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Didn't see that comming!

by Guest

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Actually the pic was planned to be added to the background of the Lovebirds pic, but somehow it didn't fit in the layout.
Though... I couldn't see the sketch lying around and so I finished the pic in a way. ^^;

Again for Linda's and my holt :wink:

Behind this kiss stands a long and weird story ^^;

Posted March 19, 2009, 10:53:47 AM

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Back then! Ate and Ina Didn't see that comm… Lovebirds - January Like fire and water
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Comment #1 - Posted May 04, 2009, 01:08:29 PM
Ohh, so sweet. Very intimate picture, with a lovely (though it seems a bit turbulent) atmophere. Is that a scar, running down the left guy's shoulder/back? Ouch!
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