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Mischievous Works In Progress
Album - Owner: mischievous_valkyrie - 8 items
This is Where I keep My unfinished and in progress pics also Sketchs ETC
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Dreamweaver teaser
just a quick look at my WIP

Bleh I think I might be a Masochist normally this would be done but I chose to do stippling for the background *dies* I've been working on this it for two days now and its only half done ;.;
 Views: 1555
 Comments: 4
May 03, 2010
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Wildfire Teaser
Wildfire Teaser shot I still have quite abit of  work to do on her  but I thought it would be fun to uploas a teaser.
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 Comments: 6
Aug 20, 2009
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RTH Ansector Project Moondust
Yay I tried some new sketching Tecniques on this one I quite like how she turned out :)
 Views: 700
 Comments: 6
Jun 01, 2009
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Moonshade and Strongbow sketch
Yay this is actually an older sketch that I still kind of like I have a picture of Dart and Chitter to go along with it that I might post one of these next days.
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 Comments: 5
May 05, 2009
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Crescent Rayek Hotsprings 2
Lol once again yay for Quick sketchs these were fun and I think I might do more for some reason I really like drawing Rayek in Profile its just easier lol  But I really like how this sketch turned out both of them were very fun to draw

also I don't think Warrents Mature labeling but if others disa…
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 Comments: 3
Apr 28, 2009
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Crescent Rayek hotsprings1
X3 so last night at D&D I began to think about what it would have been like if prehaps Crescent and Rayek got together and so these pics were born and I might do a Fanfic as well lol

anyway this is just a sketch but if anyone feels inclined to color it please do just let me know so that I can Admi…
 Views: 1072
 Comments: 1
Apr 28, 2009
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Sun Village Princess Sketch WIP
Okay so I was going crossed eyed last night from Chibie drawing OD so I decided to work on this picture of Crescent as a sun Village Princess X3 Leetah better watch out lol mostly its just an excuse to draw a costume with a disgusting amount of Detail YAY and play with ribbon hairstyles lol  If you…
 Views: 977
 Comments: 1
Apr 27, 2009
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Crescent WIP
I think this might be my First Crescent Picture O.o
as you can see its still very rough but I thought I would share it with you all before going to get some sleep.

done with Copic and an assortment of other Markers and a little bit of colored pencil.

Will ask for a C/C when its finished
 Views: 1059
 Comments: 3
Apr 26, 2009
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