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Leather & Fadestar

by Eregyrn

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Done as a trade with Linda, this is her River Twine character, Fadestar, with her daddy, Leather.  (She takes after her mom.)  Fadestar was a weak and sickly child, and then her father died, and she got really sick, so the tribe put her in wrapstuff until they had a healer again someday.  Well, we have a healer again; Fadestar will be unwrapped and healed sometime soon.

Pentel Pocket-brush Pen inks, Copic markers, after-effects in Photoshop.

Posted April 29, 2009, 11:21:18 PM
river twine, fadestar, leather

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Suddendusk & Rill Moss & Goldspice Leather & Fadestar Illo for "A Cub No M… Illo for "Initiati­on…
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  • Total Items: 94
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Comment #1 - Posted May 02, 2009, 11:00:30 AM
Aww, that's a sweet story. The picture is very intimate. Fadestar looks a bit frightened though.. Poor kid


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Comment #2 - Posted May 03, 2009, 02:52:18 AM
Aww, daddy's little girl. :]


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Comment #3 - Posted May 03, 2009, 10:24:12 AM
poor Fadestar ...
she's so young !
that must be horrible for her !!!
**she cries**

there is so much emotions in this picture !
fadestar looks to say: don't go daddy ! Or take me with you !

poor poor poor fadestar

**crying more !!!**


  • Total Items: 74
  • Total Comments: 237
Comment #4 - Posted May 06, 2009, 11:37:16 AM
This is such a gorgeous picture Holly I really like the feeling of Closeness that I get from it and not to mention that Leather is...I want to Describe him as Rich Cakie Goodness


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Comment #5 - Posted May 21, 2009, 05:12:58 PM
I love Fadestar's expression. She looks so vulnerable and sad. Her father looks pretty good too.
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