ElfQuest Fan Art

Elfquest => Art and Elfquest => Topic started by: Foxeye on March 03, 2009, 12:50:14 PM

Title: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Foxeye on March 03, 2009, 12:50:14 PM
It is here, in your hands, that you hold your own life. Take care of them. For with head and heart to help, they can make any dream real.
~Leetah, from A Gift of Her Own    

Artists and writers rejoice, EQ Fanart is back! We've got a different look, a different URL, and new management, but the mission of the site is as it ever was...

...to create a welcoming place where the creative fans of ElfQuest can share and enjoy each other's work, and each other's company.  ElfQuest produces a whole lotta fan art and fan fiction.  :D

To your left you can find the link to the fan art gallery (http://www.elfquestfanart.net/index.php?action=mgallery), and in the forums below you will find a section set aside for writers to post fan fiction (http://www.elfquestfanart.net/index.php?board=3.0).

Before you start to post artwork or stories I recommend reading through the stickied threads in the "Guides and Guidelines" (http://www.elfquestfanart.net/index.php?board=7.0) area of the boards, and the unsticked ones too if you have time.  

If you are unfamiliar with this brand of forum software, I recommend the Help! (http://www.elfquestfanart.net/index.php?action=help) link in the menu at the top.

Now for some one-time-only gratuitous introductions...

Up top you will see the lady I jokingly consider our mascot, and which my husband named "Splotch".  To my dismay that less-than-reverent name has stuck, so, um, say hi to Splotch. She'll be staring at you a lot. ;) If you get tired of feeling you are being watched, let me know and I'll see about designing an alternative template.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Foxeye, aka Jerelyn Parker, a fan of 20 years and sporadically active member of the online EQ fan community since the days of list serv and there was no Scroll of Colors and EQ Fanart was a yahoo group.  I was best known at the time for an obssession with Crescent, and I am still the owner of Crescent's fan shrine.  I'm a bit of a wise-ass at times, but I believe strongly in fairness and communication, so don't hesitate to come to me with concerns about the site.  

Another member of the team behind this site is the Silent One, my husband. He loves EQ too (it's how we met!), but he's not a chatter-er, so he won't be as visible. His role is to help me keep this site running.  Say hello to the long-haired, hippie man who helps run the commerce engine behind the Playstation Store. Now smile because that same man is  making sure your files and your data are kept safe and snug, and that this site loads fast and trouble-free.  *huggle's husband*  

Title: Re: Welcome to ElfQuest Discussion
Post by: Sweetwater on March 10, 2009, 11:45:42 AM
Well, I guess I will start with the introductions. ^-^

I'm Natalie, though most people know me as Sweetwater! ^-^ I LOVE elfquest (i've loved it for as long as i can remember) i'm 19 years old and i've been friends with Foxeye for quite some time, though I would love to meet and get to know everyone else as well!

Nice to meet you all ahead of time!
Title: Re: Welcome to ElfQuest Discussion
Post by: Frozenleaves on March 10, 2009, 12:10:47 PM
Wow, a few minutes ago I got the news about this page and now I'm here :)
Title: Re: Welcome to ElfQuest Discussion
Post by: MrsGrizzley on March 10, 2009, 06:46:49 PM
Woot!!!  I got the news and here I am!!!!  I'll probably get around to posting my stories later.  I've got alot of them and they need some sifting through.

Mrs. Grizzley
Title: Re: EQ Fan Art has returned!
Post by: Farscout on March 11, 2009, 04:12:49 PM
YAY!   Hooray for you, and for the hippie-hubby!!!  Huge thank you and kudos to you both for your efforts!  I'm so very grateful that you've both made this effort to bring EQ Fan Art back from the graveyard!
Title: Re: Welcome to ElfQuest Discussion
Post by: Farscout on March 11, 2009, 05:50:59 PM
Yay!  I'm so excited to see this board up and running again!  Three cheers for Foxeye (and the hippie-hubby!  ;D)

My name is Whitney -- I first got involved in EQ fandom back when I was a little kid in the 1980s (::cough cough::), ran a fanzine Holt for many many years, then dropped out of the fandom in the early 1990s.  A friend pulled me back into EQ fandom a few years ago by getting me to join Rushwater Holt, and when that club folded, I was one of many who pulled together to start up River Twine Holt (insert shameless plug here!)  I enjoy a good, old-fashioned EQ club, but most of all, I really enjoy a good, active shared-world creative group where everyone's coming up with new fic and new stories about a familiar cast of characters.  Fandom warped me for life (no pun intended!)
Title: Re: Welcome to ElfQuest Discussion
Post by: branchscamper on March 11, 2009, 11:12:31 PM
Intro time!

