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Album - Owner: Emberra - 2 items
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Zoom Details 6
So this is Petalwing for my art trade with branchscamper. Sorry its so late. >.<
Though I have to say I'm happier with this one then I was with Kahvi. I don't know why I'm not satisfied with any of my art lately.  ??? I'll figure it out though.
YAY for Petalwing and Dreamberries! Breet Deet Dee~!
 Views: 779
 Comments: 6
Jun 05, 2012
Zoom Details 3
So this is my try at Kahvi of the Go-Backs. It was for an art trade with DestinysGift. Sorry Its so late. >.<
 Views: 754
 Comments: 3
May 30, 2012
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