't believe you did that on the inside of a card!  Beautiful!

Chit-Chat / Pose Maniacs
« on: July 29, 2010, 06:04:34 PM »

A friend at work tipped me off to this awesome site, for any of y'all who havent seen it yet: Pose Maniacs.

It's a bunch of computer-rendered anatomical figures posed in various positions and viewable from multiple angles.  Pretty sweet for those of us who don't have access to live models! :D  So now maybe once I get off my jewelry- and clothing-making trip, I'll have to sit down and finally draw some elves from these poses!

Hope y'all enjoy, seems like a pretty awesome site!

Art and Elfquest / Re: Calendar Theme Discussion 2011
« on: April 20, 2010, 05:00:31 PM »
Huzzah!  I'm in with "Contrasts"... think I've been voting for that one for a couple years now... though I also really like elfeneyes' "Evildoers".... or maybe "Rogues and Wildcards", as Wendy put it :)

Thanks Windrider for stepping up again; and thanks Foxeye for offering this site as the home base -- I agree, the new EQ forum is far too clustered for me to deal with: here we are a happy little family (and far easier to navigate!)

Art and Elfquest / Re: Any art requests? Copying afke's meme
« on: February 11, 2010, 08:31:19 AM »
Excellent!  All spots filled.  Requests are as follows:

1. Yereh for Foxeye - http://www.elfquestfanart.com/index.php?action=mgallery;sa=item;id=2022! (look, I figured out how to link!)
2. Zoetgras / Fladder for afke
3. Trueflight for Treefox
4. "Pumpkin" for Silberschweif
5. Wildfire eponymous ;)

The rest prolly won't be finished as quick as the first, but I'm having fun doing it so you never know ;D

Art and Elfquest / Re: Any art requests? Copying afke's meme
« on: February 10, 2010, 05:59:26 PM »
Wow, I did not expect to finish one so soon.  Yereh for Foxeye is over in my gallery.  This is fun!!

Next up: Zoetgras/Fladder for afke!

Also, @Silber: your pumpkin girl is fabulous!  Does she have a name?  Is she a hunter? farmer? magic user?  You've got me interested! :D

Art and Elfquest / Re: Any art requests? Copying afke's meme
« on: February 10, 2010, 04:01:45 AM »
Hurrah!  Things to draw!  Have already started on Foxeye's ;D  I'll prolly do 'em in order of request.  Thanks y'all!

Art and Elfquest / Any art requests? Copying afke's meme
« on: February 09, 2010, 04:12:38 PM »
So I saw the meme that afke participated in (if I knew how to link to it I would do!  someone please do), where the first 5 responses get a requested sketch, and I thought that might be great for someone like me: need to draw more, but severely limited in time. Sooooooooooooooooooooo...

....If anyone wants to request a sketch of either a canon or a non-canon character, please say so here: first 5 responses will get pencil sketches of their chosen subject :D

Please note: it may take a while, since, as stated above, I am time-restricted.  HOWEVER, I will also take it as a favor should anyone request something, since I do need to draw more!  Also note: if it's a non-canon/personal character you'd like done, please point me in the direction of a CIS or other info/pic.


Art and Elfquest / Re: Artists Question and Answer
« on: January 30, 2010, 05:50:56 AM »
Where are you located, mischievous?  There are a few art supply mail order companies in the US (I happen to work for one) and most if not all prolly ship overseas as well.  Would feel bad (like I'm promoting my company) if I tell you what they are, but a quick google search for Ampersand Claybord pops up some online shopping results.  Also their website (http://www.ampersandart.com/) has a lot of neat info.  Good luck, and good for you for expanding your artistic horizons!  :D

Art and Elfquest / Re: Artists Question and Answer
« on: January 30, 2010, 04:49:55 AM »
There's also a way to "cheat" one's way out of stretching watercolor paper, and that is to use what's called a "block."  Blocks are different than regular pads of paper in that they are glued on 3 or all four sides of the paper, essentially making it impossible for the paper to warp.  You just whip out your block, paint your painting, and slice through the glue when you're done to remove the piece.  This does mean, however, that you can only work on one piece at a time; if you remove it and then want to paint on it some more, it'll be warp central.  Pretty much all watercolor papers also make blocks: again, Arches is the creme de la creme, but for any vegans out there Fabriano Artistico is also an excellent choice (Fabriano uses only synthetic sizing; Arches uses some animal-based sizings).  Canson also makes a pretty decent student-grade paper (and block) called "Montval."