First I'm super happy that EQfanart has returned in one form or another and thank you for all the effort of making it happen =D  When I first got into the fandom there was literally no one who shared my interest except for family (and I didn't think about how the internet had clubs/fandoms/etc at the time) so when I discovered the first EQFA I was happyhappy!  I'm horrible at keeping up with forums and stuff though so my activity is fairly low.  I apologize!  But I hope to be able to keep up a bit atleast ^^;;;

In all things fandom related I'm known as Branchscamper (but you'll see Yukiko here and there!) and it was the artwork that drew me in to EQ.  I just began drawing this art again after a few years break, but I'm also slow on drawing so once again I will try my hardest! 

And...I think that's about it for now?  XD
Title: Re: Welcome to ElfQuest Discussion
Post by: Multimedea on March 13, 2009, 05:54:59 PM
Coolness! How nice that there's an EQ fan art space up and running again. :D  I don't have much to say at the moment but I'm sure I'll come up with lots later.
Title: Re: EQ Fan Art has returned!
Post by: Foxeye on March 25, 2009, 11:00:43 AM
Woot, the domain elfquestfanart.com has successfully transferred!

So you can now reach this place at:


Now if only there were a way to get back eqfanart.com. :(
Title: Re: EQ Fan Art has returned!
Post by: Mournsong on March 26, 2009, 01:18:55 PM
Wow, this brings me back... I wonder if more people from the old days will return as well?
Title: Re: EQ Fan Art has returned!
Post by: Foxeye on March 26, 2009, 01:32:42 PM
I sure hope so. I hope there is some way for them to find out about this place being up.
Title: Re: EQ Fan Art has returned!
Post by: Windrider on March 26, 2009, 07:09:36 PM
I sure hope so. I hope there is some way for them to find out about this place being up.
I could send an email inviting all the people who have been in the calendar.  I have a record of emails for everyone who entered for the last two years.  Earlier than that, there are the emails used as the artist credit when the calender is displayed on elfquest.com.  Some of those are probably not valid anymore, but worth a try.

It would probably be better that the email invite comes from me as part of the Calendar project so it doesn't seem like we are spamming anyone.
Title: Re: Welcome to ElfQuest Discussion
Post by: Black Genet on March 29, 2009, 01:14:23 AM
Hi there !
I'm a fan of Elfquest since 1983 and already very active on the official site ( PCoquelin ).
Since I can't draw, I merely pioneered in Elfquest avatars...
  ...and since I'm interested in every kind of Elfquest-related fan art and fiction, I'm here !
Title: Re: EQ Fan Art has returned!
Post by: Peacepine on March 31, 2009, 10:15:11 PM
I'm so happy you've brought the site back!! I love Splotch! She's pretty.

I've added a note to my site (www.elfeyesonly.com) that EQFanArt is back at a new URL. Unfortunately my site is currently on hold due to an attack. My husband and I haven't had time to get it back up yet. (Hehe, my husband is the man behind the scenes, too.)
Title: Re: EQ Fan Art has returned!
Post by: Foxeye on March 31, 2009, 10:27:55 PM
Yay, good to see you Peacepine! :D  Good luck getting your site back up...that really sucks. :(

I could send an email inviting all the people who have been in the calendar.  I have a record of emails for everyone who entered for the last two years.  Earlier than that, there are the emails used as the artist credit when the calender is displayed on elfquest.com.  Some of those are probably not valid anymore, but worth a try.

It would probably be better that the email invite comes from me as part of the Calendar project so it doesn't seem like we are spamming anyone.

Sorry I didn't reply to this sooner.  If you are up for the task, Windrider, I wholely endorse it, and take any responsibility for anyone who is grouchy about being bugged.
Title: Re: EQ Fan Art has returned!
Post by: Peacepine on April 01, 2009, 09:32:58 AM
I can also send an email to my For Elf Eyes Only newsletter group. That will touch quite a few people - I have 140 members.
Title: Re: Welcome to ElfQuest Discussion
Post by: Peacepine on April 01, 2009, 02:31:47 PM
I'm thrilled this site has returned! I always found it to be a fun and welcoming place before. And it's nice to share the little bit of art that I get around to doing. :) I am Vicki and am best known by my elf name Peacepine. I run For Elf Eyes Only, an Elfquest fan site at www.elfeyesonly.com. The site is unfortunately down right now because it got hacked. It will be back, but I'm just too busy to attend to it right now.

