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by branchscamper

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I am super duper late on my trades and I do apologize to everyone!  I had some surgery done (why I've been away) and then had a lot of work to catch up on.  But I really want to get back to drawing more and I know I have many pieces to draw.

Anyhoo This is Wildfire as promised and I loved...loved!...drawing her.  I've been working on facial expressions and I wanted to show her more temperamental side so I hope this shows that. 

I still have a long way to go with art and there are probably things I would change no doubt on this piece, but I hope Wildfire enjoys this!

Posted July 11, 2012, 12:16:28 AM
self elf, wildfire

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Wildfire Firefly for Emberra Shadowtr­ee for Desti…
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Comment #1 - Posted July 11, 2012, 05:19:43 AM
Woo...very nice. ;D


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Comment #2 - Posted July 11, 2012, 12:46:07 PM
Whoaaaaa, she looks FIERCE! That is awesome :3 I'll get back to you with Neve as soon as possible! :D


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Comment #3 - Posted July 11, 2012, 01:35:08 PM
What strikes me most about this illo is how shiny it is, like a beam of light is hitting her golden hair ornaments, and they bounce the light at us. My first reaction was to try to shield my eyes. I love that annoyed expression on her face. And her skin color is very lovely as well.

Was this done the same way as you did Longfin for the Calendar or is it all digital? 


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Comment #4 - Posted July 12, 2012, 10:09:02 AM
Maggie - Thank you =D

Wildfire - I'm so glad you like her!  I was so excited about drawing her and wanted it to be just right ^^  Take your time with Neve if you have to!  I'm sorry I took so long XD

Startear - I'm happy that my shiny worked.  I was hoping to give the look of some bright sun and luckily Wildfire has great gold jewelry to use for that purpose ^^

I did this the same way I did Longfin.  I had it drawn and inked for about a month, but knew I wanted her coloured.  Try as I might I was not happy with the full digital look yet so I laid down the base colours with pencil and then enhanced everything in photoshop ^_^ 


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Comment #5 - Posted July 13, 2012, 12:10:17 AM
Yummy! She looks hot! My favorite parts is the hair. It seems so smooth and heavy. The way it falls looks damn nice.


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Comment #6 - Posted July 23, 2012, 10:34:07 AM
          I really like how you captured the tilt and lower of her head.   Foreshortening and panoramic are dang hard to do.  Please keep the art coming  BRANCHSCAMPER !


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Comment #7 - Posted July 23, 2012, 12:42:01 PM
Really dynamic illo of Wildfire and quite complimentary to her fiery temper (from what I understand, she has one). The shading on her skin as well as her skin tone are wonderfully done and I admit the shimmer off her gold is great. I think it draws the viewer in even more, only to notice Wildfire doesn't want the attention. The neckband seems rather thick and heavy, but that may just be because it's supposed to be. Wildfire's quite a beauty! Great job, Branchscamper!
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