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Winnowill. Russian color.

by Elea

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I have long been embarrassed "Kokoshnik" head Winnowill (http://digilander.libero.it/abode/WinnowilleTylak.jpg), in its canonical dress. Here we are with your friend, speculated that it would be interesting to see how it will look Winnowill in the Russian national costume. Well, to your taste?

Posted August 10, 2010, 04:57:39 AM

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Comment #1 - Posted August 09, 2010, 06:23:37 PM
Very cool!  The costume is beautiful!  She looks very regal, but somehow not evil, like the Kokoshnik (?) dress has pacified her... :)


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Comment #2 - Posted August 10, 2010, 02:18:59 AM
Yep, she looks like that dress had made her happy. ^___^
It's beautiful and so detailed. I like the colors on her.


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Comment #3 - Posted August 14, 2010, 02:43:34 AM
Joyrider1978, Let me explain: Kokoshnik - a Russian headdress (http://www.goldmoscow.com/pict/13102005221538_C8218.JPG).
About Costume explain. There are rich costumes (http://gigart.ru/uploads/posts/2010-03/thumbs/1267805954_20-skazka.-podi-tuda-ne-znayu-kuda-andrej-strelok.jpg) or (http://gigart.ru/uploads/posts/2010-03/1267805094_5-1skazka-ob-ivane-careviche-zhar-ptice-i-o-serom.jpg), and there are daily (http://gigart.ru/uploads/posts/2010-03/thumbs/1267804931_2-skazka-vasilisa-prekrasnaya.-1899_1.jpg).
What I show it. In Russian fairy tales evil looks ... how to say ... not as a Western evil )))). For example Baba Yaga (http://ethnoblog.ru/slaviane/resource/Bilibin-Vasilisa-Prekrasnaya-Baba-YAga%5B1%5D.jpg), or Koschey Immortal (http://gigart.ru/uploads/posts/2010-03/thumbs/1267805315_7-skazka-marya-morevna.-1901_3.jpg).
So Winnowill dressed darkly and not fun. But the rich. Therefore, it is possible to assume that it is not simple character.
Last Edited: August 15, 2010, 05:11:48 PM


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Comment #4 - Posted August 14, 2010, 02:46:46 AM
Treefox, Thank you. It would be interesting to apply the heroes ElfQuest costumes of other nations. But, by virtue of its origin, I can only describe in detail Russian costume.


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Comment #5 - Posted August 15, 2010, 04:54:26 AM
I could imagine a cliche German Dirndl on Leetah...


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Comment #6 - Posted August 15, 2010, 04:51:03 PM
Leetah in German costume? Fräulein Leetah)))) By the way, it would be interesting would be.
Last Edited: August 15, 2010, 04:53:03 PM

David Kristens

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Comment #7 - Posted February 04, 2011, 05:55:26 AM
She looks as Chernava from my favorite tale: Tsarevna kukushka. ^_^''


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Comment #8 - Posted February 07, 2011, 09:49:02 AM
I think it almost makes Winnowill look scarier! The costume suggests... power. Political power, maybe? Wealth? Similar to canon Winnowill's position, I think. I love it!
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