One of the things I was struggling with, though, is whether to host people's art. I hadn't found a good Joomla application for hosting art and was wishing EQFanArt hadn't gone away because I thought that was a great place for fans to post their art. Why duplicate what someone else has already done? So I'm very happy to see it back. I'll be happy to direct all my website fans here for sharing art. :)

So a little about me... I've been reading Elfquest since I was eleven years old. I'm now 36. I'm currently a member of River Twine Holt (www.rivertwine.com) (Hi, Whitney) playing the plantshaper Evervale. I've been in a few other holts in the past - Rushwater, Stormrise, and a couple others! Every holt I've been in I've stayed in until it closed, I just realized.

Non-Elfquest stuff - I'm a web designer and project manager, a member of Toastmasters, a kayaker, and I have four crazy cats!
Title: Re: Welcome to ElfQuest Discussion
Post by: Mournsong on April 02, 2009, 06:35:45 AM
Heya! I've been an ElfQuest fan for a long, long time and I also was a member of the old EQfanart... and EQfanart2... I've dropped out of the EQ fandom for a year or two (never completely stopped drawing though - even last year had an EQ drawing or two) and I draw... lots. I'm also editor-in-chief of Windshaper's Holt (an offline Holt) and involved as an artist in several other Holts.
Title: Re: EQ Fan Art has returned!
Post by: Afke on April 02, 2009, 12:00:04 PM
I could send an email inviting all the people who have been in the calendar.  I have a record of emails for everyone who entered for the last two years.  Earlier than that, there are the emails used as the artist credit when the calender is displayed on elfquest.com.  Some of those are probably not valid anymore, but worth a try.

It would probably be better that the email invite comes from me as part of the Calendar project so it doesn't seem like we are spamming anyone.

Yes, that's how I got back here! ;) So that worked at least for 1 person. Although I've already seen the beautifully colored mascotte in Jerelyn's DA gallery earlier! Perhaps more people can be found over there, by just typing the search word 'elfquest'.
It's nice to be in such a place again, perhaps I'll get my Elfquest muse back too. I gave the scrolls a try, but that forum is just too friggin' huge for me. Plus real life has been very consuming. I'm very excited to be here now though. :D I'll need to make some new stuff for it!

Foxeye-edit: Added quote so merged post didn't look out of place. :)
Title: Re: Welcome to ElfQuest Discussion
Post by: Afke on April 02, 2009, 12:46:06 PM
Hello, I've found my way back too. :) I was thinking about a nickname, but I didn't want to use an old one and a new one would just confuse people, as I am best known as just myself. ;) So; hi all! Like Mournsong *waves* I've also been "out of Elfquest" so to speak, for a while. I'm hoping this place will inspire me again, just like it's predecessor did for so long.
Title: Re: Welcome to ElfQuest Discussion
Post by: Foxeye on April 02, 2009, 01:43:01 PM
*wags tail and wriggles with glee that so many old friends are returning*
Title: Re: Welcome to ElfQuest Discussion
Post by: Eregyrn on April 04, 2009, 08:43:42 PM
It's really great to see folks finding their way back here!  ;D
Title: Re: Welcome to ElfQuest Discussion
Post by: Mournsong on April 10, 2009, 08:55:11 AM
Afke! Good to see you here too!
Title: Re: Welcome to ElfQuest Discussion
Post by: dreamweaver on April 10, 2009, 04:50:13 PM
Afke! Good to see you here too!

YOU LIVE!  *glomps Mournsong*  What have you been doing?!
Title: Re: EQ Fan Art has returned!
Post by: Windrider on April 12, 2009, 03:07:00 PM
Sorry I didn't reply to this sooner.  If you are up for the task, Windrider, I wholely endorse it, and take any responsibility for anyone who is grouchy about being bugged.
Okay, sent out the email invites.  I apologize if some of you who are already registered here get an email - sometimes it is hard to tell whose email/real name goes with whose forum name!

Surprisingly, out of 50 emails I had from the Calendar Contest, only 11 were invalid.  I expected more since some of those addies were from '02 and '03.  Hopefully we'll get some new members in here to post and talk about elfy art!   ;D
Title: Re: EQ Fan Art has returned!
Post by: Foxeye on April 13, 2009, 10:02:26 AM
Thanks! We did get a small surge of legitimate new users, so perhaps some of them are old friends coming back. :D 
Title: Re: EQ Fan Art has returned!
Post by: Windrider on April 14, 2009, 09:47:34 AM
A reminder: if you have just recently joined and have a Calendar entry that needs to be credited to you, please let Foxeye know.  She is the only one who can switch an image from "unregistered artist" to your user name.
Title: Re: EQ Fan Art has returned!
Post by: windbourne on April 16, 2009, 12:21:01 PM
EEE!! I'm so happy to see it back! Not that I didn't appreciate the official forum, but there was something extra-lovely about the community that was built up around eqfanart.  :) I changed my name, though. I'm now windbourne (which is my standard online handle now), formerly addressed as kaze-kun. :D
Title: Re: EQ Fan Art has returned!
Post by: Foxeye on April 16, 2009, 12:24:41 PM
Great to see you back! :D 

