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Messages - branchscamper

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: October 08, 2011, 01:09:41 AM »
I've been really sick as well and had put my art aside for a short bit *shame* but I am determined to catch up with month and finish them! 

Chit-Chat / Re: How old are you?
« on: September 14, 2011, 03:02:41 PM »
I'm not giving away my age *cough* but I know it's been over 10 years since I was introduced to EQ.  I wish I could remember...it might be close to 20 years  :lol  My mom actually found the first issue and picked it up because she liked the design of Winnowill and it all progressed from there.  My sister basically claimed the fandom after that, but had me draw fanart from the beginning and I got hooked on the artwork. 

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: September 14, 2011, 02:56:44 PM »
Concerning the eye color, I guess it has happened before. I mean Moonshade was brown-eyed in the beginning as well..

They've discovered coloured contacts on the World of Two Moons???  :o

Sorry!  J/K!  But I couldn't resist XD

Her design is interesting even though I'm not a fan of the onepiece.  Very bright, but seems to fit the character of what I know her.  Seeing new designs is so much fun!

The Other Art Gallery / Re: Branchscamper's Non-EQ Stuff
« on: September 14, 2011, 02:52:08 PM »
I'm stuck sick at home so decided to share some more old artwork while I work on new.  Yes, more linework  :D

Achika from Tenchi Muyo!

Occasionally I do attempt to draw guys as well XD  Hiro from Gundam Wing

Most of the time I do spend time doing fanart.  I have a decent amount in original pieces I just have to dig it up.

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: September 11, 2011, 05:38:05 PM »
I finally finished inking Longfin and am probably 80% happy with that picture.  I put it aside to start drawing Dodia and am about 75% done drawing including inking that one.  Of course neither is even coloured yet so...I was kinda having a issue with Dodia's hair especially in the "pin up" picture because I didn't want her to be wearing her headband.  Then I realized I shared basically the same hair cut *lol*  It's one of those weird things that you wonder why it took so long for you to realize it.

So yep, that's my update!

I'm so excited to see the finished pieces everyone is working on.  I love looking at the art being posted in the galleries here =D

Chit-Chat / Re: Fight Club
« on: September 05, 2011, 11:33:25 AM »
I don't normally post a lot on forums and therefore I don't think I really have any say in a lot of this.  I also didn't vote either way as there are many pros and cons for all choices.  I will accept whatever decision is made. 

I used to frequent forums a lot, but it was due to the many arguments that made me more of a lurker.  Too many people had too many opinions of people.  It was very HS and I left HS drama behind me (or atleast I can hope) long ago.  I did often read rant sections and some of the arguments or points that came out were very enlightening, but a lot of people did take offense to things being said.  There are a lot of sensitive topics that people feel very personal about and therefore caused a lot of problems.  Once it turned ugly I would often not look at it again.

I am very open minded on a lot of things, but there are several topics that I feel strongly about be it for or against them and I would often boil once reading these topics and how people felt.  I would turn away if it came to that.  Once or twice when I would reply people were surprised by how I reacted/felt/opinionated I was and they do look at you differently afterwards. 

I feel bad it has come to this here and I hope we will all grow from it and still remain a big fanart family in the end.  We're all human.  We're not perfect.  That's just how we are to accept it  :)

The Other Art Gallery / Re: Branchscamper's Non-EQ Stuff
« on: September 05, 2011, 11:23:27 AM »
Thank you very much!  And, yes, I love me some line art XD

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: September 05, 2011, 11:21:34 AM »
I'm finally inking my first drawing!  I'm truly happy and yet nervous.  I've been experimenting colouring via my PS7 thanks to some YT videos and instructions from Tevokkia, but I'm not sure that is how I will go with this.  I'll see which I like better =D 

Art and Elfquest / Re: [Tool of the Trade] Wacom Inkling
« on: September 05, 2011, 11:19:22 AM »
That is...really cool  :o  But it still leads to my lazy factor of having to connect it to the computer and download ^_^;;;  It's like my other past time of photography.  I love taking photos and the final product, but taking the time to download hundreds of photos and then go and edit them...sigh...If I had more time in the day I think I would feel otherwise LOL

But the Inkling is still cool!

