ElfQuest Fan Art

Elfquest => Art and Elfquest => Topic started by: Treefox on October 29, 2024, 02:43:57 AM

Title: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on October 29, 2024, 02:43:57 AM
Hi all! I know it's super quiet on the forum and basically only a couple of people still active here once in a while, but would anybody be interested in following, discussing and helping with my Elfquest portrait project?
Would you like to see and comment on my works in progress and upcoming ideas? If yes, please let me know.  :D Otherwise I would just delete this thread again.
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey...?
Post by: Startear on October 29, 2024, 06:07:03 AM
I’m willing to do it!  ;D
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey...?
Post by: Amberfox on October 29, 2024, 08:00:32 AM
I would love to! I know I keep mentioning it, but I also need to post the challenges and collage we’ve talked about. I’m always lurking about on this site, so count me in! Like the viruses I deal with, I’m hard to get rid of!
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on October 29, 2024, 11:19:48 AM
Oh that is super sweet of you and I hope it will be fun and boosting our creativity.
I love that you guys are sticking around and are willing to exchange some ideas.
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on October 29, 2024, 11:29:01 AM
So it's actually been a couple of years since I first had this idea. I was inspired by the beautiful pastel crayon portraits Wendy did of some of the elves once upon a time.
I thought I wanted to make a beautiful painterly portrait of each of the characters as they appeared on the back covers of the original quest (meaning in the order they appear on the back covers). As you can already see, I wanted to incorporate an animal companion that embodies the character. While starting to draw this series, my idea is already progressing, as I'm trying not only to include an animal companion but also trying to give each character attributes that symbolize the important persons in their lives. I think all in all it's 31 portraits. :lol I will probably be retired before I get there, but the journey is fun and each finished portrait is a little success, right? I don't think I'll ever get all done. But let's see how far I'll come.
I'm loving it so far! It's so much fun delving deep into the characters and think about what they mean to me and what their journey is.
So, if you want to, share your thoughts on the characters and what defines them for you. I'd love to go on this journey together.
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on October 29, 2024, 11:47:39 AM
So next up is Cutter's gorgeous mum, who gives Dolly Parton a run for her money (love you, Dolly!)
(https://i.postimg.cc/nV7k0jp0/image0-8.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/vDYfmm1V)
The sketch is already done and the basic colors are laid down. I thought of butterflies for her immediately.
The butterflies and flowers in her hair are going to be white and blue and start blending into the background.
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Startear on October 29, 2024, 02:19:04 PM
UMN hi, this is gorgeous. I love the delicate hand holding what I assume is the bow. Love the clasp especially.

Okay, with that out of the way. The jutting of her chin bothers me. I think the issue is the Angle, it is lokking very pronounced while the Angle, to me, suggests that it shouldn’t be? Or maybe you need to make her jawline tilt slightly more up.

The other concern I have is with matching the color of the flowers with the butterflies. Right now, is easy to tell them apart, but I’d be carefull about making them too similar and make them blend too much together.

Of course the latter might be what you are going for, in that case ignore what I am saying.
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on October 29, 2024, 09:57:14 PM
Oh yay Startear, thanks! Yep, the chin is a bit too pointy, it shall now be less so in the progress. :D
The flowers and butterflies will have similar colors, but will also remain distinct from another like they are now. :)
And indeed, that's a bow she's holding. From what we see in the comics, the weapon of her choice.
I was wondering whether to make the armband and clasp gold or silver... But now that I see it in gold, I think it fits. What do you think?
Oh, this is exciting thank you so much! It's nice to share this with you.
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Czarine on October 30, 2024, 12:11:14 AM
Ooh, what a cool project! I love her pose <3

My suggestions would be to add butterflies to the bottom of the image too, as now the portrait feels a bit top-heavy with all the details up there.

The other thing would be to angle the wolf brooch (?) clasp (??) to face the same direction she does. Her face, arms and chest are turned to the same direction, but the wolf faces forward, which breaks the flow, so to speak.