That means I can take a few more calendar pieces off of the "unregistered_artist" list. *rub hands gleefully*
Title: Re: Welcome to ElfQuest Discussion
Post by: Peacepine on April 30, 2009, 07:47:46 AM
Hiya, Afke!  ;D I'm glad to see this site is doing so well. It's really looking good!
Title: Re: Welcome to ElfQuest Discussion
Post by: Afke on April 30, 2009, 12:40:40 PM
I agree! I just love this place. I might not be so active, but I just like the mood I guess. ;D I do have another new picture waiting to be colored, but it's been on my desk for more than a week now, so perhaps I should just post it as it is, since this site inspired the drawing anyway and I have no idea when I'll find enough time/energy to finish it.
Title: Re: Welcome to ElfQuest Discussion
Post by: mischievous_valkyrie on April 30, 2009, 06:50:20 PM
I am so excited to see this place up and running again its wonderful place fans to get together and share in the happiness that is Elfquest.

Now on with the Introduction.
most of you know me as Valkyrie from the scroll of colors or Misschievious from Deviantart so I decided that it would behoove me to incorporate both here. My other reality name is Sarah and I have been a fan of elfquest for...well 20 years or so I'm not sure just how old I was when I got my grubby little mits on a copy of elfquest all I know it that it was a struggle to get it away from the rest of my sibs but ever since then it has been a major love in my life and it has really influenced my love of drawing as those of you who know me might have guessed already X3
anyway for those that I  haven't met yet I look forward to getting to know you and for those that I have its fabulous to see you here as well *hugs*
Title: Re: Welcome to ElfQuest Discussion
Post by: Berit on July 08, 2009, 12:49:05 PM
HEYA! it's been SO long time no see!! AYOOOH!! my friends! AYOOOOH!! my tribe!! it's me, Berit! you wouldn't believe how I have missed you all! I was disheartened when the old EQfanart fell apart... I wandered around the net in search of a place that had Elfquest fan stuff, but no place felt like it should... not without you guys!... you made the EQfanart feel home to me... I still remember how warm the place felt when I first joined... I truly felt welcomed... I've never felt anythinfg like that, no matter what art page I joined... oh! sorry! listen to me go on and on!... now then... let's get to it! shall we? the whole place is full of art I want to check out and comment!...
Title: Re: EQ Fan Art has returned!
Post by: Foxeye on July 08, 2009, 01:44:31 PM
Welcome Berit! :)  Folks are still slowly returning, so it may take some time until it becomes the place that we remember...but we'll get there!

(Note: I just went on one of my post-moving sprees and merged together the two topics that were acting as "welcome to the forums" topics.  Apologies for anyone who has been confused, or made to look as if they were talking to themselves on account of having posted in both threads.  ;D)
Title: Re: EQ Fan Art has returned!
Post by: Afke on July 08, 2009, 01:53:44 PM
It's been a while since I maintained a forum, but I was the same with keeping things in order. ;D Merging topics and such, haha. We might have to get used to it, but it does help to keep the forums 'clean'.
I was actually searching for this topic in which we were introducing ourselves so I could let Berit know, but it took me a while to find it! Perhaps it could be a sticky topic?

And yes, welcome back Berit! I felt as happy-giddy as you did when I got back. :D
Title: Re: EQ Fan Art has returned!
Post by: aurianfae on July 13, 2009, 01:52:15 PM
Hello all, I'm new to the forum... I've been reading EQ since I was little though, so for about the last 20 years! I just started running the old tabletop RPG for my husband and have been getting back into EQ. I actually found this forum through the main EQ website, after looking for a way to submit art to the Fanart calendar. So I may be doing just that!
Title: Re: EQ Fan Art has returned!
Post by: Czarine on July 14, 2009, 12:33:35 AM
AYOOOAH! I'm back here as well, lured by Berit.  ;)

I started reading EQ at junior high, and loved the pretty art and stories. I think my favourite tribe would be the Go-Backs, Wolfriders not far behind. I should start drawing more, so feel free to kick me into action once in a while. I have a tendency to lack productivity. :P

Glad to be back!
- Czarine
Title: Re: EQ Fan Art has returned!
Post by: Berit on July 14, 2009, 03:31:09 AM
I should start drawing more, so feel free to kick me into action once in a while. I have a tendency to lack productivity

OK! you asked for it! *KICK* c'mon fish-poker!! draw more!! MOOORE!!...
Title: Re: EQ Fan Art has returned!
Post by: Berit on July 14, 2009, 03:33:03 AM
Hello all, I'm new to the forum...

oh Hi! and welcome to EQ fanart!...
Title: Re: EQ Fan Art has returned!
Post by: Foxeye on July 14, 2009, 08:25:34 AM
Hello all, I'm new to the forum... I've been reading EQ since I was little though, so for about the last 20 years! I just started running the old tabletop RPG for my husband and have been getting back into EQ. I actually found this forum through the main EQ website, after looking for a way to submit art to the Fanart calendar. So I may be doing just that!

