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Color  -  ChangeStone 

by Tah-Marien

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Here is my PC / OC  in full color.

Her eyes are dark violet (a RockShapers trait in our Holt)
She is 6th generation.
Joyleaf's  face shape  -  circa 1970's pastel.
Tall Clearbrook- like body
Very pug nose !
Thin lips

Dresses in all forms of browns and greens.

Very much an Elder of the Tribe.  She speaks in a droll Manner with just a hint of sarcasm.  Recognized 5 times to the same Lifemate.  She and Rillrunner ( PC  L.  Brown )  have 11 cubs / children.

Posted July 15, 2012, 02:36:55 PM
May 22, 2014, 06:21:00 PM
SweetWater Holt, Chacater Study, ElfQuest, Wolfrider, RockShaper

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ChangeSt­one      20… PONDER    PC  /  Wol… Color  -  ChangeSt­on… QuickWind FarSight of SweetWat…
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  • Total Items: 51
  • Total Comments: 73
Comment #1 - Posted July 16, 2012, 10:42:48 AM
Cool. She must be busy keeping track of all those cubs--grown or not.....
The drawing looks like a cover for a comic book. :) Very nice.


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Comment #2 - Posted July 16, 2012, 11:24:01 AM
    Thank You MIDNIGHT.  He-heh  *Smile*  The cubs have kept her young, and in shape. 

   I Am pleased with how the colored pencils, sharpie markers and crayons  scanned  in.  My favorite is how the name turned out.  Much better than my first  color version of Ponder in 1998.  Your colors are clean and crisp.  What do you use for such a finished look ? 


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Comment #3 - Posted July 16, 2012, 12:45:28 PM
What a great collection of mediums used for this piece! I love color pencils, but haven't done any thing with them for ages. Ever since the digital scene, I begun experimenting with digital painting. Mostly because I didn't like the way my scanner scanned the hand colored stuff. It was to scribbly-scratchy looking. I now scan the pencil sketch and then ink in in Manga-studio. From there I paint it in photo shop using a wacom tablet which lets me use a pen/pencil tool and skip the unresponsive mouse-thing. I work in layers and finally worked out a system I can live with. Nothing like doing it by hand though. I used to ink on watercolor paper and then use acrylics (in a sort of watercolor style). That worked pretty well. But as you can imagine.....watercolor paper is a pain to scan.....

Sample of some reaaalllyyyy old stuff.....
The first panel is water color and the second is acrylic.


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Comment #4 - Posted July 17, 2012, 10:53:19 AM
   R -  Sample:    MIDNIGHT           Super Cool  !  !   I just love to see how works progress, as well as Artist'.   I really like both of your examples.  But I do see and understand what you meant by  "scribbly-scratchy"  looking.         (I  do  believe that can now be used as a technical term for color pencils  *Grin*.)   Is the Flower Elf your self-elf ?   I see Venka face shape, Dewshine eyes, full lips, straight eyebrows, and a small nose.   What body type ? 

I think the flower is an Orchid ?  Both pictures, though "old",  show an early ability to see the viewer.  I like that a Lot.  Every time I need to get a character to look at me I have to turn to the page where Scouter is talking to Dewshine about the Cub she is carrying.  *sigh*  So sweet.  So loving.   It  still melts my Heart.  AAahh  -  I am just an old softie!


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Comment #5 - Posted July 23, 2012, 12:18:03 PM
WOW! ELEVEN CUBS! Very fertile, this one! I thought I was overdoing it with my characters coming from a family of seven offspring, but Mom and Dad were halflings. Nice use of color pencils, sharpies, and crayons; I think the result is excellent. Yes, scanning color pencils can look...scribbly-scratchy; all you have to do is look at the stuff I did for the calendars. I think what you've done here with Changestone looks great; wouldn't alter it. I also like what you've done with the banner, especially the little droplets coming off of it. Quite eye catching and helps to create a sense of motion.


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Comment #6 - Posted July 23, 2012, 03:46:02 PM
Yes, eleven cubs is quite impressive! How many were twins? She really looks like a though elder, but not without humor.

Your colors come out so strong, mine never did when I used color pencils. Do you use the "press hard" teqnique, or the add and add and add? (I don't know how to put this better.) when I used color pencils, my skin tones, unless they were dark, did not go from scan to the computer, so I slowly started to go over to markers instead.

@Midnight, you used acryllics? It looks just like watercolor. Did you mix them out in water? And did your pens allow you to do that? :O I almost smeared out everything on my canvas when I tried that.


  • Total Items: 178
  • Total Comments: 477
Comment #7 - Posted July 24, 2012, 11:29:25 AM
             We, SweetWater Holt, Played, Camp-fired (our Howls) and Rolled our stories AMBERFOX.  Since the Recognition was forced due to exposure to Magic, it left us vulnerable to Magic.  Every time we encountered a Magic object or piece of the Palace we Recognized  (lost the roll).  Golly  !  !   

             Some of my earlier fan art shows my  Cubs  STARTEAR. ( If you want to see them in my Gallery)  My Recognition births were 3,2,1,2,and 3.  Our Club had strong wolfblood so we elves could literally Litter;  three or less.   The Club Rolled or Writers Conclaved each story.   All Recognitions were volunteer only.   No one could be forced.   But to keep the element of surprise the PC names were put into a hat.   It made for a great form of anticipation ! 

            R - Colored Pencils.  I layer four colors; so by the forth layer it smooths everything out.  This technique was found by accident, and a desire to GET the look I wanted.  I am almost there. 
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