Can't wait to see your progress!
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Amberfox on October 30, 2024, 12:48:41 AM
Looking amazing, Treefox! I always liked the looks of Joyleaf, but I have to admit, I'm not much of a fan of the Dolly Parton reference. Ah well. Not offended, just...doesn't quite work for me.

But who cares! Loving this so far. I agree the chin seems to jut a bit for that angle, even though she did have a strong heart shaped face. It needs to remain a bit pointy, though, because of the heart shape, but perhaps emphasize the angle a bit less, give the lower jawline a little more fleshiness, if that makes sense. I did notice the wolf clasp on her cloak (what it seems like), but it's possible that it could face forward while she doesn't because jewelry does that. Some high- and lowlights can easily make it look perfect in its current position. Also, the butterflies and flowers in the hair can be the same blue but with different accents, highlights, and lowlights, maybe the butterflies and flowers can both have variations of subtle other colors in them since both typically do. There are no limits to that aspect. I don't think butterflies need to be added to the bottom of the illo to balance it out, strong contrasting colors in her cloak or some other detail would balance it out just as easily. I understand the butterflies are there to also help draw the viewers' attention to the face, the focus of the image.

I think while the visible hand is graceful, I think the fingers are a bit too thin. Just a little more fullness I think would make them even more elegant.

Can't wait to see the next posting! This is a remarkable challenge you've taken on, very stunning but not enviable.
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on October 30, 2024, 01:43:15 AM
Woooooow guys! So much feedback! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Czarine, I was inspired by art nouveau putting the "weight" of the picture on her face. It does almost look a bit like a Madonna (the holy one) painting, doesn't it? That was not my intention. But I still like the look.
And hey, it's digital, we can put in some quick butterflies at the bottom and see how it looks. :)
So far I offset all the claps to keep it more interesting and also copying how it was often done in medieval times. But I could place it in one line with her face to see how that would look. It's fun to try things out.
Amberfox, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to be offending. The Parton reference actually came from Wendy or Richard. She's similarly blond, curly and curvaceous, that's probably where it's coming from.
The way you describe the colors of the flowers and butterflies is exactly how I plan to do it! :D I hope it will look neat.
And I will try to work at the fingers a little more. Still my nemesis...
Aw man, thank you so much guys! I missed discussions and conversations like these!
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on October 30, 2024, 01:46:45 AM
One more thing: should I make the bow look like the one she has in the comics? I'm not sure I want to give it too much attention. I just wanted to add the notion that she's also a huntress.
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Amberfox on October 30, 2024, 07:54:26 AM
Oh, no, you didn’t offend me in the least! There are certainly elements of Dolly Parton in Joyleaf, and I respect the woman and like her music, it just seems overused or emphasized. Something. Shrug.

Yeah, hands and feet, the bane of many an artist. I’m sure you’ll make it work!

I think it’s up to you about the bow. I’m glad you included it since Joyleaf often is depicted for her looks and little else. She WAS a huntress, and it often feels neglected in favor of pretty. Still, while it appeared to be her weapon of choice, it didn’t seem as symbolic or defining as Newmoon or Strongbow’s bow(s). Again, I think as long as it is depicted, that should suffice. She’s an archer, but doesn’t have a specific or special bow she uses.
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on October 30, 2024, 10:06:17 AM
Glad to hear that I didn't offend you. :)
And I absolutely agree with everything you said. She was indeed a huntress and I want to include that. So I put in some of the suggested changes. I like the direction of the clasp better this way, but I think the increased number of butterflies just makes the picture feel too stuffed. I also changed her bow slightly, which you can't really see anyway, because it's behind a butterfly. Ah well. Her fingers are slightly thicker, but this will become more apparent when the colors progress. There's still so much work to do on this. :D
(https://i.postimg.cc/ncyQfW3x/image0-10.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ykTNFLqp)
So, let's continue with the colors!
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Startear on October 30, 2024, 12:33:55 PM
Yeah I agree, I think that the butterflies at the bottom are too much, I think maybe keeping one or two wouldn’t be an issue, but right now it is a bit too much.

