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Just missed!

by Eregyrn

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The final version of the taal WIP -- done for the "rare pairings" contest at RTH, showing elves interacting who haven't been seen much together before.  

Here, Blacksnake is playing a game of taal with Greenweave (belongs to Suzene) and Pathmark (above, belongs to Afke). Greenweave has just successfully dodged Blacksnake's attempted tag (if Blacksnake had tagged him, he would have had to give up a game-token; the elf with the most tokens at the end of the game wins). Greenweave is now allowed to try to tag Blacksnake back. I think the person here who stands the best chance of picking up some tokens is Pathmark. ;)

Taal is a game that was created within the "Blood of Ten Chiefs" anthologies of ElfQuest, and it only appeared in one comic... in which the evidence for how it was played and what the game equipment is was... erratic, at best. Our group has the game, though (which can be described as stalking/hunting practice), which has mostly been featured as an RP game run occasionally by one of our members, Heidi. I have taken the depiction of the taal-sticks from her.

Black Prismacolor pencil linework, Copic marker coloring, effects in Photoshop.

Posted October 05, 2011, 03:14:39 AM
river twine, blacksnake, greenweave, pathmark, taal

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Rainpace and Glow: i… Flirting Just missed! RTH: taal WIP Honey and Mooncrie­r…
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  • Fan Calendar Participant
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Comment #1 - Posted October 05, 2011, 12:29:34 PM
Great colours! I especially like the orange leaves, giving the picture a hint of autumn.


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Comment #2 - Posted October 06, 2011, 12:14:53 AM
This is a pretty fantastic picture! I love your style and use of colour and seeing all the action as well as the day to day events that go on at RTH. Pathmark up in the trees is a great addition to the picture :)


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Comment #3 - Posted October 06, 2011, 09:33:51 AM
I love looking at your drawing!!! There is so much playful fun in them....:)


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Comment #4 - Posted October 06, 2011, 12:03:00 PM
This is stunning! How beautifully dark the forest is! That's also something one doesn't see every day. Pathmark is such a neat addition. The colors are so crisp. I don't know how you did it, but to me the movement really seems playful not force or powerful like in a fleeing run or fight. Just perfect!


  • Total Items: 13
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Comment #5 - Posted October 07, 2011, 12:17:59 AM
Love the colors and shades, and they look like they are having so much fun! :)
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