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by Rowtiger

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I'm really digging this new outfit of hers,  I'll get around to colorizing these soon. 

Posted April 13, 2012, 07:42:32 PM
CLearbrook wolfrider

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Comment #1 - Posted April 14, 2012, 08:19:50 AM
I love the way you've rendered this outfit, including how you handled the fringe -- you really have a way with that! 

This piece, though, really best illustrates something I've noticed in a lot of the pieces you've posted here -- proportion of head to body.  She seems to have more or less the right proportions for a human figure (where a full figure is about 8 heads tall), although something about the robust size of her torso with this head-size still bothers me a little.  (That could just be an illusion based on the solid black of the torso having so much visual weight, though.)  Wolfrider and Sun Folk figures, though, have a 1/5 head ratio, rather than 1/8 (which is what gets used for High Ones, too).

If that's a conscious decision you're making, that's fine.  I think there's a wide variety amongst EQ fan artists and how they choose to address figure proportions.  I just wondered if it was something you were aiming for, or something you were doing unconsciously. 


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Comment #2 - Posted April 16, 2012, 03:58:03 AM
I also like her latest outfit very much! As I wasn't so fond of many of the others, that is saying something. I agree with Eregyrn about the relation of head size to body. But to me your work looks very fluent and stylish, so this could indeed be a conscious choice. In any way a cool pic! Love her stance and expression!


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Comment #3 - Posted April 16, 2012, 12:50:32 PM
I also like this outfit and how you've worked with it here making it very striking against the cleaner lines of the character itself. I love that you draw fringe individually, something few people tend to do. Yes, her head does seem to be a bit small for the body, but I've noticed you tend to do that so I'm thinking it is a conscious decision because that is YOUR style and it works for you. I think that her right wrist/arm may need to be narrowed a little; it seems a bit too large in comparison to her left arm/wrist and the rest of the body.


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Comment #4 - Posted April 16, 2012, 07:50:58 PM
I just eyeball my proportions ( which usually averages 6 heads tall) , I go with what I feel comfortable with.  My style is more anime-ish ( which you can see in my non EQ art here - http://rowtiger.deviantart.com/ )
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