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River Twine 2014 Calendar - June

by Eregyrn

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This is an example of a collaboration, with fellow RTH member Stacy (who owns Notch).  I did a basic sketch of the action and the background. Stacy inked it (digitally) and then did the coloring.  It's always super-fun to do a collab like this.  I love seeing how the art comes out when someone else's style adds onto my own. :)

This is based on a tribal game called "stepstones", which I'm sure you can figure out from this pic -- it's a balancing game where the opponents try to cause each other to lose their balance over water.  Here, the stakes have been elaborated by having three parent-child teams -- Starskimmer with her son Notch (in the water); Blacksnake and his daughter Chicory; Suddendusk and his daughter Evervale.

Posted December 19, 2013, 11:37:48 PM
river twine, wolves, blacksnake, notch, starskimmer, suddendusk, evervale, chicory

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Signs of Spring Dawn Hunt River Twine 2014 Cal… Dreamfli­ght and Newt… A Gift from the Sea…
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  • Fan Calendar Participant
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Comment #1 - Posted March 28, 2014, 01:48:29 PM
I can definitely see Stacy's influence in this! I've always enjoyed her art as well, and we did have a story collab in another holt. I think I remember seeing this on the RTH website; I occasionally lurk to try and inspire myself to draw again. Sigh, to only have the kind of fluidity in my art that the two of you have! I really like that this is not a posed composition; they really look like they're engaged in "stepstones" and someone is about to crack their head open on one of them (likely Chicory or Blacksnake). The scene also appears to be at twilight with the colors used, but there are areas that seem a little flat. Overall, this has an animation cell feel to it and I really like it!


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Comment #2 - Posted March 31, 2014, 01:47:35 AM
Nice background story to this! I am a fan of collaborations. Like doing them as well as looking at them. Your linework and masterful composition still shine through, but the flatter colors do indeed give this an animation-like feel. This looks like a still from a show that I would very much like to see!


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Comment #3 - Posted March 31, 2014, 01:40:52 PM
This is a very nice scene. The light, the background, the wolves, the dynamic poses... I especially like the laughing dude, he looks very relaxed. Collaborations are always a nice thing to do. Maybe we could give it a try too? *nudge* *poke*


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Comment #4 - Posted August 22, 2014, 09:19:12 AM
Thanks, folks!  Yeah, the safety aspects of this game have definitely occured to me!   ;)  Perhaps we will assume that wolfriders are just so nimble that even in falling, they'd be able to twist and avoid the rocks, mostly.

Dreamcat -- of course!  I'd love to try some kind of collab with you sometime!  ;D
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