The Other Art Gallery / Branchscamper's Non-EQ Stuff
« on: August 30, 2011, 07:38:03 PM »
So as there has been no new art for a year that tells you how old some of these pieces are.  And as I've mentioned before I had turned to a lot of b/w line work so you'll see a lot of that here.  I've been wanting to be a mangaka for awhile, but most of my stuff is what my sister likes to call "promotional" work as I don't often have much luck repeating characters over and over as you would see.  Oh well...

Anyhoo on to the art.  Anime style.

From RGVeda.  Ashura and Yasha.  It was done as a Christmas exchange.

From xxxHolic.  Amewarashi.  This is one of the drawings I did for the fanbook.

Also from xxxHolic.  Maru and Moro.  Another drawing for the fanbook.

And I'll dig up more later XD  Thank you for looking!

oh...and I drew the girl in my avatar as well...it's kinda supposed to be me XD

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: August 30, 2011, 07:24:00 PM »
I still haven't progressed much.  I seem to have gotten a sudden case of cold feet trying to finish up my drawing.  I hope it looks alright!  I took a bit of a break to draw a few random elves of a tribe my sister and I created...oh gosh...over 10 years ago?  LOL  Anyhoo it's helped and I'm gaining more confidence with drawing once more after my year break. 

I'll probably be attempting different variations of colouring to see what I like the most.  It will probably end up in coloured pencils as it's my fave way to go.  With a lot of line inking >_> 

I'm enjoying myself way too much!

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: August 21, 2011, 11:25:21 PM »
@ Tevokkia - I would love any help I can get!  Before I turned completely to b/w inks by hand I basically would draw a picture, outline it in ink and colour it with coloured pencils.  Unfortunately coloured pencils don't scan very well and I felt as if my pictures did not show the quality of seeing it in person, so turned to the b/w.  I attempted twice with markers and once very amateurishly used my Adobe PS7 to colour in a cartoony character, but that's as far as I have gotten.  My family bought me a tablet (have to check which kind), but my super busy schedule keeps me from spending hours practicing much to my dismay :( 

@ Windrider - Thank you for the link!  I will read it more thoroughly and try to experiment.  My artist style is very, very basic compared to what I've been reading and seeing *^_^*;;  I have painted on canvas, but only scenic and as my goal the past couple years has been to be a mangaka I haven't spent a lot of time on colour; mostly focusing on lines.  When I do colour it is very close to cartoon/animation variety.  I feel so...amateur here...

On a good note I bought new pens to do my outlines and am soooo happy!  I had my last set stolen and have had to "make due" with ones that made my lines too thick (well atleast for me) so I am ready to attack my work again!  I think I will spend the time drawing all my pieces and then freak over the colouring once I am finished *lol* 

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: August 18, 2011, 05:38:31 PM »
I was in very excited mode to draw and then got really frustrated -_-  I'm trying really hard and I think I'm in the "okay" stage now.  I just need a little inspiration to get me back to the excited mode.  I have bits and pieces of Longfin's picture that I'm not happy with and it *might* just be me, but it just makes me put it aside time and time again.  I'm about to go back to it and see what happens  :)

And since I've been drawing in b/w ink for well over 2 years now when I went and re-read the rules the "full colour" put me in full panic.  I'm trying to come up with the best way for me to go about that.  I wish I had time to practice on my tablet, but every thing is being done by hand at the moment. 

Ok I'll get over my funk and get to work! 

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: August 07, 2011, 07:25:11 PM »
So much inspiration!  I love the excitement everyone is getting into for this. 

So far I only have Longfin's closeup and part of her action shot.  I have the idea of the rest of the picture it's just making sure it turns out the way I want it to XD  Also I forgot I have to do these in full colour.  I've done b/w's for so long I think this will be the most challenging part haha

Okay back to drawing... 

I was wondering what "back in the day" meant as well *lol*  I probably was and I believe the same name.  My "Silly Snow Fun" was back from 2004 and I had posted that.  I have so much art from many years ago. 

I would love to see more pieces posted here from everyone!

