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by Eregyrn

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The central idea for this came to me, and for once I decided to just get right down to it and do it, rather than put the idea on my long list to molder.  

This shows Blacksnake performing cubsitting duties for his grandchildren -- I like to think that it started with him cubsitting Glow (the youngest, sitting in his lap; belongs to Agathe/Icemoon), and the other kids drifted in from playing in the snow because they knew the toys would be out. Cinder, with the silver hair, is Blacksnake's other grandchild (belongs to Matt), while Rill, the blond, is his nephew (belongs to Daria). Copper, standing (belongs to Beth) is the child of Brightwood and Farscout.

Pentel Pocket-Brush Pen ink, Copic marker coloring, effects in PS. (This was the last piece I got to do with my original pen; the tip was driving me nuts, as it wouldn't stay in a single point any more. I just got a new one. Still, I think that's about 3 years of use out of the original one?)

Posted January 19, 2011, 02:59:24 PM
river twine, blacksnake, copper, cinder, rill, glow

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Making Music Fancy Dress Cubsitting Newt River Twine 2011 Cal…
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Comment #1 - Posted January 26, 2011, 10:21:30 AM
soo freaking cute.


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Comment #2 - Posted January 26, 2011, 03:31:57 PM
I love it!  I believe this is the first time I've seen elf children with toys.


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Comment #3 - Posted January 26, 2011, 11:53:02 PM
Wow, Copper...I have never seen this color combination.  Cool!


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Comment #4 - Posted January 27, 2011, 03:27:31 AM
Yay, TOYS! The kids seem to love them! :D


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Comment #5 - Posted January 27, 2011, 06:52:08 AM
I'e been mulling over which bit of this piece to comment on, and I can't pick. The whole composition of this picture is perfect, and as always your art is lovely!


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Comment #6 - Posted January 27, 2011, 07:19:33 AM
Thanks, guys. :)

Songflower -- her hair?  It's the best I've been able to come up for for "strawberry blond".  Not realistic, but seems to work okay for elves. ;-)


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Comment #7 - Posted January 27, 2011, 11:50:54 PM
That opens another question: does the River Twine Holt has a toy carver??  :D


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Comment #8 - Posted January 28, 2011, 07:27:57 AM
Well, a number of the elves are said to be good at woodcarving and so on, so any of those who are could, in theory, make toys.  Probably some people are better at making recognizable animals than others?  But there's also the fact that we have three plantshapers.  Who's to say the toys are carved? ;-)  (Could be either, I think.  I didn't have a firm idea of who had made them.)


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Comment #9 - Posted February 03, 2011, 08:15:01 AM
Don't forget the toys could be handed down for a few generations, so the toys could be from carvers past and/or shapers. It also appears that at least two of them might stuffed toys, so several artisans and even interested parties could have made those. Poor Copper looks like she has no idea what to do with her toy.

Beautifully rendered interior and it's always a delight to see group illos. Being a weather wimp, I'd close that curtain, though. Love your work, Holly, and look forward to seeing more.


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Comment #10 - Posted February 05, 2011, 02:31:51 AM
Can I join and play too? I would love to have such beautiful carved toys. They would be the grace of every shelf. Why don't they make such lovely things in real life?
Another wonderful picture with a great mood. The cublings are all so sweet (yet not too sweet) and the setting is great!


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Comment #11 - Posted February 05, 2011, 10:38:11 PM
Awwwww.. that's all I have to say. Besides it's hard typing w/fake nails.


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Comment #12 - Posted August 08, 2011, 09:46:02 AM
I really like your style and use of color - beautiful line, composition and emotion on everyones face -- and I agree with Treefox - toys like this in real life would be treasures!
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