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A Gift from the Sea illo

by Eregyrn

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I did this as an illustration for Whitney's story of the same title; this is Honey, when she was quite young, having a special, private encounter with a very different sort of "wolf".  River Twine is located next to the sea, and while it's named for the many rivers in the area, the sea is an important part of the elves' lives.  Fish are abundant, with regular huge spawning runs of salmon and, in this case, candlefish.  Honey was out harvesting them, when fog closed in around her; and she became the focus of a curious orca's attention.

Orcas are one of my very favorite creatures, so I was really happy to get to do this. :)

The usual media - brush-pen inks, Copic markers, effects in PS.

Posted October 02, 2013, 11:05:04 AM
river twine, honey, killer whale, orca

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River Twine 2014 Cal… Dreamfli­ght and Newt… A Gift from the Sea… Illo for "Cubname" Hair-craft
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Comment #1 - Posted March 31, 2014, 01:10:36 AM
Beautiful mood and colors! I can visualize so well how the orca appears in the fog. What a wonderful encounter.
And the background is pure Copic markers as well? Beautifully blended!


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Comment #2 - Posted April 01, 2014, 01:54:04 PM
Oh, thank you for referring to it as an orca. I'm not sure why, but it just doesn't seem right to call them killer whales, especially being such magnificent creatures. Seems somehow demeaning. Anyway, this does have a feel of twilight in the mist when they encounter and they both seem rather curious about the other. The orca, in fact, almost grinning at Honey (maybe trying to be cute to get some of her haul). It is quite remarkable what you manage to do with markers and brush pens; my attempts with the same would look pathetically amateurish by comparison! By the way, is the canoe lashed to something?


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Comment #3 - Posted August 22, 2014, 09:12:55 AM
Thanks, guys!  Oh -- no, the background mist was done entirely with Photoshop brushes.  Although, the water was done with Copics.

Yeah, in the story, the boat's line was originally tied to something on shore (or another boat, I forget which). But Honey's prank-minded half-sister Flash cut her boat's line, and the fog enveloped her rather quickly.  They sent the tribe's only glider out to find Honey and tow her in, and this chance encounter happened just before Stormdancer located her in the fog.


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Comment #4 - Posted November 14, 2017, 07:27:08 PM
That Orca is actually very cute! like it is eyeing at the fish and asking...

"can I have some?.."

I too thank you for referring this great creature Orca, I bet the name Killer whale has caused lot of damage to the animal already...
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