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In A Fruitful Future by Veronica Lacquement - Posted Jan 17, 2024
Thank you all so much! I am very glad I pushed past my discomforts with drawing published characters and joined this year.
For the ‘Story’ behind the piece. This is meant to be on Starhome, some many turns after Stargazer’s Hunt. Aroree’s hum has found new harmony, and with it an ability to dream again. And in those dreams she is a mother. Which prompts her to go on her own quest.
Other hearts and hums are healing too. Strongbow visits with the others more, encouraged or drawn that way by Moonshade’s spirit. She draws him closer to the heart, where the Palace seed has rooted and became the Elves new home. Both find their feet taking them to the scroll of colors. Moonshade’s spirit enters the room with joyful song and laughter, echoed by the spirits of the Eight. Delighted and awed the two are drawn into the spirits dance until they are dancing together. Soul meets soul when eyes meet eyes.
A turning of seasons later, Aroree has come to pick sweet fruits for Aurek and Strongbow, even though he sleeps. The preservers with her are happy and singing. So por Strongbow is awakened when Aroree places a small basket of fruits outside his den. The feather is found as a fletching discard by one preserver, who ponders how to add it to their cap.
In Sleep Now, Pups by Swev - Posted Jan 17, 2024
I really love this piece a lot. It is tranquil and yet majestic.
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