I didn’t notice the clasp pointing the wrong way until Czarine mentioned it.

As for the Dolly Parton thing, while I do see the point of Joyleaf being more than just beautiful, Dolly Parton has done a lot to increase child litteracy with her Imagination Library. Likewise, I think people forget how much Joyleaf did for the Wolfriders.
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on October 31, 2024, 01:57:47 AM
Thanks, then I will continue to work on her. :)
Don't want to work, want to paint!
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Afke on October 31, 2024, 04:46:19 AM
Ooh, I actually like the extra butterflies at the bottom, but perhaps there could be more dimension to them if they are bigger, as if they're closer to us. Than it'll look like they're going toward her, surrounding her.
Her bow could use a bit of extra curl at the end I think.

Good luck with your project, sounds like a massive one. :o
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Yavia on October 31, 2024, 05:21:01 AM
It looks great. I like the colors and was a bit wondering, if she is wearing fur of a fox because of the color.
Love this project very much and hope you will make it. Nice to see it here.  :love
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on October 31, 2024, 07:34:20 AM
Yay!! Thanks so much afke and Yavia!
I like the ideas of giving the butterflies some perspective, but I don't want to take too much attention away from Joyleaf's face. I will see how it all comes together in the end and maybe even make two versions, like with Leetah... If only I wasn't so slow! :lol
I looked at her bow and it isn't as curly as it was in my memory...I think I will make it a bit longer, then the curvature will be more apparent. I think I confused her bow with the one Cutter is using during the beginning of the quest when he is travelling with Skywise.
And I don't think I will ever be able to finish this project. But as long as it is fun, I'll keep doing it. :)

Because of the color, it really does look like she's wearing fox fur. But I plan to make it leather, just like the one she wore in the comics. She has this two-layer outfit going on, the upper layer is more of standard warm ochre and the lower layer has this reddish color. I really like her outfit in the comics, btw. :)

I hope I'll have time to work a bit on this during the weekend.
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Amberfox on October 31, 2024, 08:50:14 AM
Of course, it’s up to you whether you want to keep the butterflies at the base, but it seems a bit distracting to me, almost as if “Hey, butterflies! Oh, and Joyleaf.” I say play around with it and see what you personally prefer.

I always thought Joyleaf’s bow was a simple long bow, but maybe the idea was it looks too straight to be a bow. Hmm. I’m at work at the moment and my phone just doesn’t cut it in terms of seeing details in illos.

I know how you feel! I have soooo many ideas rampaging through my pathetic overworked brain that I would love to put to paper, but I too suffer from slowness. I did come up with a new illo idea that I’ve started on, but I think this is number 827 of images I’m working on…sigh.

Keep up the great work! You’ve got a cheering crowd gathering!
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on October 31, 2024, 11:30:56 AM
Yeah, I checked that bow out and it's really neat but basic. It has a slight curve.

But I'm happy to hear that you've also not running out of ideas soon. :) This means enjoyment for years to come. :D
Should I finish Joyleaf before Christmas, I'd like to put in a small three picture series... Probably not going to happen, but one can dream.
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Yavia on November 01, 2024, 03:59:56 AM
Joyleaf's outfit is so cool. I loved it so much. Both colors are so warm and look soft.

I wish I had Idea's to make. But my brain is almost everytime satisfied with Imagine how the picture later will look, so I don't bother to make it. Also it always look better in my head.
I am very quick in drawing and painting, so that would be no issue. Sorry, if I offend someone or feel bad by saying this. That wasn' t intended
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Amberfox on November 01, 2024, 09:16:06 AM
No offense taken! We all have our skills and approaches to drawing, we're all different. I perpetually have so many ideas in my head that I can never possibly get all to paper (or if I ever go digital...). But, in my life right now, I just don't have enough time or energy to be fast. When I was briefly in between jobs, I was churning out coloring that had been ignored for years. Now that I am very busily employed, sigh. Ah well.

