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by Amberfox

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Non-persona character over in my holt, World Paths, Serengeti Mists, Starborn Peaks Holt. She's very much the sweet girl-next-door sort of character that is lovemated to Chief Skyblade. She can hold her own in a fight, but she'd much rather do something else. Again, already a little old, but I'm working on new stuff I hope to post soon.

Posted April 13, 2012, 02:59:40 PM
Starwisp, World Paths Holt, Serengeti Mists, Starborn Peaks

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  • Total Items: 133
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Comment #1 - Posted April 14, 2012, 08:25:49 AM
She really does look very sweet!  I like the layered effect in her outfit and how it's echoed in her boots.  I'd be interested to hear what's going on with her weapon; is that a plantshaped end, or carved, or something folded around it? 

I think some colors here would help her stand out from the background.  In particular, I feel like her hair is a little "lost" against the mountain behind her, in just linework.  But I really do love the background.  I really like the way you tackled those trees!


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Comment #2 - Posted April 16, 2012, 02:54:36 AM
Yep, the background is lovely! I also really like her clothes and the weapon. You use quite some original weapons lately. :)
I got to say, at first I though it was a unicorn horn attached to the end...  :baghead
Concering C/C, maybe her arms are a little short. But covered with the sleeves, this could also only seem that way.


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Comment #3 - Posted April 16, 2012, 08:21:21 AM
Treefox: unicorn horn!  HA HA HA HA!  But actually I wonder if you're right, and it's some kind of antelope horn?  That would make a really interesting "spear-point"!

I got to hold an actual narwhale tooth a couple of years ago, which was really fascinating.  It was SO much heavier than it looked like it should be.  But somehow, it doesn't seem like this gal is from a tribe that is likely to be using narwhale tusks as weapons!


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Comment #4 - Posted April 16, 2012, 01:04:46 PM
Unicorn horn...well, why not? There are holts that allow dragons, so...Seriously, I'm not entirely sure what I was going for when I drew this, but I THINK it was a spear shaped from a branch that had a twisted knot in it and she just had the tip shaped and the spear stabilized for strength. My mother's house had some treebranches like that in her yard, so I thought, why not? I agree with you, Eregryn, that she does kind of get lost in the background. Not the intention, of course, but it happened. I tried to bring her hair to the foreground a bit with darker, heavier lines, but that didn't work. As for the arm, hmmmm, I do see what you're saying, Treefox. I'm not sure if that is a mistake on my part or if it's the sleeves that have that volume. I'll have to reference the original sketch and see what's going on under those things.
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