Welcome! I recognize your name from DA. :D 

AYOOOAH! I'm back here as well, lured by Berit.  ;)

I started reading EQ at junior high, and loved the pretty art and stories. I think my favourite tribe would be the Go-Backs, Wolfriders not far behind. I should start drawing more, so feel free to kick me into action once in a while. I have a tendency to lack productivity. :P

Glad to be back!
- Czarine

Glad to have you here!  We can take turns kicking each other...I have the same durned problem. :P
Title: Re: EQ Fan Art has returned!
Post by: aurianfae on July 14, 2009, 09:47:42 AM
Hehe... I guess that's what happens when you follow an online "paper trail", you tend to lead back to the same people every time. :D  Glad to be here though, I already have an idea for the calendar, it's just a matter of trying to figure out how to implement it properly. And thanks for the warm welcome!
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Chieftess Sorrell on September 29, 2009, 07:18:48 AM
I joined the EQ world when I was about 10. My best friend Christy told me of it. I have been a fan for all these years. My first elf had a Tolkien name. I now run Three Holts Alliance. We were once Londrop Twin Peaks Holt, but that fell to the side when I was raising my four kids alone. All the kids have left home now, I am running a Holt again, with some wonderful people I have met through the fandom. Over the years I have come to see other fans as extended family. EQ has been the main constantly enjoyable activity in life, and I am thankful to Wendy, Richard and Christy for helping me find it. I was told of this site by another dear friend and fellow EQer and I am glad to be here. I hope to make yet more friends here and see their beautiful work.

Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Icebird on October 14, 2009, 11:00:40 AM
Finally I have the time to appreciate this wonderful revival of EQ Fanart - and join back in! :D

I'm Julie but I go by the name of Icebird almost everywhere on the Net, except for DeviantArt and YouTube. I had an account at the old EQ Fanart forum yet mostly I forgot I had it and kept to my thread on the Scroll. That, however, I'd like to redeem, so here I am. So happy to see so many recognizable faces. ;D 
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Foxeye on October 14, 2009, 11:15:48 AM
Icebird! *glomp*  Hopefully you'll find the site user friendly enough that you do keep uploading your art here. If nothing else, it gives you a convenient place to host your art for sharing on the SoC. :) 
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Icebird on October 14, 2009, 11:50:04 AM
Icebird! *glomp*  Hopefully you'll find the site user friendly enough that you do keep uploading your art here. If nothing else, it gives you a convenient place to host your art for sharing on the SoC. :) 

*glomps* Thanks for the welcome! So far I am enjoying it - despite confussing myself with my gallery settings ::) - and I thought that too. This place is probably a little bit safer from art thieves than an account on PhotoBucket would be, I think. ;) At least, the elfie art can go here. :D
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Faerydae on November 02, 2009, 12:05:31 AM
Very cool!

I was on the old site as well - though back then I tended to go by the handle of Rainy.

Since then I shifted to Faerydae when I started producing a lot of fairy art ... and I just sort of prefer it overall anyway.

In any case, I am glad to see the site is back! I'd missed it and wondered often what might have happened to it.
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Sihreie on November 24, 2009, 10:12:47 AM
Hi, I'm Tanya. I found my first eq book when I was 12 (will be 23 in a couple of days time) and have been a fan ever since.  
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Berit on November 25, 2009, 12:06:52 PM
Hi Tanya! Welcome to Elfquest Fanart!...
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Sihreie on November 27, 2009, 01:59:53 PM
Thanks! ;D
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Foxeye on November 29, 2009, 11:24:34 AM
Yes, a belated welcome to both of you! (Sorry I've been so quiet lately...been moving.  :o)
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Swiftshadow on January 12, 2010, 05:58:14 PM
Well hello there, everyone~^^ Seems..rather late int he game to be joining up..BUUUT~

The Name's Dominique~!I'm a 27 year old California beach rat who's been an EQ fan for the better part of the last 14 years who has, oddly enough most likely thanks to Amberfox (ya brat XD), rekindled that good old ElfQuest love spark.^_^ I was supposed to join this site.. er.. MONTHS ago. but..ALAS~!! Real life is a bummer with many a winding road indeed~! But I HAVE finally gotten the chance to come, join, and I must say, I'm already enjoying my stay~! ^_^

Kind of regretting not joining sooner~! uGh~!XD Procrastination and shiney things are the bane of my existence XD
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Foxeye on January 12, 2010, 06:08:09 PM
Hello hello :)  So which part of the california coastline do you hail from? 

