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Icefire and Lionskin

by Guest

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yes I'm still on this XD
Kiss on the shoulder this time snatched by Icefire and Lionskin. They are furmates and somewhat best friends ^^ I imagined it had to be more playful ^^

Posted April 10, 2011, 08:00:14 AM
TwinPeaks Holt

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Ironteet­h and Summer… Wildgrac­e and Iktomi… Icefire and Lionskin… Frostman­e and Moonda… Frostcla­w and Hoarfr…
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Comment #1 - Posted April 14, 2011, 08:03:07 AM
Again, beautiful linework in the "kiss series." I only wish I knew the characters a little better, but Twin Peaks website is restricted, darn it! I think you captured the playfulness of the two wonderfully. There are three aspects that I'm seeing in this illo. The first is that her (Icefire's?) breast is rather high and small for the rest of the body. It also lacks the soft shading that is throughout the rest of the illo or maybe it was too light to translate well when scanned. The third aspect is that it seems (Lionskin's?) hands are a little large unless he has large hands (is it a he?). I think the illo itself is terrific, and likely far better than I could manage.
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