Because I tend to work slowly, I also tend to change my opinion on my art before I can even finish it. Love that sketch, start inking it, I see errors that bother me, start to color it, I start thinking I could've done this or that much better. We are our harshest critics.

I liked Joyleaf's outfit as well, but I'd have to go back and check the designs again to see if there was anyone that really stood out to the point that I really wanted that outfit. Personal style and preference.

I look forward to seeing new art from you as well as what you've done for the calendar! I'm often inspired by others, and it just gets me more enthusiastic.
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on November 02, 2024, 10:54:12 AM
Aw, Yavia! *hugs* My pictures never turn out the way I imagine them. I can relate. Luckily, the process of drawing is still so enjoyable that I do it anyway.
And your art is very much loved here. :love
@Amberfox: right? We are truly our harshest critics... And once I finish something I start seeing all those things that I wish I had done differently. But I really try to focus on the fact that I created something and put it out into the world. That's still fun for me. Especially if it's for and with you guys.

Sigh, the weekend is pretty full. But I managed to work on Joyleaf's cloak and armband a little. Next is her clasp.
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Afke on November 03, 2024, 07:08:26 AM
That's a good thing though; I came across some info that if you're no longer critical of your work, your skills may have plateaued. As long as you're critical, you keep learning. ;) Of course, there should be a healthy balance, not taking yourself down too much or be mean to yourself, but indeed also be pleased with what you did or that you did it at all!
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: jaRf on November 03, 2024, 04:51:50 PM
I'll check it - but now I got to sleep. (Finally submitted my calendar entry.) And hopefully there will also be time for a comment on the elf-self. Just really tired now.
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on November 04, 2024, 11:59:44 AM
Be proud! You also put it out into the world! Congratulations!
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on November 08, 2024, 01:30:42 AM
Soooo, basic Joyleaf is done. There will be a rather big final step in which I put in all the highlights and bring everything together.

(https://i.postimg.cc/5yg7YDZ0/image0-9.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/9w4tsgX5)

Next are the butterflies!
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Maggie on November 08, 2024, 07:08:16 AM
Wow, that took quite the jump. I look forward to seeing her with all the shiny details. :love
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on November 08, 2024, 11:38:01 AM
Wheee! Thanks Maggie! Yeah, I got into the flow and actually wondered if I should post an update, but was too lost in the drawing process and here we are. :D
I might be able to finish it the weekend! Unbelievable! :lol
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on November 09, 2024, 01:27:18 PM
Next up: Treestump!
Gosh, I don't think I ever drew him before...so another challenge. But then, I don't think I ever drew Bearclaw or Joyleaf...
However, before I start on him, I want to insert a little 4 picture series. A crossover with a super popular version of Cinderella here in Germany. :D
But anyway, for Treestump I would like to incorporate elements from Rillfisher, Dewshine and Clearbrook.
I already got some great ideas for that brewing! This could be good!
His animal companion will be little surprising: it's going to be a bear.
I mean, what else, right? :D
Do you also want to see my first super rough sketch that probably nobody except me can decifer?
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Amberfox on November 09, 2024, 01:36:30 PM
Never considered it, but I think a bear is a very appropriate "totem" for Treestump. I was surprised he is your next choice, but what a great one to do! I don't think I've tried to draw him, either (or Bearclaw or Joyleaf), but this should get your creative side motivated! Can't wait to see what you come up with, including what you incorporate from the other three in his life. I'm all for seeing your rough sketch, even if I can't decipher what's going on. Maybe I could see something you can't/don't and offer some advice, or at the very least, be inspired to get busy with my own efforts. Sounds like a win-win to me!
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on November 09, 2024, 01:43:10 PM
Yes, Treestump is on the back cover of issue 5 together with Scouter and Dewshine. So he's next.  ;D
The rough sketch is so rough that I'm not sure if there's anything to point out yet. But you're more than welcome to give feedback!
And if it inspires you, it's truly a win!
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on November 09, 2024, 01:56:32 PM
Here's the sketch. Gosh, it's really just a couple of rough lines. :lol
(https://i.postimg.cc/9fHZddKT/image0-12.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/TKQKGDRY)