(Shiney things are what makes life worth living. I too am a member of Clan Corvidae in that sense. :P )
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Swiftshadow on January 12, 2010, 07:50:12 PM
I hail from Southern Cali, my dear~! The quiet sea side city of old Spanish Santa Barbara~<3~! And HIGH ONES KNOW IT, how I wish I was still there. UNFORTUNATELY.... I am now residing in Las Vegas.

It is very cold here, oh yes...*hisses and huddles under a blanket* BUT YES~!!!! Shiny things ~!O v OI love my shiny things... Mechanical pencil included~!^_~

I can't wait to get jump kicked on the ElfQuest frame of art-mind again~! Tis been TOO long! Now..I AM OFF~!! To post at LEAST some sketch work of mine in the Gallery~! AYOOOOAH~!
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Saree on April 04, 2010, 02:06:45 AM
Hi there,

I am from Germany (sorry in advance for misspellings and poor grammar) and started dedvouring EQ comics 12 years ago. At this time, I was 17 and tried to find my muse. I did not draw much before, althrough my art teacher was pleased with all the stuff I created during lessons. EQ inspired me and helped me to advance my skills (if there had been any before). I loved creating new characters, draw characters of others and also wrote some stories. You see, I found my muse.

But during my time at university (I have a grade in biology) all got lost. I had not had time for drawing, nor was I interested in EQ anymore. Too many other things waited to be discovered. It seemed the time of my childish elf mania was over. Sometimes I regretted losing the ability to be creative. This moments of regret accumulated during the last 2 years.

But unfortunately without practicing I do not know how to draw anymore; I do not like the results. I have become afraid of pencil and paper but on the other hand I know that not trying would be a waste. I am missing the creative times and I am afraid of becoming a person that will always ask herself what could have been.

That`s why I am here. I want to renew my interest in EQ and above all start drawing again after 5 years without even holding a pen. At the moment you only find a folder with old stuff in my gallery ... but I hope there will be a folder with new stuff soon.
I am curious if I will hold on. Let`s keep fingers crossed.  ;)

Great to be here. I need a lot of inspiration!

... oh, and sorry for not making it short.  ;)
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Afke on April 04, 2010, 02:57:36 AM
Hi Saree, welcome! I hope you do get inspired here, I know it worked for me! Have a great time.
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Deathwing on April 26, 2010, 09:56:33 AM
Totally forgot to introduce me here xD

I'm Deathwing, but mainly known in teh web as "Yako". I'm 23 years old and from germany.
I've been active in the old elfquestfanart site, and now I am here :D

I discovered Elfquest at the age of 11, in our public library - and Elfquest has been the cause of my drawing addiction starting at that age ;) it also led me to the world of Role playing games and all in all only to good things.

My main hobbys are drawing and Roleplaying games. Somehow, I didnt manage to draw much fanart for elfquest, because i focused almost immediately on my own characters.
But I still hope you like my works in the gallery :D
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Sweetwater on April 26, 2010, 10:25:35 AM
I love this website so much! its sooo nice! Everyone is so friendly and sweet! yay!! Hello everyone that i have not said hello to yet!
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Chieftess Sorrell on June 28, 2010, 08:27:43 PM
I was so happy my friend Sharon helped me find this site. I have really been enjoying looking at other people's work since I got here. I never posted to this thread before, but I want to let you know I appreciate this site. I have been a fan since the mid 80s and I even ran a Holt prior to the one I run now. It is a beautiful thing when EQ fans come together. I hope everyone else is enjoying this place as much as I am. I was hoping to see more people I recognized, I don't know where so many of them are anymore and that is a shame. However since everyone here uses an alias I don't know who anyone is save Amberfox. So if you know me hit me up. My name is Robin McCulley. I miss some of my old friends in the fandom, but have lost track of so many of them over the years. I LOVE EQ.
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Startear on July 18, 2012, 08:50:19 AM
Huh, we have a introduction thread. Didn't know that! I'm Startear. I kinda use many different names online, like Kanzee, Dj Immoral Hands, Shuna (which I got before I learned that there is a Elfquest character with the same name), Ofelas... you get my drift. 

I discovered ElfQuest when I was fourteen, when Egmont decided to reprint the Original Quest, Siege of Blue Mountain, Kings of the Broken Wheel and Wolfrider here in Norway.

