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Shuna by Kelly McKay
 Views: 3389
 Comments: 8
Jan 08, 2012
in 2013 - Weekly Pin Ups
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Tyldak by Kelly McKay
 Views: 2888
 Comments: 10
Dec 05, 2011
in 2012 - Weekly Pin Ups
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Yereh for Foxeye
Foxeye's awesome self-elf Yereh!  For the art request meme.  Took a page from Windrider's book and rocked the graphite on vellum.  ;D
 Views: 54087
 Comments: 9
Feb 10, 2010
in Non-Canon
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"At Last" by Kelly McKay (Joyrider1978)
2010 Fan Art Calendar:  MAY

Redlance's plantshaping powers finally emerge... I always imagined this as a far more emotional self-discovery than depicted in the comics; perhaps it was the novelization that gave me the idea, though I misplaced the book long ago.  Yet Redlance struggled so long with f…
 Views: 11503
 Comments: 14
 Rating: 5.00
Dec 02, 2009
in 2010 - Finding One's Place
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Rayek from memory (-ies)
Oh my... I remember vividly drawing the original while in 7th grade Social Studies class, trying to remember Rayek all grumpy with Cutter in Book 1.  Obviously I had not memorized his outfit / design well enough!  I was eleven or twelve, had discovered EQ maybe within 3 months of drawing this, and w…
 Views: 2573
 Comments: 6
Oct 02, 2009
in Unforgotten Past
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Like Father...
Strongbow gives Dart a lesson on the arrow-whip.
 Views: 1544
 Comments: 2
Jun 07, 2009
in Canon
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Wounded Pride
Old inks of baby Pike with a busted knee, which daddy Rain can will away.
 Views: 1846
 Comments: 5
Jun 07, 2009
in Canon
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 Views: 1766
 Comments: 8
Jun 07, 2009
in Canon
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Little Bird
 Views: 1695
 Comments: 8
Jun 07, 2009
in Canon
Another monthly challenge entry, "Impossible Couples."  Ember got a bit too much into the dreamberries, and didn't pay enough attention to who she was getting into the furs with...
 Views: 6862
 Comments: 7
Jun 07, 2009
in Canon
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When Skin Meets Skin...
Entry for a long-ago fomer EQFanArt monthly challenge.
 Views: 1962
 Comments: 5
Jun 07, 2009
in Canon
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Timmorn's Vision
The planned but (of course!) uber-late image meant for 2004's "Then & Now" calendar...
 Views: 1809
 Comments: 8
Jun 07, 2009
in Canon
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"Lumiere et Noir" by Kelly McKay (Joyrider)
2006 Fan Art Calendar:  JUNE

Based on the style of Alphonse Mucha
 Views: 2395
 Comments: 4
Mar 21, 2009
in 2006 - ElfQuest Through the Ag…
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"Harmony" by Kelly A. McKay (Joyrider)
2007 Fan Art Calendar:  MARCH
 Views: 2832
 Comments: 2
Mar 19, 2009
in 2007 - Home and Family
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"Avenged" by Joyrider1978
2005 Fan Art Calendar: MARCH
 Views: 6304
 Comments: 7
Mar 17, 2009
in 2005 - Beloved Dead
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"A Mother's Defense" by Kelly McKay (Joyrider)
2008 Fan Art Calendar:  FEBRUARY
 Views: 7923
 Comments: 3
Mar 14, 2009
in 2008 - Favorite Moments
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