However my favoritest of favorites for literally any kind of painting whatsoever are Ampersand's boards.  Claybord has a super-smooth surface, Aquabord is slightly textured (both of these are literally a layer of clay over masonite; very absorbent and very forgiving).  They also make Gessobord for oils/acrylics, and Pastelbord (in various colors) for pastels, but it's Claybord and Aquabord that I love.  I've even used them for egg tempera and encaustic (!) with fabulous results.  They make lil' 5x7" sampler packs if you want to test the different surfaces... sigh.  For someone who hates paper and canvas (because they are "bouncy") and is a lazy git like me, Ampersand are lifesavers  ;D

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2010 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: January 15, 2010, 05:46:26 PM »
Once again, with feeling:

THANK YOU to Carol for being Calendar Queen, to Joselle for being Cover Girl (and judge!), to Foxeye for being our Fearless Leader, and to Richard who spoils us and puts up with us even when we whine --- Thanks to all y'all (there's my southernness comin' out) for putting together another fantabulous calendar!!  ;D

Art and Elfquest / Re: Challenge - Unforgotten Past
« on: January 15, 2010, 05:42:11 PM »
Wow, Faerydae, that is fantastic!  I love all your descriptions -- I'm reading along laughing and going "Me too! Me too!"  You're lucky you had fellow artist friends though... I was always the only one!

Anyways, those are adorable!  And you're right, we did all start the same :)  Maybe I'll make a temp Ancient Art folder here or something... it really does bring back some truly great memories doesn't it?  Thanks for posting those!

Art and Elfquest / Re: Is EQFA redundant now?
« on: January 12, 2010, 04:08:22 PM »
...okay I just tried to play around on it again and it frustrated me within 30 seconds.  I might just give up.  At least until they streamline it.

Art and Elfquest / Re: Is EQFA redundant now?
« on: January 12, 2010, 03:58:29 PM »
I can't figure out how to work almost any portion of the new site... granted I haven't yet gotten to devote much time to it.  Sure, it's shiny and pretty, but as far as I can tell extremely confusing.  I am perplexed.  But I vote for keeping this fantabulous site here going!  I'm one of those who think the Scroll is too crowded and difficult to keep up with, I prefer the smaller community here.  And yes, the gallery oragnization is 500 times better here!!

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2010 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: January 04, 2010, 03:13:25 PM »
Okay, weird, Foxeye!  We're back-to-back Minyeh's!  I'm sure no one could really care less about Minyeh and yet we both snuck her in... I don't know why that strikes me as weird but it does!

And now I *really* can't wait to see these in detail!  And to read all the poems!  That's really nice, I think, all the choices between images and size.  Thanks, Windrider and Richard!  ;D

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2010 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: December 30, 2009, 04:37:26 PM »
I don't know much about standard sizes, but I have a widescreen as well, and my display settings tell me it's set at 1280 x 800.  Is there a way for you to (easily!) do 2 versions, one universal standard-screen-size, and one universal widescreen-sized?  If it's not easy to do, my vote would be for standard 1024 x 768 since I'm sure everyone can see that properly.

Thanks again and again and again for being such a kick-butt organizer wizard arty awesome lady!!

Chit-Chat / Re: Law and Chaos
« on: December 08, 2009, 04:25:31 AM »
...but one thing that fascinated me was her telling of her own connection to the character Elric. It had echoes of how many of us reacted to Jareth from Labyrinth. 

'kay that's weird, 'cos I had the same thought ;)

What really struck me was this, 'cos it's spot-on as far as my behvaior the past few weeks (years) has been:

Quote from: Wendy Pini
In their monomania, creative people often hurt and alienate those closest to them. Guilt may sting them from time to time, but ultimately the obsessed ones feel justified because they are in the grip of something stronger than themselves, something, they claim, that belongs to the world. Only those with egos stable enough to stand alone can love such self-centered and yet curiously uncentered personalities.

...and does Elric remind anyone else of Rayek? ;)

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