I think probably the biggest challenge will be the composition. Squeezing ripped Treestump and such a large animal in a picture together... Not that easy. But I think it could work like this.
There will be some characters with larger companions... Maybe a challenge we can overcome together. :love
But at least I think that only Joyleaf will have more than one animal in their picture. Phew
Oh, one more thing: in the sketch he's looking sort of upwards. I already want to change that to make him look straight ahead. I think it fits better and his pose won't look to similar to Bearclaw.
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Amberfox on November 09, 2024, 11:20:19 PM
I could tell he was looking upward. See? I can vaguely make out the sketch! Beaerclaw, Leetah, and Rayek were looking directly at the viewer, Joyleaf up, so it works. Hard to say at this point about the composition. I think once the basic lines are decided on, you can get a better idea of if the current composition works or if you should make any alterations. Definitely need to work in at least a bladed weapon, if composition permits, maybe a small shadow hinting at an anvil and hammer or make it more prominent. Again, I think that can be better determined once the image starts coming together more. Can't wait to see the progress!
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on November 09, 2024, 11:42:58 PM
Wow, you are a wonder! Your interpretation is correct. And of course he needs a weapon. :) Only visible to me, he's holding his signature axe in his left hand.
For the direction the characters are looking,I plan on wide variety. The only thing I'm probably going to avoid is doing a profile. Even though I sorta wanna do that for Dewshine. But then I definitely want to draw her gorgeous eyes.
And thanks again for the lovely input.
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Afke on November 11, 2024, 12:20:36 PM
It'll be fun to see you going from this to your end result. :D
I already liked some of the big leaps from Joyleaf's sketches.
I think I see the axe though! His hand is going up a bit and the blade is near his shoulder?

Nice to see you draw Treestump.
I always saw him as the great big rock that everyone can lean on, someone who has everybody's back.
I'm not sure the expression "rots in de branding" exists in English too though...
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on November 11, 2024, 12:41:09 PM
Yeah, I really enjoy looking back at the process of beginning with a couple of wild lines and see the emergance of a character.
And you see the axe correctly! That's where it is. 😊 You guys are amazing.
And you nailed EXACTLY what he also is to me! I don't know if this saying exists in English, but we do have the same in German the "Fels in der Brandung". That's what he is!
I love to hear what the characters mean to you, what they stand for to you. This also broadens my view on them and will also influence the outcome.
Currently I'm already working on my little Elfquest Christmas project. It's fun so far.
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on January 11, 2025, 01:02:17 PM
I am at it again! It's slowly coming together. :)
I need to tackle the bear next. Need some good Grizzly reference, this should be feasible.
(https://i.postimg.cc/85rJKyNh/image0-2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/tZp47N1T)
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Wildfire on January 12, 2025, 01:14:47 PM
Oh wow, this looks great already!
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on January 13, 2025, 10:08:50 AM
Yay! Thank you so much for the motivation boost! :love
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on January 13, 2025, 01:19:07 PM
I think I got a bear! Just a few more details and then I can start coloring. :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/90PYfNJ5/image0-4.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/sGXh6mkw)
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Startear on January 14, 2025, 05:02:27 AM
Oh hell yeah! I have missed a lot of updates due to being very busy lately, but I am digging the progression you are showing here! Also yes yes yeas to Treestump with a bear!
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on January 14, 2025, 05:32:48 AM
Whee! Thanks for taking the time to comment! A bear for Treestump is a given, right? I mean everything down to his color scheme seems to scream bear. His personality also fits. Just don't get him mad! :)

So, he will have:
- his cloak holding "ring" with the decorative shawl hanging down will be reminiscent of Clearbrook
- his fish-shaped armband will be symbolize Rillfisher
- still missing: the armband will be decorated with Dewshine's classical feathers as a tribute to her

