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Winnowill and Rayek

by Elea

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From 1 April you, comrades!
Smiles, laughter and new crazy work ...  :lol :lol :lol

Posted April 01, 2012, 11:19:04 PM
Winnowill, Rayek

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Adya and Timmain Sketch 2 Winnowill and Rayek Moonshad­e and Strong… As it was, and how i…
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Comment #1 - Posted April 01, 2012, 12:50:44 PM
Oh my Cod.

Elea, you win the internet.

Rayek looks really good as a lady. Like, really really good. Can't really decide if Winnowill is cowering his pawn up, or if he is taking her clothes off v e r y slowly.



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Comment #2 - Posted April 01, 2012, 01:31:22 PM
Yay! New Elea -art!
You DO win the internet.
Your genderbends are always 1) brilliant and 2) so wonderfully drawn!
And you have the coolest signature ;D


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Comment #3 - Posted April 01, 2012, 02:23:18 PM
Startear, Thank you very much for your praise. Very nice.
Always wanted to change their genders, and today it happened ...

Mirror, Thank you very much. It is nice to hear it from you. I now have a lot of work and the art does not have the time, and now wanted something "disruptive" to draw. Here are suddenly so self-draw))))
So the, next time, I come up with something new))))

And about "the internet" is not completely understood. It's all a bad Google - translator))))


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Comment #4 - Posted April 01, 2012, 02:30:10 PM
Hehe, it took a little time until I noticed that something was wrong. I first noticed Winnowill's face being so strangely male. Good 1st of April work. And most beautiful fool trick for today.


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Comment #5 - Posted April 01, 2012, 03:04:34 PM
It took me a moment as well to realize that you had switched the genders on the characters. This is perfect for April 1st, and you did not lose the evil, sinister personality of Winnowill, grasping, clutching at Rayek with hands that look more like claws. You were also able to keep the original look of both characters but reverse their genders so effectively so that nothing is lost of their personalities or their overall look. Excellent job as always!


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Comment #6 - Posted April 02, 2012, 12:07:41 AM
Google translator...can be so practical, and so confusing!
But don't worry, "win the internet" is a big compliment :) "You won the first price -  kind of thing.


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Comment #7 - Posted April 02, 2012, 12:30:30 AM
Oh YES! Such a cool idea! And they both look quite hot, I think. Love you style.


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Comment #8 - Posted April 11, 2012, 01:40:32 PM
jaRf, is hoped that the joke failed. Thank you for your kind words.

Amberfox, I always enjoy your comments.)))) So it happened that Winnowill I get the best. And from Rayek was a very beautiful girl. Thank you very much.

Mirror, you got me overpraise. I will not lie to me is very flattering. I have a feeling that when I post the pictures on this site, as if I'm coming home. Thank you for that feeling. From this i'm want to draw more and better.

Treefox, Thank you very much. But I'm starting to happen again. We must come up with a new idea for the custom mapping ElfQuest. ))))


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Comment #9 - Posted November 09, 2017, 06:45:24 PM
a well working genderbender you've made here! (I'm dumb and didn't read the title so at first I thought it was Haken and Venka in weird clothes and other almost butt naked) but thins works extremely well! wonderful art...
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