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Goldspice nursing Cinder

by Eregyrn

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Done as an art-trade for Rini, who owns Goldspice (right), and including Windsong (left, owned by Lova) at Rini's request. The story behind this is that the baby, Cinder, is the son of the River Twine tribe's chief, and his mother was killed in an accident when he was only about 4 months old. So the rest of the females in the tribe had to step up to nurse him (fortunately, the tribe has a healer to make this possible). Goldspice is his first-cousin, actually, and she's one of the volunteers. She's never had a child of her own, though, so this is her first experience nursing a baby. Windsong, though, has had two daughters relatively recently (in elf terms), so perhaps she's there to give pointers.

Pentel Pocket Brush-Pen inks, Copic marker coloring, some effects in Photoshop.  I definitely looked at examples Wendy has drawn of female elves nursing, and tried to avoid making this a flat-out copy of either of them, so I looked at photo-refs of women nursing as well.

Posted December 14, 2010, 10:47:29 PM
river twine, goldspice, windsong, cinder

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River Twine 2011 Cal… Illo for "Unbound" Goldspic­e nursing Ci… New Green Bliss Cele… Blacksnake new look
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  • Total Items: 199
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Comment #1 - Posted December 21, 2010, 07:55:51 AM
Looks beautiful and very peaceful.


Comment #2 - Posted December 21, 2010, 08:12:07 AM
Oh how beautiful and sweet!i love the colors and their expressions!


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Comment #3 - Posted December 21, 2010, 01:02:24 PM
Beautiful atmosphere and I love how there seems to be a spotlight on Goldspice. I imagine this piece to have been quite difficult to draw.
I'm really not good at drawing babies and children ...


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  • Total Comments: 33
Comment #4 - Posted December 23, 2010, 04:42:20 AM
so sweet! it,s just beautifil. I love it!


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Comment #5 - Posted December 23, 2010, 05:30:35 PM
I wish Elfmom & Elfpop would go back to soliciting artists, since we have several really good ones here who would do a terrific job and you are definitely one of them.  I would love to see a canon EQ story done by you. Your characters are expressive and easily distinguished.  Also, IMHO your wolves are insanely gorgeous.
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