WinterMoon 2001 - 2011
by Tah-Marien
OC / PC WinterMoon SweetWater Holt
Thought we needed to see some boys!
This guy is 5th generation Elf. I really tried to get him to look like Zarhan Fastfire's grandson.
Posted May 17, 2012, 08:12:40 PM
May 18, 2012, 08:43:33 AM
SweetWater Holt, Chacater Study, ElfQuest, 5th generation Elf.
Thought we needed to see some boys!
This guy is 5th generation Elf. I really tried to get him to look like Zarhan Fastfire's grandson.
Posted May 17, 2012, 08:12:40 PM
May 18, 2012, 08:43:33 AM
SweetWater Holt, Chacater Study, ElfQuest, 5th generation Elf.
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Frosted Pine 2001 -… | PathFinder 2001 - 2… | WinterMoon 2001 - 2… | Thunder_2001 | Male Sweetwater Hol… |
Comments |
Pages: [1]
Comment #1 - Posted May 22, 2012, 01:29:47 PM
Man, I really need to get better at drawing noses. I certainly understand about the holt needing more boys; I've been in many holts over the turns and so many have had the same problem. Anyway, great illo; quite handsome, and the way the illos flow together are really eye catching. The sketch to the side...I think it would've been so much better with some of your amazing shading skills put to it. As it is now, it just seems somehow pale by comparison.
Comment #2 - Posted May 29, 2012, 12:25:14 PM
These pencil drawings of yours are so amazing! The fluidity and gracefulness! This one is so art nouveau that I have to love it especially. Lovely work!
Comment #3 - Posted June 02, 2012, 05:02:06 PM
Hey, AMBERFOX ! My Holt needed boys; in the real sense for about two years. Then we recruited at a local Game Fair - Bam - They outnumbered us girls, It was weird for a while.
I looked at your wonderful fan art site - couldn't understand about the nose thing. They ALL looked good to me. If you believe its there. . . it's good. Sorry . . .that is the Art instructor coming out in me. te he I have a soft spot for the character made to mimic the Hyena in his hair. He is hot. Ayooohar TREEFOX ! That is really nice to hear from someone who understands , as a fellow artist , how hard it can be to 'break it down'. Wintermoon is just sexy enough because he is all Elf. Made him rare in a group of (me , me , me , . I want to be a Wolfrider) mixed blood. He was part of a Three-Love-Bond with Thunder and another boy elf. Made some of the Pictures I wanted to do for her . . . for older audiences. |
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