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by Wildfire

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Lil Moonshade sketch as I watched House. Man, I miss drawing elves, I gotta get moving on my calendar piece!

Posted June 19, 2024, 02:22:42 PM

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Moonshade Ember Portrait Sketc… Ember Sketches
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Comment #1 - Posted June 20, 2024, 06:33:19 AM
Maaaan, as I said before, this is so lovely. I'm just obsessed with the colors you used in her skin. I love how you keep exploring new things and styles. And I am so grateful that you are still around and sharing your art. This dress looks absolutely gorgeous on Moonshade. Well, she usually looks gorgeous, so that might not be saying much. :lol
Anyway, looking at this, it would not make me think "House". :lol


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Comment #2 - Posted June 20, 2024, 12:41:58 PM
Wow, the coloring in this is amazing! It has this mix of pastel and painting to it that really sets a mood. I could never manage to blend the colors that way, I would make it look like it was all a mistake. For me, this just seems like a transition for Moonshade from her traditional Wolfrider personality/mentality to her (albeit strange) sudden Palace Dweller state. It has the feel of her embracing and accepting her choice. Never seen "House," so can't comment on that.

And welcome back! Don't stay away so long again!
Last Edited: June 20, 2024, 12:48:49 PM


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Comment #3 - Posted June 21, 2024, 01:57:28 AM
@Treefox - I'm still around yeah! I mostly hang out in Discord nowadays, and post my art on Pixelfed and Cara. I don't draw as much as I'd like though, and I rarely draw elves these days. Pirates (Our Flag Means Death) got my brain haha xD And no, it doesn't scream House at all :lol Thank you again!

@Amberfox - her becoming a Palacedweller *was* sudden. I like your interpretation that this is the in-between stage - I'd have liked to see more of that in the comics. And the colours - that's definitely a strength of digital art, that I can change them on a whim and try things out without risking ruining the entire painting! And I love funky colours, I'm happy that it works! :D House is a medical drama lol, it's quite far removed from a forest-setting. And I'll try to return more often, I enjoy this space <3


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Comment #4 - Posted June 21, 2024, 06:00:17 AM
Oh man, I'd love to see "Our Flag Means Death" and it's hard to get in Germany! I get why it inspired you to draw pirates. Hey, I love me a good pirate!

And yes, I am also one who wasn't that happy with Moonshade's story. Not the general story, but it just happened so suddenly with lack of motivation. I did like the basic conflict. But the execution was just so ... unengaging. *sighs*

Geez, I meant "Our Flag Means Death" and not "Our Flad Means Death".  :lol
Last Edited: June 21, 2024, 06:08:53 AM


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Comment #5 - Posted June 22, 2024, 05:51:14 AM
Haha "Our Flag" - season 1 is great, very cute and funny and endearing. Season 2 is..... I'd stop watching after season 1 xD  But yeah it's hard to get outside of the US! HBO Nordic had it on for a while.

Moonshade - agreed, it could've benefited from more attention/depth. But I feel like a lot of the new EQ stuff has to cover so much ground that focusing on the side characters isn't prioritised


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Comment #6 - Posted June 23, 2024, 11:37:34 PM
Haha, okay, when I get the chance, I'll make sure to watch only season 1.
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