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Album - Owner: spearcarrier - 5 items
I don't know what to call this album so it's just Um. It's paintings of EQ characters and random things like that.
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Zoom Details 6
Not Needed
Study art of Winnowill. I think it's horrible.
 Views: 844
 Comments: 6
Jan 05, 2011
Zoom Details 1
Character created for Bird in a Bush. You can tell it was never meant to be serious.
 Views: 756
 Comments: 1
Jan 05, 2011
Zoom Details 3
More old art
Used to be a website entry page.
 Views: 831
 Comments: 3
Jan 05, 2011
Zoom Details 4
I Shape Flesh
 Really old.

In fact, i"m almost embarrassed by it.
 Views: 549
 Comments: 4
Jan 04, 2011
Zoom Details 7
Done before I had a wacom.
 Views: 625
 Comments: 7
Jan 04, 2011
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