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: August 03, 2011, 11:32:42 AM »
I'm really excited!  I'm kinda glad the artists names were posted because now if we need any help finding pictures we can ask without trying to be all sneaky about it XD  I am overwhelmed by the number of people participating and it's awesome =)

As for my pictures...I'm working on one and only have the close up mostly done.  I'm trying to think of the character and also be original when it comes to all of them.  I'm probably over thinking XD

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: July 30, 2011, 10:46:00 PM »
If we've already chosen three characters we can stick with them, right?  I chose some characters I wasn't familiar with, but it led me to reading a whole bunch of new stuff and I'm happy I did =)  I'm about to start my drawings now and am super excited about them.

How is everyone else coming along???

Sorry I'm not much help with the publishing side.  I mainly participate and buy these things.  Last fan art book I participated for was a GIANT and was kinda a coffee book kind and cost me roughly $100 to purchase XD  Totally worth it mind you, but doubt that is what you are looking for...

Art and Elfquest / Re: [2012 Calendar] Who's drawing who
« on: July 30, 2011, 10:34:42 PM »
I also chose no preference.  In one way it ruins a kind of element of surprise, but if it keeps it better organized for everyone and people are more comfortable with names attached than an anonymous "taken" so be it.  I'm excited to be drawing and I imagine everyone is =D 

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: July 24, 2011, 09:06:49 AM »
That's a great site afke!  Thank you for sharing that :)

I've chosen my characters, now to force myself to sit down and get the time to draw.  I have rough ideas on what I want them all to look like, it's just getting them down on paper at this point and hope they look okay XD

I'm really excited about it and I'm anxious to see everyone else's when this comes out ^_^ 

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2012 Fan Calendar Guidelines
« on: July 20, 2011, 12:15:38 PM »
Hello everyone!  It's been so long since I've been around and I definitely miss EQ!  I'm going to try to return more often and I also submitted a PM to join in the calendar fun ^_^  I intend to force myself to draw no matter what!

@Treefox - unfortunately I've had to avoid cons due to financial stress.  Some day...

Art and Elfquest / Re: Questions?
« on: March 12, 2009, 11:49:04 AM »
Coolness.  Thank you!

I have it figured out and am working on it.  I'll remember to PM you with things like deleting galleries.  I always hate to be a bother though ^^;;

Thank you once again!

Art and Elfquest / Re: Questions?
« on: March 11, 2009, 11:38:43 PM »
I'm a bit confused on how to make various galleries under your gallery.  I *think* I did it correctly, but then again I'm guessing you can't move a piece of art from one to the other?  And you can't delete a gallery you have? 

I can never figure out the simple things ^^;;;

Edit - also do you have to make icon size pics so your gallery has those? 

Art and Elfquest / Re: 2010 Calendar musings
« on: March 11, 2009, 11:20:25 PM »
I think what confused people with the theme this year was that when people quoted "The Magic of EQ" everyone (including myself) thought MAGIC.  Also a few of the replies pointed out topics that related to the magic elves to "help" the artist along so kind of pushed that theme that way.  I wouldn't have thought of it any other way. 

Technically I don't think it was hard at all, but what stumps me is I always try to come up with something others might not.  Doesn't always work out that way, but it takes me a few days to come up with what I'm drawing which cuts into time for drawing, etc...I'm also slower than most with my drawings so I'm lucky to even get one submission in on time ^^;;;

I don't think I've ever voted on the theme so if one person chooses it or a bunch it's the same to me.  I just try to match it one way or another.  So an "executive" decision doesn't bother me ^_^

Art and Elfquest / Re: Welcome to ElfQuest Discussion
« on: March 11, 2009, 11:12:31 PM »
Intro time!

First I'm super happy that EQfanart has returned in one form or another and thank you for all the effort of making it happen =D  When I first got into the fandom there was literally no one who shared my interest except for family (and I didn't think about how the internet had clubs/fandoms/etc at the time) so when I discovered the first EQFA I was happyhappy!  I'm horrible at keeping up with forums and stuff though so my activity is fairly low.  I apologize!  But I hope to be able to keep up a bit atleast ^^;;;

In all things fandom related I'm known as Branchscamper (but you'll see Yukiko here and there!) and it was the artwork that drew me in to EQ.  I just began drawing this art again after a few years break, but I'm also slow on drawing so once again I will try my hardest! 

And...I think that's about it for now?  XD

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