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In Tyldak by Kelly McKay - Posted Jan 04, 2012
Thanks all! I'll admit, trying to make Tyldak sexy was difficult, and I think I only made it as far as 'somewhat appealing.'  I always did like the softer side of him we see with Kahvi in book 8 & Hidden Years, and tried to show that side here.  Oh, and it was done with watercolor pencils and pastel pencils on Aquabord -- a combination I do not recommend and will not be repeating :P  Learn something new with every calendar ;)
In Skywise by Carol Lyon - Posted Jan 04, 2012
So beautiful, so so beautiful!  Your work is always perfect in my eyes, but not only is this technically stunning, you've captured Skywise to a T!  You've got all his aspects here -- fun loving, sultry, charming, and with childlike enthusiasm -- sigh.  I don't think I can wait till week 53 to have this one on my wall!
In Little Patch by Saskia de Korte - Posted Jan 04, 2012
This is stunning.  Stunning.  And I never in a million years would have thought it was done in Photoshop.  What an interesting character choice, and what interesting poses to put him in!  And his eyes in the portrait are so captivating!  I really hope we see more from you here, Saskia!
In Teir by Jerelyn Foxeye - Posted Jan 04, 2012
Heellllooooooo gorgeous!  Oh my.  I would say something here as well about your mastery of painting light but, um, I'm a little distracted by, um... what that light is hitting.  Yum.

I'll be in my bunk.
In Ember by Jerelyn Foxeye - Posted Jan 04, 2012
Oh so much lovely!  Your way with light has me so jealous, and yet I can't hate you for it 'cos your art makes me so happy!  Everything about this piece just glows, and I especially love her thoughtful, beautiful expression in the portrait.  Gorgeous!
In Winnowill. Russian color. - Posted Aug 09, 2010
Very cool!  The costume is beautiful!  She looks very regal, but somehow not evil, like the Kokoshnik (?) dress has pacified her... :)
In Flower girl - two decades later - Posted Jul 29, 2010
Oh wow.  Wow.  Color me crazy impressed.  I love the way one leg is crooked over the other in the new version; exactly the sort of natural thing you'd do if you were belly-down on a rock ;)  And the greenery is just amazing!  Honestly, it almost reminds me of the bayous back home in Louisiana, with the Spanish moss-like stuff draping off the trees in the background (no boulders in Louisiana though ;) ) And of course, the improvement is jaw-dropping, and I too applaud Baby Foxeye for not falling into the face-front portrait mode of youth (a trap I pretty much lived in).  Signs of greatness to come!
In The desert rose (Elf West) - Posted Feb 10, 2010
I love the ringlets!  Makes me think of "Maverick" ;D  Plus, she looks like she knows a secret which is about to make her giggle.  Many ♥'s!
In Sexy Slangenboog - Posted Feb 09, 2010
I concur, yum!  ...makes me think of Jared Leto in My So-Called Life... "I love how he...*leans*." ;D
In Snowfall with pup - Posted Feb 09, 2010
Aww, this is adorable!  I absolutely love your facial expressions... or how you draw them, rather ;) So realistic and lively!  I also like the meme... might steal it ;)
In You Can't Go Home Again - Posted Jan 30, 2010
Oh I've loved this ever since I first saw it...somewhere. Hmm.  It seems so sad and so cold, somehow.  You did get Suntop spot on, which is amusing, but... (is it blasphemy to say this?") ...I think I like your version better!

Also, by "vellum" do you mean bristol vellum? sketch vellum? translucent vellum awesomeness?  Just curious.
In Surge Goes Shopping - Posted Jan 22, 2010
HAhahaha, that is hilarious!  I always did wonder how he managed to wear that thing....seemed like it would be VERY uncomfortable...
In Wolfriders (color) - Posted Jan 22, 2010
Yay for color!  It looks even more awesome this way.  Well done!
In Droomoog - Posted Jan 22, 2010
Oh wow afke!  This is stunning!  And I LOVE the greyscale!  The depth of the tree branches is fantastic... of course you've advanced tremendously in skill, but even the original is not bad at all -- there's something very relaxed and realistic in the pose.  Lovely!
In I'm off... - Posted Jan 20, 2010
Pointy-eared hobgoblin! ...very cute!
In The Way It Never Was - Posted Jan 20, 2010
Oh I love this!  So sweet, and so well done! Skywise and Shale especially are spot on.  Please say you're going to color this? :)
In "Dart's Place" by Seraphima Chisler (ElfTanner) - Posted Jan 19, 2010
Where oh where is dartfan when you need him??  I agree with Windrider -- you got the theme spot on!  And so many memories... very well done and very well thought out; I can tell you put a lot of love and effort into this!  Lovely!

Edit: This also makes me think about just how lucky Dart is to have so much love in his life; all the elves do, but Dart seems especially blessed, and your image just made me think of it :)
In "At Last" by Kelly McKay (Joyrider1978) - Posted Jan 18, 2010
Thanks y'all :)  This was my first play with gouache (for some reason I tend to use calendar entries to test new forms of media) and I ♥ it to bits, but I still need *lots* of practice.  This one certainly took approximately a billion years, since one of the blessings (or curses) of gouache is you can actually go over areas you dislike (at least you can when painting on claybord; it might muck up on paper) -- if you could do an archaeological dig on this painting you'd prolly shudder at what you found! ;)
In Wolves, then and now - Posted Jan 18, 2010
Lassie is definitely my favorite!  And honestly, for a 6 year old that is extremely well done! Ypu've got the legs in perspective -- how many 6 year olds do that, instead of just giving either 2 legs or 4 legs staggered the length of the body? ♥♥♥
In Wolfriders - Posted Jan 17, 2010
I agree: please color this!  This is awesome!  ;D
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