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In Savah by Carol Lyon - Posted Mar 21, 2012
I love her hair :) and the green scarf. The colouring is so pretty. I was thinking how many people get the wrong idea when they see the term pinup. I think all the artist did an amazing job with the fact that elves are comfortable w/who they are and with their bodies. It has nothing to do with age which doesn't really matter with an elf anyway. Every piece is beautiful no matter who is in it and it's sad for those who can not see that.
In Lost in her web - Posted Mar 21, 2012
Always so beautiful :0 Sometimes that break is what is needed...but maybe not that long lol
In you still hunt with the pack? - Posted Mar 21, 2012
Beautiful touching piece. I am sorry for your loss and feel your pain as I have lost many of my beloved pack as well. Wonderful tribute.
In Most sketchy sketchdump ever - Posted Mar 20, 2012
I wish my sketches looked this good! Awesome sketchy-ness :)
In Dancing Vlugzand - Posted Mar 19, 2012
I love how she looks like she is enjoying the moment of the dance. Also the soft shading adds to the emotion of the moment.
In Neve - Coloured - Posted Mar 17, 2012
I would love that Berit :) I am happy if someone would like to draw Neve. I want to try my hand at others characters!
In Nightfall in the sleeping furs - Posted Mar 17, 2012
Your line work turned out really well! I can see the difference between this and your other art but it's still unbelievably pretty!
In Neve - Coloured - Posted Mar 16, 2012
Thank you! I'm happiest w/the hair as I tried something new for colouring. Took me a long time but it was worth it :) Obviously def need an action pic with yoyo lol
In Winter - Posted Mar 16, 2012
This is really cool. I like the snow and the different textures.
In Neve - Coloured - Posted Mar 15, 2012
Treefox - thank you :) I tried a new technique w/her hair and it's the only part I'm mostly happy with. I will definitely be drawing more of her!

Mirror - Thank you! hehee I thought it would be a fun weapon to use. It makes me want one too!

Nilla - :) thank you as well! Her skin looks a bit yellow to me...weird...but I love the dark wine colour so had to use it. Now to try to draw an action picture of her using the yoyo XD
In Resting warrior - Posted Mar 13, 2012
I like this!  The way the lines are done is very nice and the colourings are toned down, but work well with the picture.
In Happy Birthday to us! - Posted Mar 13, 2012
aw little chibi characters!  So cute!
In Terra's new bikini - Posted Mar 10, 2012
I love the shade of green!  Every thing looks so soft and pretty.
In Rillfisher Grid Art - Posted Mar 04, 2012
awww I'm glad it's not that horrible of a piece.  I was really worried XD  I was concerned about her look in the profile picture, but then I thought about it and she had to have a touch of mischievousness to her!
In Winnowill Grid Art - Posted Mar 04, 2012
Thank you guys!  As much as it scares me I really enjoyed drawing this piece.  My mom also loves it and it was actually her that made me want to draw Winnowill as she was the first one to buy an EQ comic and it had Winnie on the cover =D
In Jink Grid Art - Posted Mar 04, 2012
This is so pretty!  I love the hair the most actually.  You all amaze me with your art all the time  :hail
In Winnowill by Cat Mahathy - Posted Mar 03, 2012
I love the colourings in her hair in the pinup.  It makes it so pretty.
In Leetah - DIGITAL - Posted Mar 02, 2012
So pretty!  And two hours?  XD  I can't wait until I can do artwork in that short amount of time!
In Longfin by Yukiko - Posted Mar 02, 2012
@mischievous_valkyrie - Thank you so much!
@Embala - Thank you for putting everything into such wonderful words.  I was trying to portray her very close to what you wrote.  I couldn't find much reference to her, but she seems like such an interesting character!
In Tyleet by Yukiko - Posted Mar 02, 2012
I spent a long time trying to get this coloured hopefully correctly.  It's only my 2nd or 3rd attempt at colouring digitally and I still have a lot to learn.  

@silentleaf - Thank you!  The pinup pose was what inspired the entire picture.
@afke - Thank you as well!  I was really worried about being able to do the pose and think I need to tweak it a bit, but I'm always afraid I'll ruin it XD
@Maggie - hehee I was hoping it came across as almost a casual sexy? Unintentional, but still there...IDK if it worked XD
@Treefox - Great minds think alike! Flowers definitely came to my mind when I thought of her.
@Mirror - Thank you!  

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