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Winter Adventure (illo for The Gathering Storm)

by Eregyrn

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Done as a prize for Emberra, for a "leaving comments" challenge we held a couple of years ago.  Prizes were an illustrated story, and Emberra owned Rill at the time, so Whitney wrote a side adventure for him within "The Gathering Storm" storyline.  Her description of the setting was so evocative that I got an idea for an illustration immediately -- the white and black of the landscape of aspen trees and snow, and the black wolf, with Rill's blue coat and blond hair being the only real color in the scene.  Just took me a bit to get around to it.

Fine-point pen inks, Copic coloring, plenty of effects in PS.

Posted August 19, 2014, 10:53:45 AM
wolf, Rill, River Twine

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  • Total Items: 93
  • Total Comments: 122
Comment #1 - Posted August 22, 2014, 05:23:29 PM
Night scenes are always tricky, but you didn well with this. The sky is filled with stars and the long shadows of the trees tell about bright moons in the elf´s back that give enough light to show a fair amount of details. I really like the texture of the bark (I have a fable for briches) and the simple but effective way you did the bushes in the background. It all gives a nice sense of a rolling enviroment that is much more interesting (and common to forests) than plane ground.


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Comment #2 - Posted August 29, 2014, 02:28:09 AM
This is a fine illustration and could come straight from a book. As the birches have a light bark they make a wonderful contrast to the dark skies. And the moon light shining from behind casting those tree shadows really adds to the eerie, yet beautiful mood. Everyone who has ever walked the forest at night time in winter knows a scene like that. Luckily I never ran across any bears, but plenty of deers. But this feeling of seeing each other and freezing for a moment is caught perfectly.
The only thing that puzzled me for second is the bag Rill is carrying. At first glance it looked a bit like beetle's shell to me.


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Comment #3 - Posted August 31, 2014, 03:57:22 AM
Looked for me as they are casual passing by.
I really love the setting! Its so realistic! Great work!
The only colour of the hair and coat makes it perfect. I often see pictures like this with more highlights. Some white where it would not be in real life. I am not sure if it would work with this pic. Its in his constant brighness beautiful.
I feel cold now...


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Comment #4 - Posted September 21, 2014, 01:41:25 PM
The twilight mood of this picture just really appeals to me.  The quiet of the forest disturbed softly by the crunching of the snow under the wolves feet as they tread for home. Niiiiiiice !
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