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Little Patch

by MenderFanForest

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I needed to break up all of the Mender pic posts so I a pic of another character I thought was cute at a young age, Little Patch. Though I don’t think he owed any clothing other than that one color.

Edit I changed his hair and head accessory a bit

Posted May 15, 2024, 01:12:46 AM
May 15, 2024, 04:10:47 AM
Little patch human

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Toppless Mender Marek and Wyrran Little Patch Mender Healing spell Yet Another Mender p…
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Comment #1 - Posted May 15, 2024, 01:28:38 AM
Oh, wow! Fanart of Little Patch! I always thought he was an interesting character and was sad when he died. I think you did a really good job with him, certainly better than I would have. This is making me need to return to his story and read it again. I think there are two things that would improve it, however, albeit nitpicking points. At his hairline, soften that hard line and break it up a bit. That hard a line almost makes it look more like a wig than natural hair. Play around with it and see what you think. The other is the neck closest to the viewer should curve a bit into the body/shoulder to give it more depth; more curve if his shoulder is naturally positioned, less curve if he's tensed a bit and has it raised. Again, if you have the time and inclination, give it a try and see if you think it improves the image. No, I don't recall he had a vast wardrobe, but some people are quite happy with limited attire. If you should revisit the character, you can always slap him into a ceremonial outfit that we the audience never saw! Why not?


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Comment #2 - Posted May 15, 2024, 04:21:20 AM
Amber fox thanks for the advice, the hairline did look a little thick but for the shoulder the only way I could really fix it was to hide some of it with his hair. A ceremonial outfit is a good idea for him I just have to come up with one lol


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Comment #3 - Posted May 15, 2024, 11:57:20 PM
Yes, wow indeed! There is almost no fanart of him! I also always thought he was a compelling and handsome character. Loved his story, so fulfilling and beautifully sad. As I loved all those Hidden Years stories... not to speak of the art, which is to this day my absolute favorite!
He looks so good! I love the way he is standing. So relaxed, yet it shows all of his natural grace.


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Comment #4 - Posted May 16, 2024, 12:34:27 PM
There were so few humans that I remotely cared about or liked, and Little Patch was one of them. Either way, MenderFanForest, I think the changes you made really help with the final image. What do you think? And I would love to see what you can create with a ceremonial or festive outfit. No reason to ignore Mender, however, just keep the illos coming!
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