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Lovebirds - January

by Guest

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A picture for the holt I run with :iconqueststar:

I planed to make a love-life-crush calender, because we have a LOT of crushes in this tribe :giggle:

Those are Frostcla, Hoarfrost and Softfur.

Well... Actually Hoarfrost has a crush on Softfur (the girl :P) but she broke his heart. While he held serious feelings toward her she only wanted to have some fun and refuse to take a love or lifemate. She's actually not aware of his feelings.

With Frostclaw the whole story is a bit more complicated :sweatdrop: Usually he is the tribes sourpuss and growler... But some years ago he comforted Hoarfrost after a bad accident and kicked the boy out of his lethargy. After this Hoarfrost was very confused about his feelings and they both weren't able to look at each other XD

I'm not really happy about the coloring, bur ... well you can't have everything :P

Posted March 19, 2009, 10:45:06 AM

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Ate and Ina Didn't see that comm… Lovebirds - January Like fire and water Quality time
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  • Total Items: 127
  • Total Comments: 637
Comment #1 - Posted March 19, 2009, 11:12:06 AM
beautifull !!!
awesome and beautiful!!!
love the costumes !


  • Total Items: 199
  • Total Comments: 1396
Comment #2 - Posted July 12, 2009, 03:21:55 AM
Interesting storyline, I'm sure it makes for lots of exciting stories! I like how you drew the girl with them, she doesn't even look at them, she's really only in it for fun yes. :]
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