Mainly see myself as an writer and dollmaker, but been writerblocked, so I've been doing art and fanart. Mainly dork around with different styles and mediums. I often need to word myself around things, with this being my second language, so if I'm not clear, tell me, then I'll try to explain myself better.
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Evafortuna on January 09, 2013, 09:44:26 AM
Hi Hi Everybody!

I'm Gina Schroeder-Simpson. I've been in the fandom since about 96, when I joined the New (old!) EQ fan club and started to join some of the offline holts that were around back then. Since then I've been in and out of it, but I can't ever leave Elfquest for long. I've been part of most of the holts that are still around at one point or another. (coughs)

Anyhow. I just wanted to say hello! And Hi to people I have seen around the interwebs before I finally made it here!
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Treefox on January 10, 2013, 01:43:02 AM
Hello Evafortuna and welcome!
You're already a long-time fan, eh? Glad that you always feel drawn-back to Elfquest.
I hope you will enjoy this place. Please feel free to share your art and opinions here!
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Ca-Twin on February 10, 2013, 02:50:45 PM
Hello my name is Cat...or Truelife or Ca-twin or ahmmm lol i have many names i  do RPG in.  But elf wies i mainly go with is Truelife.

I have been apart of EQ since I bugged my friend Gennie in P.E class in middel school and asked What she was reading.  HOOKED LINE AND SINKER.  Wendy got another nut.  That was back in ahmmm 1988 i think.  I became a member of her holt.. Wolf's find..then Transfer to a diferant holt called SweetWater.. their I met manny More Elf nuts and i was right at home.

I amd an Artis and i do some wrighting as well.  I do RPG's (I have the EQ RPG) computer games, reading, watch many shows, Cosplay, ect.  I was a part of the Main EQ sight... maybe i an still in there ....lol be a while since i posted there.

Tah-Marien said this was a wonderful sight and said i should check it out...so HERE I AM:)  She was right you guys are cool.
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Berit on February 10, 2013, 04:29:09 PM
Heya and welcome to Elfquest fanart! Good to meet'cha!...
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Maggie on February 11, 2013, 03:21:09 PM
Hello and welcome. If you need anything I'm here to help.  ;)
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Starskimmer on April 14, 2014, 12:51:06 PM
Hello there!

I'm Kyna, current player of Starskimmer over at Rivertwine Holt. I'm primarily an artist, and was encourage to post some of my work here, so here I am. I live in San Diego, CA, but spent a few years in Germany and much of my early childhood in Costa Rica. I'm also fast approaching my 30th year of existence.

Fun fact: I've never attempted to draw a canon Elfquest character before. Isn't that weird? Something I intend to fix, at some point.
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Maggie on April 14, 2014, 03:42:00 PM
Hey Kyna! Welcome to our little group. I look forward to seeing what you post here.  ;D

Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Berit on April 15, 2014, 09:21:31 PM
Heya Starskimmer! welcome aboard! have a good time here!...
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Amberfox on April 17, 2014, 05:38:02 PM
Ayoooooooooooooah and Welcome Starskimmer!

Great to see your art posted here and I hope to see plenty more. As for drawing cannon characters, in all the years I've been involved in EQ, I never drew one myself. It wasn't until I was invited to participate in the calendar (2012 and 2013, I think) that I gave it a go. Yikes! Much harder than it seems! But don't worry about it; we at this site love original art and enjoy personal styles and interpretation.
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Maggie on April 05, 2016, 09:45:49 AM
Hey Kyna!

Welcome to our little Holt.  ;D If you need anything just let me know.

Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Lightheart on April 05, 2016, 02:58:57 PM
;D Hi ya'll!  I'm a bit late to the party, but introducing myself anyways!  I'm Robin Sturgeon Abess, aka Lightheart and I was first introduced to the glory that is EQ waaaaay back in the day, around 1982ish.  I met a really cute guy at a ComiCon in Dallas, TX {in the days before they were such HUGE affairs and so expensive} named Rebel Burkhalter and he and his friends introduced me to Cutter, Skywise, Leetah and all the gang!  Sadly, Richard and Wendy were at that con, but I didn't go meet them or get an autograph, as I didn't know how awesome this was then.  I joined the fan club in 1983 and stayed a member til it seemed to disappear.  Had two of the fan made magazines from the club, both of which are were lost to various circumstances {as were all my original books - le sigh}, but I have bought all the books again in graphic novel form and found one of the fanzines online, which I now own again.  I wrote a couple of poems and submitted them, but don't know if they ever got put in to one of the collections or not.  Anyway, I'm 52, have a 13 year old son, and am a huge Geek/Nerd, board and RP gamer {I DM for a group of 8, not including me, all female, ranging in age from mid-late 20s up to my age}, Dr. Who maniac, ML for NaNoWriMo for the Hampton Roads VA part of the country, reader, writer, and lover of all things nature!  That about sums me up...
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Maggie on April 05, 2016, 03:10:17 PM
Hi Lightheart!

