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Crescent - colored

by Treefox

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I finally did it! I successfully colored something with GIMP! I still have to get used to a lot, but finally I see some light at the end of the tunnel. I know that there is still so much to improve and that the background is rather "noisy". But all in all I'm not unhappy how it turned out. Critique is welcomed, but please bear in mind that I'm definitely still learning.  :D

Edit: seeing how the rest of my stuff looks on this monitor, I'm wondering whether the colors will be OK.

Posted August 14, 2010, 04:00:09 PM
January 07, 2011, 07:44:24 AM

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Pool Grid Art Voll Pinup Crescent - colored Ember Hunting Khavi's Tale
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Comment #1 - Posted August 14, 2010, 06:30:09 PM
I think its pretty! You did a fantastic job! I love the color of her eyes! so pretty!


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Comment #2 - Posted August 14, 2010, 10:27:07 PM
Oh this looks great! :D  I think the busy-ness of the background isn't a problem at all, since it contrasts with the less-busy areas in Crescent.

If you aren't tired of working on this image already, try this: create a layer above her skin and set it to mode "Overlay". Color pick something close to her skin tone...maybe a little pinker...and paint over the shadows in her skin with an opaque brush. The idea is to get more color into the shadows so they aren't so "ashy".  Experiment with adding other colors from the painting...purple shoudl be an easy one to add, while green is a little trickier. Play around with the opacity of the layer itself, or do some color adjustment with the layer, until you go "ahah! that's what color they should be!"


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Comment #3 - Posted August 15, 2010, 04:45:18 AM
 ;D Thanks! I'm happy that you two approve it.

And thanks for the advice! That's exactly what I'm looking for! More!  :D I will try that when I have the time. I'm still all  ??? with layers and especially about isolating certain parts of my drawing, or selecting only the lines, etc...
But I'm definitely not tired of working on it yet.  ;)

Actually, I wanted the ashy look a bit, because I think skin shadow actually isn't that pink. But I absolutely agree that it is partly too gray, so thanks for the advice on how to improve.
Oh, one more thing: is your Crescent page offline? I wanted to steal some color ideas from it, but found it to be not working...
Last Edited: August 15, 2010, 04:56:08 AM


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Comment #4 - Posted September 01, 2010, 12:56:47 PM
Very nice! Love it. :)


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Comment #5 - Posted September 03, 2010, 12:38:28 AM
Thank you, Nev! I should really upload a better quality of this picture...


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Comment #6 - Posted September 17, 2010, 09:54:26 PM
Treefox, I think this thing looks great.  I don't have a problem with the background at all, and that's saying something because I often have a thing about not being able to easily discern the subject of a pic from its detailed background (I think this phenomenon might be called a "figure-to-ground" problem).  I also really like the colors, including the skin tone but also the blue headband, pretty purple eyes and top and beautiful emerald-green leaves.  I think a matching grown-up Chitter would look great as a companion piece to this one!


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Comment #7 - Posted September 21, 2010, 11:07:38 AM
Thanks! I build the background up from a wild mix of green brushes and slowly it started coming together. But that didn't help the rest remaining rather busy. This "figure-to-ground" problem sounds interesting. I should investigate. To the library!


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Comment #8 - Posted September 30, 2010, 06:27:36 AM
wow! this is just awesome! really, you captured the feeling on a forest filled with those nice relaxing, yet mysterious shades... this is a lot better than my gimp drawings! really, the colors are just wonderful!...


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Comment #9 - Posted August 15, 2011, 11:47:32 PM
Wonderful Crescent! Her eyes are just perfect.
Yeah, I'm trying to get used to GIMP as well. I lost my Adobe Photoshop Elements disc. :( But hey, GIMP is different, but it's working out okay.


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Comment #10 - Posted August 16, 2011, 02:33:54 AM
You've got some great depth going on in that lush green forest - and Cresent is lovely.


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Comment #11 - Posted August 22, 2011, 01:08:28 PM
GIMP is cool if you get the hang of it (which seems to be ridiculously difficult only to me   ;)). And it's still for free!
Thanks for the compliment on the eyes. Guess what was my favorite part to color...


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Comment #12 - Posted October 10, 2011, 01:20:27 PM
I really like the vibrant color and attention to detail! I'm only a little sad at the lack of reflected light, that is, the violet of her shirt, her pale skin and green of the forest reflecting their colors against one another. The lighting reminds me too much of the harshness of a camera flash, which is unfortunate since the subject matter and lines are so curvy, soft and lovely. ;D

Also, perhaps different shades of green - more violet like Foxeye suggested and yellow/gold sunlight filtering through? - in the foliage might the piece less ashy-flat.

Regarding the background.... An easy trick I like to pull is laying down blotches of strategically placed color to only suggest shapes, refining forms as they come closer to the foreground/subject. It makes depth more obvious with a "blurred," less busy-looking background, and leads the viewer focus on the sharper foreground image. Just a couple of things I think might pull an already technically beautiful piece together. Still... wow. I really admire the attention to detail you paid on everything here. :)


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Comment #13 - Posted October 10, 2011, 01:54:32 PM
Ooh it looks so lovely! I'm afraid I don't have that many wise words to add, everything has been said already - still, I find this very lovely. Considering this your start with Gimp I'm really impressed - and embarrassed with my own first try 8D Please keep up drawing and painting in Gimp too, for while I love your marker colouring I really want to see where you take this in the future. Keep it up! :D


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Comment #14 - Posted October 10, 2011, 02:24:43 PM
I so appreciate all the constructive criticism!
It is truly a very flat coloring. It's not that I have improved much since then, but still this was one of the first  things I managed to color at all. There was a lot of trying out of the colors, opacity and effects doing this.
I will hopefully one day do a picture in which I can heed the great tips from all of you.
Thanks for liking it! Haha, I think camera flash really hits the nail on the head!


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Comment #15 - Posted October 16, 2011, 02:33:33 AM
Wow! Definitely a good one for a first Gimp-colouring! I haven't fiddled with Gimp that much, but I guess the colouring tools are something like photoshop. I like how alert she looks. I bet she'll be bringing home some supper!

I like it how you've made the furthest background blurry, while the foreground looks sharp. It works well to enhance the depth of field. The only thing I miss are more hues of green, as now the furthest and the closest greens look the same, making the surroundings a bit flat. I'm trying to work on the same problem with my colouring, so it caught my eye. Try experimenting with different colours besides pure green; my favourite at the moment is turquoise. And, of course a walk in the forest is the best place for reference. A walk in Google-forest is probably the second best (no health bonus). :D
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