I think these are the most important persons in his life. I hope it will look decent in the end. :)
Looking forward to all the warm colors I'm planning to use!
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on January 24, 2025, 06:12:19 AM
And I'm continuing to work on the Treestump portrait. The background and the bear are taking shape! I decided to change the bear paw back to my original idea and I like it better that way. Once Treestump himself gets a little more color on him, the background and the bear will get their final touches. But I do like the warm mood of this. It's what I was looking for. :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/zXWKpXN8/image0-2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/nCFXhxMP)
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Amberfox on January 24, 2025, 08:51:02 AM
How is it that I don't recall your Treestump illo being this far along?! You have definitely captured his essence, and he is stunning here! Of course I'm seeing Dewshine's feather decorations, some Clearbrook fringe, the ax (can't leave that out!), and a bear as his totem is perfect. He's quite handsome here and, I can't stress it enough - you nailed his look! Can't wait to see this completed!
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on January 24, 2025, 01:46:03 PM
I've been working a little on it lately. Not as much as I would have liked.
Thank you so much again for the lovely comment, it really makes want to keep drawing! I'm happy to hear that he looks like himself. He was very pleasant to draw and it's fun to draw something different from my usual stuff. Same with the bear. Just so cool to be drawing a bear for once. And to pair him with a bear was truly a no-brainer. It just fits. In the future there will be one or two characters for which I'm very unsure as what animal to choose... If I ever get to them, that is. :lol
Now on to coloring Treestump! This will still take a while....
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Startear on January 25, 2025, 02:23:41 AM
Oh man, I love the update! The orange, yellow and greens are just lovely, and I really like the shaggy, course texture on the bears fur! You’ve also caught how the fur will change in hues.

And hilariously, due to angle, Treestump is now looking like the bears trophy husband  :lol I dig it!
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on January 25, 2025, 09:45:52 AM
Oh man!! Trophy husband!! I love it!! :rofl Thank you, that was a wonderful laugh! See, one more reason why I love to share my stuff with you guys. You make me see it in a completely different light! And I love it!
Also glad that you like the mood of the background. It's somewhat close to Maggie's portrait of Treestump, but if anything it's a loving hommage and not a copy. And I guess these are just Treestump's colors.
And looking at bear fur for this was fascinating. It really has quite stark changes from light golden-browns to almost black. So cool!
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: softasvulvet on January 28, 2025, 10:43:40 AM
OOoh, these colours are beautiful! I'm so impressed by how great the bear looks!!
(also loling at the trophy husband comment)
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on January 28, 2025, 10:56:59 AM
Oh thanks so very much! I keep repeating myself, but these comments are so motivating. Thanks again. The bear was fun to draw! It's so fascinating to try new things and gain a deeper understanding of the subject. :)
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on January 30, 2025, 10:14:51 AM
I'm getting the basic colors in. While his hair won't take crazy long to color, his beard surely will! :lol progress is slow, this will indeed still take some time. But it's great fun and always interesting for me how close I can approach my original vision.
(https://i.postimg.cc/PxqnjWfG/image0-5.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/d7gxRTTn)
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Amberfox on January 30, 2025, 10:39:38 AM
Wow! Absolutely loving it so far! Now I can see a few more details I missed previously: that's Clearbrook's belt and I think the fish armband (?) is a nod to Rillfisher? He's looking amazing, and is it strange I'm loving those lips? The one thing, very nitpickey and likely will be cleaned up in the final stages, is that I think his fingers could be a bit fuller. He's a big, powerful sort, especially now that he's forging, and he needs some massive fingers to go with those big ol' hands. But damn, you have nailed him so perfectly!
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: jaRf on January 31, 2025, 03:00:22 AM
First: Awww, teddy-bear! Second thought: Heh, that scarf. Looks like Clearbrook. And Dewshine. And maybe Rillfisher with the fish. Nice details, again, that are landmarks in the character's story.
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on January 31, 2025, 05:13:34 AM
Thank you both! And, of course, you are both absolutely right. His cloak "holder" is Clearbrook's belt, his armband a tribute from Rillfisher and the feather decoration attached to the armband is for Dewshine.  :)
Concerning the hand... it was bigger at first, then it felt too big for me... let's see, maybe I can "buff it up" a little. Hands aren't exactly my forte... ;)
And thanks for liking those lips! I tried to give them a individual shape. I'm always so scared to mess things up during the coloring process... Tonight, I'm going to be home alone, so I will probably continue to paint this. :)
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on January 31, 2025, 01:26:36 PM
(https://i.postimg.cc/Vk6d6ffh/PXL-20250131-212348114-NIGHT.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/bs7zVj20)
Haha, I'm really trying to draw here, but it's not easy with two rather large cats on my legs. Not complaining, as it is very comfortable.
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on February 15, 2025, 10:23:06 AM
Guys, I really need your advice on my next portrait. It's going to be Dewshine. My immediate initial idea was to make it a profile, pretty much like this one:
(https://i.postimg.cc/GmdMGCz6/Screenshot-20250117-083608.png) (https://postimg.cc/vc2LwCJv)