Welcome to the EQ nerd-fest.  ;D If you need anything just give me a shout!

Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Bittersilk on February 28, 2017, 10:43:53 AM
Hello, not sure i 'm posting the right place, still kinda new here. I've noticed that my art submitions. are REALLY huge when zoomed in... are there any way of getting them downsized,   I can't seem to find anywhere where I can choose the size of them, or is it something that you have to do before submitting? I've noticed that other peoples art in this page seems to have a more decent size
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Afke on February 28, 2017, 01:35:10 PM
Hello Bittersilk, if you want to give your picture a maximum size, you'll have to do that in en editing program before you upload the picture, or scan at a smaller size. It doesn't happen automatically. However, people can already view your picture properly so long as they don't click to fullview. But I see you've managed to change the size already, at least; I don't see anything wrong with it. :)
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: jaRf on February 28, 2017, 02:29:50 PM
Yes, the first click gives me a roughly screen high image, the second one goes to full resolution. No harm done. :)

If you want to resize a picture there are some possibilities. It depends on your operating system and with that the possible programs. Though something like GIMP runs nearly everywhere. Or, for analog pictures the first part is the scanner or the camera, though I suggest not to take too low resolutions. You can always downsize images - but upsize only to a certain extent.
Make sure first to crop the image, then you can "render it down" proportionally. I could give you instructions for a few programs how to do so.
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Prayer on May 17, 2018, 07:53:13 AM

I am an artist from Germany. Nice to meet fellow Elfquest artists.
The Elfquest Fan Art Calendars are absolutely amazing as well as beautiful artworks.
You guys are an inspiration and keep the Elfquest fandom colorful and alive.

Shade and sweet water,

Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: jaRf on May 17, 2018, 02:51:23 PM
Thanks and you're welcome! Feel free to post some art here as well. :)
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: dreamweaver on December 30, 2021, 06:29:33 PM
Any timeline for the 2022 calendar’s release?
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Maggie on December 31, 2021, 08:20:43 AM
Should be by midnight tonight, but if I run into any issues (with uploads of the site misbehaving) sometime tomorrow. ;D
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: softasvulvet on January 28, 2025, 11:11:03 AM
Hi, I'm Softasvulvet, real name Rheanna! I've been a freelance graphic designer and artist for about 15 years now! I found this forum through the Reddit post about the calendar. I cannot say how much I love that this exists. I really miss oldschool forums like this! ♥

I found Elfquest about 32 years ago when I was maybe 9 or 10 years old. A friend's parents had the RPG, which they never played, but my friend and I would make up characters using the character sheets. My mom took me to our local comic shop to get the comics, and after that I basically became seriously interested in art by trying to learn how to draw like Wendy! I will tell anybody who asks (and even if they don't, but I can find a way to bring it up, I will haha) that the foundation of my art style development was my childhood Elfquest obsession!

Even though EQ isn't as popular as it deserves to be, I love that all the fans are FANS. I sometimes table at comic shows, and while I obviously won't sell EQ fanart, I always bring a piece that I put out on my tables that says 'Not For Sale - Just here so we can talk about Elfquest if you're also a fan.' Usually one or two people will see it and get so excited! It was also one of the highlights of my life because I emailed EQ to ask if it was okay to display fanart as long as it wasn't for sale/not taking commissions, and got an email back from Richard with the go ahead! :faint
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Amberfox on January 28, 2025, 01:04:00 PM
Ayooooooah and greetings Softasvulvet! Great to have you with us and I am just as glad you found your way here! I was thrilled when I discovered this site as well, especially since my old gaming group scattered to the four corners of the world and I have little to no EQ interaction anymore. Yet I remain very obsessed. I hope you will grace us with your art, please feel free to post plenty! We're very open and friendly here, often offering constructive criticism (especially when asked), and I especially am inspired by others art.

So welcome and I hope you enjoy the site, maybe make some friends!
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: jaRf on January 29, 2025, 03:25:36 AM
Welcome to this old school forum. :)
Yes, EQ is something that inspired several people to (re)start doing artwork.
I also often wonder why it is not that present and popular.
Title: Re: Welcome to EQ Fan Art!
Post by: Treefox on January 30, 2025, 10:11:46 AM
Hello and welcome again! So cool that you show some Elfquest art at your tables just to show your love for it. I hope you will like our tiny and super friendly community.