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The umpteenth dice lady

by Treefox

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As the title says… but I got a Plainsrunner for once! More or less Cutters features with Kahvis body. And as you can see, I took the running through the plains literally.  :lol

Posted September 04, 2024, 11:57:56 PM

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The umpteent­h dice l… Yet another dice lad… Dice dudette
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Comment #1 - Posted September 05, 2024, 11:30:54 AM
Hurray! Glad our conversation was taken to heart! Poor August, languishing in nothingness, but let's see what can be done for September. I like her design, although, is that a fur top? Well, it's minimal, so I doubt it's too warm for the plains. For some reason, what's drawing me in the most is the hair against the skin. It just seems a really lovely combination! For whatever reason, I'm thinking Fawnpace or Fawnrun for her (hey, those little things have got to be fast to survive!). Either way, she's lovely and certainly living up to her tribe's name! I said I'd try and dig up mine, but with all the moving I've done in the last five turns, it might be a while. Keep'em coming!


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Comment #2 - Posted September 05, 2024, 10:36:31 PM
Thank you so much! Our conversation was super inspiring! Yeah, August was kind of summer vacation for this site...
Well, the dice decided that she would get a fur top and a loincloth made of feathers.... yeah, so that's what I came up with. And Fawnpace or Fawnrun are beautiful names! Wow! She's really turning into a character now!
I so hope you'll finde your sometime! I'm dying to see them!


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Comment #3 - Posted September 08, 2024, 04:57:15 AM
Oh I quite like her too! I love all the feathery bits and the overall colours of the picture. Seems like if she wants to she can blend into her surroundings perfectly!


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Comment #4 - Posted September 08, 2024, 08:38:12 AM
Thank you! Yes, luck had it that she would blend very well into her surroundings indeed. The colors on her are pretty nice anyway I think. The first time ever I got someone with violet eyes! :)
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