What do you think? Would this show too little of her face and gorgeous eyes? Should I stick to this (and the super difficult perspective)? Should I choose a more conventional angle? I am unsure...

Her companion animal will be a songbird. :) Of course, I'm thinking Nightingale. Any suggestions from your side?
I'm planning on including accessories from Scouter, Tyleet, Tyldak and Windkin. Should I add something from Treestump?
So many questions...
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Afke on February 16, 2025, 04:26:56 AM
Ooh, that angle would make an interesting portrait, and would add more variation to the series. I think you can pull it off with Dewshine, it will work well with her sharper features.

As for an element of her dad: When the palace went to the new land and Dewshine stayed in Sorrow's End, he left behind an axe. Perhaps incorporate that one? Or like a small version as jewellery? I used to have an axe necklace. :D
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on February 17, 2025, 04:27:35 AM
Afke, thanks for much for weighing in on this! I really appreciate the advice.
And I'm completely on your page about the axe in a necklace... I want to give her Scouter's necklace, but I do have an idea how to incorporate the axe! Man, Dewshine will have a LOT of elements in her portrait... You axe necklace sounds interesting, btw!  :o
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on February 18, 2025, 03:27:01 AM
Used my time on the train today to make a first sketch. I think this could actually work! She's surely got a lot of accessories now...
(https://i.postimg.cc/zGVmzPfz/image0-6.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/XrS1xLFm)
As you can see I used my reference picture a LOT again...
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Maggie on February 18, 2025, 03:50:16 PM
Ooh, I think this one is going to be very lovely. It reminds me a bit of Dewshine in Wendy's image The Lure.
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on February 18, 2025, 09:54:45 PM
Thank you, Maggie! Ohhh, I love that portfolio. That's good reference, I need to go and check that out again. Wendy's ink work was so so amazing back then.
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Wildfire on February 19, 2025, 03:30:40 AM
Oh my goodness this is so lovely already! The reference is great, there's such a sense of motion in it,and it's coming across beautifully in the sketch!

As for symbols - glider themed earrings maybe? A wolfskin shrug hanging off her left arm?
Title: Re: Treefox's Elfquest portrait journey
Post by: Treefox on February 19, 2025, 09:41:42 AM
Thank you kindly! Dewshine is wearing a hair clip with Tyleet's wolf ornament as a tribute to her lifemate and to her being a Wolfrider. Her cloak is going to be not only lined with her usual feather decoration, but also with Blue Mountain hawk feathers to show the connection to Windkin and Tyldak. I hope it gets a bit clearer here:
(https://i.postimg.cc/Bvsyjb8h/image0-9.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/FYWGq9Vc)

Phew, coloring this is going to take a while. But I'm looking forward to it. I'm going on a two week vacation on Sunday, so she has to wait a little bit.